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SparkNotes Guides: Our guides contain thorough summaries and insightful critical analyses. No Fear Shakespeare: No Fear Shakespeare provides side-by-side translations of Shakespeare into plain English. Free Reading Passages and Literacy Resources. Free Reading Passages and Literacy Resources. Critical Reasoning for Beginners. Getting started with EndNote. EndNote is a tool that helps you to collect and store all the references you have found from different sources.

You can use EndNote to insert and format in-text citations and bibliographies within Microsoft Word documents. This guide will help you to create and manage an EndNote library, export and enter references, and use EndNote to insert citations and a bibliography. Download a print version of a guide to using EndNote (PDF) EndNote is available on all University cluster PCs and accessible off-campus via Desktop Anywhere. You can also install EndNote on your personal computer or laptop by clicking on EndNote in the IT Shop. Watch our training videos Take a look at our training videos for EndNote. Top tips for using EndNote Here are our top tips for using EndNote: Create one library to keep all your references in the same place.

Further help If you would like a more comprehensive guide, download the full EndNote X9 user manual (PDF). How to Use Easy Short Stories to Improve Your English. You can use your English to learn about other people’s lives, study history, experience new cultures and explore new places.

How to Use Easy Short Stories to Improve Your English

And you can do this without traveling anywhere! All you need is a great story. You probably already know that, in order to improve your English, you need to get some real-life practice. What you might not know is that stories are ideal resources for this real-life practice. Even better are easy English short stories. Short stories will expose you to the English vocabulary you’re learning in a more natural format, giving you a chance to see the words in context and remember them forever. ESL Fast - A huge free online English learning resource.

Questions to Guide Reading Conferences. Texts for Reading. Reading Comprehension Activities. Bottom Line Ask anyone about engaging and effective Reading Comprehension activities and you will get a myriad of replies and suggestions.

I know, because I asked! I asked educators and non-educators to send me either activities they used or remember being used when they were students. The good news, there are countless recommendations! The bad news, there are countless recommendations. Teaching has dramatically changed during my tenure. Academic Research For those of us who want evidence from academic research of proven Reading Comprehension activities, there is no end to exploring this path. Activating Prior KnowledgeAsking Questions While ReadingVisualizingMonitor/Check For UnderstandingDrawing InferencesSummarize/Retell (Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through Third Grade ) If the Reading Comprehension activity has one or more of these strategies, then the likelihood of success is high. Transactional Strategy Instruction. Activities for Learners.

Short stories for kids. English news and easy articles for students of English. Question types. Texts for Reading. Cracking SAT Critical Reading. TOEFL Reading Comprehension. Reading Comprehension. Open eBooks. Inference Worksheets. TOEFL Reading Strategies - Better TOEFL Scores Blog. Several TOEFL reading strategies will help you to use your existing English to get the highest possible score on the reading section of the TOEFL iBT.

TOEFL Reading Strategies - Better TOEFL Scores Blog

TOEFL Reading Strategies: Are you ready to take the TOEFL iBT? Unfortunately, many students take the TOEFL iBT before they are ready. If you can read 300 words per minute with 60%-80% comprehension, you are ready to take the test. If you do not know what you current reading speed is, go to Go to the 300 words per minute practice test. Spend one minute reading the passage. Without looking at the passage, take the five question multiple choice quiz. If you score 3/5 or higher on the quiz, then you are ready to take the TOEFL iBT. TOEFL Reading Strategies: Crap! If you scored below 3/5 on the 300 words per minute practice test, then you need to do what 1000’s of other students have done: Prepare, prepare, and prepare. When choosing a course plan, keep in mind the following: Study your lessons for the recommended period of time. Good luck! Related. Reading Strategies.

Reading Comprehension

Cracking SAT Critical Reading.