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Comic The Spidey Sense. The tingling is the larvae. Transcript: Comic 'The Spidey Sense' Panel 1Peter Parker: Waaagh! A radioactive spider! Spider: Bite! Panel 2Peter Parker: Hey my eyes.. Panel 3[Millions of baby spiders burst from Peter Parker's eyes] Avengers vs justice friends//Michael Avon Oeming/O/ Comic Art Community GALLERY OF COMIC ART. Social Spew — 12 Awesome Displays of ‘Rage Comics’ In Real Life.

It’s no big secret that I love me some Rage Comics and while the comic itself is awesome; it gets even better when someone takes it to the next level. Here are 12 displays of people getting some RAGE in real life. Career Day: Victorian World’s Finest. Note: Check out these awesome Victorian-themed redesigns of Batman and Superman from our pal Matthew Humphreys! I especially dig this Batman’s grapple gun! I wish DC would bring back Elsewords. – Dean Trippe Matthew Humphreys. Comic Blasphemy | It's Not a Dick, It's Just a Big Clit. 069: Perception. CGPortfolio - Mariano Steiner.