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Getting Fit Programs. The Ultimate Female Training Guide: Specific, Proven Methods to Get Lean And Sexy. The primary concern women have when it comes to weight training is, “I don’t want to get big or bulky.”

The Ultimate Female Training Guide: Specific, Proven Methods to Get Lean And Sexy

We are here to tell you that you won’t! The Testosterone Story The hormone testosterone is responsible for the large increases in muscle mass seen when men lift weights. Women’s testosterone levels are a fraction of men’s testosterone levels. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200-1200 ng/dl while 15-70 ng/dl are normal in women. What about the female bodybuilders? Printable Workout Plans – Women. workouts search. Get With The Program: The Category 2 Workout. I see too many people in the gym with no plan or idea what to do.

Get With The Program: The Category 2 Workout

They end up walking around haphazardly trying to decide what exercises to perform. They’ll do a few of these over there, then some of those near that machine, maybe a few of these machine whatcha-macall-its and so on. In order to help ensure exercise success, you need a plan, one that tells you what to do before you get to the gym or start your workout. Get With The Program: The 50/50 Workout. Hey everyone.

Get With The Program: The 50/50 Workout

How are you all doing? It’s Get With The Program time again… Today I’m introducing 50/50, in which half of the workout is straight, full body weight training, and the other half consists of cardio and calisthenics. The weight training features super-set style training, and you’ll be performing two exercises for the same muscle group back to back. In addition, the body is divided in half as well; upper and lower. Get With The Program: The Weight A Minute Workout. Hi there – I hope you’re all doing terrific.

Get With The Program: The Weight A Minute Workout

It’s time for another Angry Trainer workout… I really enjoy writing these programs for you and today is no exception. Today’s full body workout is all about time – 1 minute to be exact. For each exercise you’ll perform a number of reps and keep moving for an entire minute. The idea is to not stop and continuously move from one exercise to the next, so choose your weights carefully. Ideally, I’d challenge you to get 10 reps in that one minute. Weight A Minute *Warm-up – Elliptical, bike, treadmill x 5minutes @ moderate pace - For the first set of each exercise, be sure to warm up with a lighter weight, and then increase for set # 2. - Try to only take the time that’s needed to move from one exercise to the next.

Get With The Program: The 4 Quarters Workout. It’s been a while since I posted my last Get With The Program workout – but don’t worry this one will make up for lost time!

Get With The Program: The 4 Quarters Workout

Today’s workout is all about ENDURANCE; it has 4 circuits, or 4 exercises, each with 25 repetitions! You basically have two muscle fiber types; those that are responsible for explosive power and strength, and others that provide more muscular endurance. Heavier weight and lower reps build more strength, while lighter weight and higher reps build endurance. Get With The Program: The Join The Band Workout. Hi there!

Get With The Program: The Join The Band Workout

It’s Get With The Program time again. This workout was literally created in my driveway the other day when time ran short and I used my resistance bands and my bodyweight for an awesome workout. As I’ve mentioned before, I love the feel of using bands instead of traditional weights. Plus they’re portable, cheap, and super easy to use. For this workout I had limited time, so for those of you on the go, or perhaps away on vacation or a business trip, it’s perfect. The Join The Band Workout *Warm-up – Jumping Jacks x 1 minute - Move from one exercise to the next, only resting at the end of each circuit Circuit # 1 Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

*Rest 45 seconds before going to Circuit #2 Circuit # 2 1. Get With The Program: The All AND Nothing Workout. Hey, how are everyone’s workouts coming along?

Get With The Program: The All AND Nothing Workout

Hopefully you’ve been trying my Angry Trainer Fitness signature workouts and are getting great results. The workout I’m introducing today is about giving it your ALL, using absolutely NOTHING; no weights, resistance bands or balls – just you, your body, motivation, and about 30 minutes of time. Get With The Program: The Mix N Match Workout! How’s everyone doing?

Get With The Program: The Mix N Match Workout!

Summer’s here and I know many of you are still scrambling to get your bodies in beach ready shape. I also know that a lot of you don’t have much time to commit to an exercise program. So hopefully I can help! As you may have noticed there’s been a big trend lately in the fitness world towards shorter, high intensity workouts, usually in the 20 – 30 minute range. While I prefer workouts in the 45 -60 minute range, switching things up and hitting a hard 30 minute blast can and will get you in shape. So today’s workout comprises of 3 circuits; 1 that’s a mix of calisthenics, plyo-metrics, strength training, and cardiovascular conditioning, 1 that involves strength training, and another that features cardiovascular conditioning. The key is to make the most of those precious minutes. The Mix N Match Workout!