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LA GERENCIA - INSTITUTO DE LOS ANDES. Fit.pdf (application/pdf Object) Reingeniería. The Definition of Organizational Alignment. Organizational Alignment and Project Success | Eric D. Organization Alignment seems like one of those ‘touchy feely’ things that most technical folks would rather not discuss but it’s actually quite relevant to success in todays technology and project driven organizations. Note: For books on organizational alignement, check out these amazon books: Books on Organizational Alignment Organizational alignment is the practice of aligning an organization’s strategy and culture. In other words, organizational alignment helps to ensure that ‘what gets done’ is in line with ‘how things get done’ and vice versa. For a more detailed description of organizational alignment, take a look at the article on Organizational Alignment on Vanguard Consulting’s website.

As mentioned, Organizational Alignment is the act (or art?) Of aligning strategy and culture. For a project to be successful, an organization must have its strategic goals aligned with its cultural values…and projects must also be aligned with the organizations’ culture and strategy. Hacia un Modelo de Implementación del Alineamiento Estratégico. Actualizaciones para el Desarrollo OrganizacionalLoreto Marchant Ramírez Hacia un Modelo de Implementación del Alineamiento Estratégico*: *(Copyright Marchant 2005) Cómo Transformar la Misión de la Empresa en Comportamientos y Resultados Loreto Marchant R. Psicóloga MBA en Dirección de Organizaciones RRHH “Menos del 10% de las estrategias que se formulan con efectividad son también implantadas con efectividad” (Fortune) “Menos del 60% de los ejecutivos y menos del 10% de los empleados creen que tienen una comprensión clara acerca de la estrategia de su compañía” (Renaissence/ Business Inteligence) INTRODUCCIÓN La estrategia es la definición de fines y medios que orientan a la organización y se traduce en la forma en que la empresa intenta crear valor para sus accionistas, dueños y la comunidad.

Permite proyectar a la organización en el largo plazo, dándole un significado y dirección más trascendente que los objetivos financieros. Organizational Alignment. Supernatural Story Finders. Hi! So I've been kicking myself trying to find this story, and it's a no-go far - so some help would be great! Basically, I found it on LJ, I think, and the tital was in Latin. I think it might have started with an F or a T. It was pretty long, from what I remember, and set in season 7. Basically, the entire premise was that Sam was continually hallucinating Lucifier as well as developing a fixation with doing things in threes.

Things like three showers a day, only eating dinner before five, always doing laundry on Saturdays, I think, even if they were in the middle of a case. In the beginning on the story, on a case, he ended up getting burned while on a hunt for a witch. There's an entire scene of the Winchesters buying pens in a Staples, basically, and Sam being super picky about it - how many black pens vs. blue - and it not being played for laughs. At some pointt some point, Sam was kidnapped by Crowley and chained to a pipe in some warehouse, arms above his head. FUNDAMENTOS DE LA REINGENIERIA. Brainstorming. El "Brainstorming", o Lluvia de Ideas, fue la primera entre las técnicas creativas que se aplicaron a la gestión. Alex F. Osborn la puso en práctica en el año 1938 y desde entonces se ha integrado de tal manera en la forma de vida norteamericana que el término ha sido incluido en el Webster´s International Dictionary, definiéndose como: "La práctica de una técnica de conferencia en la que un grupo de personas busca la solución a un problema específico, juntando todas las ideas aportadas en forma espontánea por sus integrantes".

Desde esos días de la pre - guerra cuando Osborn practicó el "Brainstorming" en su propia empresa, se han realizado amplias inversiones de la técnica y los principios que la apoyan en varias universidades norteamericanas, incluyendo la de Harvard y el Massachusetts Institute of Technology, y esta técnica ha llegado a formar parte de los programas de estudio de la mayoría de esos centros de estudio que cuentan con cursos de pensamiento creativo. Las Reglas Básicas. Quality function deployment. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a “method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process.”,[1] as described by Dr.

Yoji Akao, who originally developed QFD in Japan in 1966, when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in value engineering. QFD helps transform customer needs (the voice of the customer [VOC]) into engineering characteristics (and appropriate test methods) for a product or service, prioritizing each product or service characteristic while simultaneously setting development targets for product or service. Areas of application[edit] QFD House of Quality for Enterprise Product Development Processes Techniques and tools based on QFD[edit] House of Quality[edit] Pugh concept selection[edit] Notes[edit] References[edit] What is QFD? What is QFD? "Time was when a man could order a pair of shoes directly from the cobbler. By measuring the foot himself and personally handling all aspects of manufacturing, the cobbler could assure the customer would be satisfied," lamented Dr.

Yoji Akao, one of the founders of QFD, in his private lectures. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was developed to bring this personal interface to modern manufacturing and business. QFD is: Understanding Customer Requirements Quality Systems Thinking + Psychology + Knowledge/Epistemology Maximizing Positive Quality That Adds Value Comprehensive Quality System for Customer Satisfaction Strategy to Stay Ahead of The Game As a quality system that implements elements of Systems Thinking with elements of Psychology and Epistemology (knowledge), QFD provides a system of comprehensive development process for: Read more about QFD...

QFD and Six Sigma in Service Industry QFD for Service and Information Economy QFD in the Public Sector. Taking the First Step with the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle | Karn G. Bulsuk: Full Speed Ahead. Learn the basics of how to use the PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), the very first quality improvement and effective project management tool in your arsenal when implementing kaizen. By Karn G. Bulsuk Related articles:- Extended PDCA Diagram and how to use it - PDCA wallchart to keep track of your PDCA status PDCA is the very first, fundamental tool in your arsenal in implementing kaizen. It mainly does three things:Helps you to continually change and tweak what you do in order to:Achieve higher quality in your results and processes.Gain continual increases in work efficiency.Allows you to clearly see which stage your project is at.Assists you in handling your work logically and systematically. Simply put, PDCA is a way to reduce reliance on Murphy’s Law, and move from a reactive problem fixing model to a proactive one.

The original concept was made popular by statistician Edwards Deming, the father of modern quality management. In any project, you will first need a detailed plan. Summary. Everything-you-need-to-know-about-benchmarking.pdf (application/pdf Object) Benchmarking: continuous performance improvement quality tool. Benchmarking Definitions and Overview, Univ of Wisc-Milw, Center for Urban Transportation Studies (CUTS) Benchmarking: Definitions and Overview by Joseph BlakemanCenter for Urban Transportation StudiesUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeJune, 2002 Contents IntroductionHistory of BenchmarkingAdvantages/DisadvantagesBenchmarking ProcessGov't vs Private Roles in BenchmarkingDo's and Don'tsAwardsA Case StudyReferences What is Benchmarking?

The term benchmarking was originally used by early land surveyors, who used the term to identify a fixed point from which all other measurements are made. Businesses such as AT&T, Motorola, Xerox, as well as most major corporations and many smaller ones have embraced benchmarking as standard operating procedure since the mid- to late 1980's. The issue of government benchmarking was among many in Vice-President Gore's National Partnership for Reinventing Government Report (NPR).

Benchmarking is both different and similar in ways to other types of business improvement practices. Benchmarking vs. Benchmarking vs. Benchmarking vs. Summary The History of Benchmarking: