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EveryDesigns is an online graphic design platform providing businesses and startups with the best graphic design services at affordable prices.

How a Website Design Can Influence Your Customers Behavior. Website design is an interface that your customer uses to interact with your business online.

How a Website Design Can Influence Your Customers Behavior

Having an optimized interface design helps the user in guiding through easily, fast which results in enhanced customer experience. A good design is one of the most influential factors that enable a brand to get its customers to buy from them. The design makes your business look professional and help your customers in trusting you. In this article, we list how a website design can influence your customer behavior. A human being is the only species in the animal kingdom that see a wide range of colors. Color subconsciously affects your behavior and that behavior gets reflected back with an emotional response towards you. 6 Must-Have Elements for an Amazing Branding Strategy. Having an effective branding strategy helps you in doing so much work in an easy and faster way.

6 Must-Have Elements for an Amazing Branding Strategy

Planning a strategy requires a lot of brain-storming, hit & trial and analyzing, but investing time in doing this ensures that you get a never-failing branding strategy. Branding is more than your logo design or business name, it is what your business is and how it is going to be. Branding is a process that begins the day you start your business. There are a lot of different elements that join over time to expand and improve brand performance. In this article, we will discuss what these elements are, but, before that let’s find out what is branding and how these elements can affect branding. Brand Persona- Build an Amazing Brand Persona for Your Business.

Posted by jennytarga on February 25th, 2020 One of the essential tasks a business has to do is communicating with people.

Brand Persona- Build an Amazing Brand Persona for Your Business

Establishing a communication channel is essential for any business to put the business name out there. A brand persona is a way you communicate with your audience. The tonality and personality your brand voice has. There are a lot of ways to communicate with your audience visually, via social media, written articles, posts, video and much more. Why Personal Branding is Important for Business?

5 Important Graphic Design Tips for Every Successful Business. Businesses and startups often overlook the importance of graphic design for their business growth.

5 Important Graphic Design Tips for Every Successful Business

This is a critical error that they make. Businesses or startups that ignore the design elements in their business face loss. Around 63% of the entire human population are visual learners meaning more than half the population gets influence visually, therefore, it is essential for you to improve your visual appeal of a business asset like logo design, business card, poster, etc. How to Serve Customers Better in 2020? Serving customers is the primary motive for any business but, providing a better and improving customer service is what makes a real difference.

How to Serve Customers Better in 2020?

Don’t you think? What comes to your mind when I say “E-commerce”? 99.99% of the time it’s “Amazon”, it's not because it is famous although it is an important factor, the customer service provided by Amazon is exceptional. This is the quote by Jeff Bezos, the founder of the e-commerce giant and the world’s richest man- “If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. He also encourages businesses to optimize businesses to become more customer-oriented.

How to Frame an Amazing Brand Experience for Your Clients? Brand experience has a lot to do with how your business is going to increase its growth.

How to Frame an Amazing Brand Experience for Your Clients?

It basically is how your brand looks in the market. There are two different parts of a person’s personality- one is the public image and the other is the personal image that only close relatives and friends are aware of. Similarly, brand experience is the public image of your brand and working on the brand experience attracts more customers and increases your brand growth. How to Build an Effective Marketing Strategy for Your Business? Having an effective marketing strategy is very important for your business.

How to Build an Effective Marketing Strategy for Your Business?

How to Build a Successful Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business? A successful business needs a successful graphic design strategy.

How to Build a Successful Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business?

A strategy helps the business in taking necessary action and adequate guidance to increase business growth. There are a lot of factors that go into building an effective business strategy, but, when it comes to graphic design strategy, it’s all about the visuals and representing your business visually to your customers. Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs. Marketing tools are like a helping hand that makes your job so easy.

Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs

These tools are designed in such a way that it saves you time, effort and money. Apart from finding customers, one of the most difficult problems faced by entrepreneurs is to save time and manage cash flow. Top 7 Best Actionable Plans to Make Your Business Successful. A successful business always runs on the right planning and strategy.

Top 7 Best Actionable Plans to Make Your Business Successful

The planning and strategy do not need to be crystal perfect but at least clear enough for you and your team to take action on it. There are two types of people in this world: The first one is the one who thinks let’s call him “Thinker” The second one is the one who takes action we’ll call him “Doer” These two individuals have different qualities that make them different and you can deduce these qualities based on the name. Best Resources to Make Money by Learning Designing [Free] Everyone has some passion or desire to learn a skill and if you are the artistic one too but do not know where to start, you are in the right place. This guide helps you in turning your passion into your dream work. Using this skill you get to become a professional designer and earn money for what your passion is. Designing is a skill that is needed in every field, every business needs graphic designing whether it’s for blog posts, flyers, banner or poster, etc. they need a designer to display their brand beautifully.

So, here are the best resources to learn graphic designing for little to no money at all. 10 Best Illustrator Hacks that Instantly Save your Time. Adobe illustrator hacks could help you in saving tons of time and lots of money. Illustrator CC is one of the best tools for designing graphics and illustration. The illustration CC provides you with a pixel-perfect shape that allows you to scale the graphics without breaking it.

With multiple options and lots of settings, adobe illustrator can be a little challenging to learn and master, but if you could do that, you are halfway there to become a professional graphic designer. As a graphic designer, time is a very valuable asset. You have to be productive in order to create more designs hence, more money. Here are the top 10 Adobe illustrator hacks that instantly save you time. A Step By Step Guide to Design a Logo for Your Clients. Posted by jennytarga on February 7th, 2020. Top 5 Best Branding Strategies for Your Business Growth. How Businesses Use Psychology to Increase Sales? - EveryDesigns - Medium.

Businesses use everything in their power to increase their sales. They offer a discount, indulge in aggressive marketing, create a monopoly and apply various business strategies to skyrocket their growth. One more thing that businesses use, which works on background level is psychology. Psychology is a very important part of human behavioral science. How to Get Started As a Graphic Designer? Graphic Design is one of the most important services that any firm in the world needs. Visual graphics help a business in attracting customers as most of the human populations are visual learners. Therefore, it is one of the most prominent career fields where you can grow and experiment with new trends. This field is best for creative folks who like to use colors, images, patterns, and other elements. Since modern technology demands digital art rather than a paper, therefore, learning a computer tool becomes absolutely important.

Visual Branding: Build Powerful Visual Branding For Your Business. How to use Facebook Groups to Increase Website Traffic?: jennytarga — LiveJournal. Facebook groups can really help you increase website traffic. Don’t believe me. Let me explain how? Some of the problems that many new websites face are no increase in traffic. Many market gurus believe that you can only increase traffic to the website by ranking the website on popular keywords. The use of social media, especially for businesses, is just limited to creating a Facebook page and regularly posting content on it.

Professional logo designers. Top 10 Best Web Design Trends for 2020. Web design trends are one of the most volatile factors that influence the graphic design industry. In 2020, people are setting new trends, reviving old design concepts, innovating new ideas and doing all the crazy stuff. Cultural changes and new technological advancements influence the design trends highly. Businesses pay firm attention to these changing design trends and come up with new designs or strategies satisfying these trends.

List of 10 Best Graphic Design Contest Websites Article. 15 Best Marketing Tools to Increase your Sales. Whether it’s a small business or an enterprise, every business needs to have its marketing game on point. Big businesses invest heavily in marketing and promoting their products on various platforms like Google, social media, banner ads, etc. but, a small business that cannot afford big marketing budget hence, lacks behind and fails. Did you know around 90% of the startup fails within the first year of establishment?

Do you know why? Graphic Design Services. How To Use Psychology For Creating Brand Loyalty? Brand loyalty is one of the most important assets for a business. Many studies and data clearly indicate that acquiring a new client is 25 times more expensive than re-targeting the existing customers. There are two different types of strategies that businesses adopt in order to get sales, which are as follows- Customer Retention Customer Acquisition Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention. Hypothesis annotation for Color Psychology- Build your Brand Image using Color Theory. Color, psychology and branding are all very different things, but when we combine all of them, you get a guide that helps businesses in building their brand using color psychology.

Amazing Facts about Logo Design that Might Shock You. T Shirt Design Online. Business Card Design Online. Logo design services by professional designers.