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EvenSkyn® is a manufacturer of premium skin care devices, Laser hair removal, Anti-aging, and helping men and women have smooth, hair-free skin. Visit us today!

Daily Habits and Skin Aging- Is there a Correlation? Daily Habits and Skin Aging- Is there a Correlation? How Ultrasonic Cleansing is Much Better Than Using a Deep Skin Cleansing Product. Skin cleansing in various forms is an essential part of the beauty clinic industry.

How Ultrasonic Cleansing is Much Better Than Using a Deep Skin Cleansing Product

It removes debris, dirt, and sebum caused by modern-day pollution and helps to slow the aging process. However, the challenge faced by beauticians is avoiding the excess removal of sebum and maintaining an intact outer skin barrier, the correct pH level, and adequate hydration. With that said, Ultrasonic Cleansing, together with more traditional skincare methods, is an effective method to avoid the risk of over-cleansing. What Does Ultrasonic Mean? Ultrasonic Cleansing is not a new concept and has been used in the industry for many years. Is It Time to Switch to At-Home Laser Hair Removal? Reverse The Clock with At-Home Skin Tightening! Explore Amazing Benefits. Do you hate your look in the mirror with fine lines and wrinkles?

Reverse The Clock with At-Home Skin Tightening! Explore Amazing Benefits

Of course, no one wishes for loose and sagging skin, but no matter how hard we try, age comes with its all repercussions. We all have to brace ourselves for sagging skin on the face, neck, chin, and arms with age. And, trust us, all this is so frustrating, to add to your troubles are the expensive skin tightening treatments. They provide satisfactory results but at the cost of your time and huge bucks.

What is the Difference Between Monopolar, Bipolar, and Multipolar Radiofrequency. When you’ve read about radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening in the past, you may have noticed the words “bipolar,” “monopolar,” and “multipolar” popping up all over the place.

What is the Difference Between Monopolar, Bipolar, and Multipolar Radiofrequency

These terms may seem complicated at first and may deter you completely from trying this revolutionary skin treatment. But we're here to tell you that these words are not as complicated as they seem. And we’re going to explain what they are and why they are used to talk about RF technology, so you understand what you’re reading when you look into this skin-tightening treatment. But first, let’s redefine what RF skin-tightening treatment is so that you have the right context for these definitions. RF skin-tightening involves the use of energy waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, known as radiofrequency. Can Blue Light Therapy (BLT) Actually Help Kill Acne-Causing Bacteria?

Acne is a skin condition that can persist even in adulthood and occurs when your hair follicles become blocked with oil, dead skin, and bacteria.

Can Blue Light Therapy (BLT) Actually Help Kill Acne-Causing Bacteria?

It can bothersome especially when it appears in visible areas like the face. While there are many oral and topical treatments for it, some cases may be worse than others. Fortunately, doctors have developed several treatments and therapies to work on special acne cases. One of the most effective is blue light therapy. It is a safe light-based treatment that stimulates your skin cells to fight off acne. What to Look for in a Skin Tightening Handset. Introduction Sagging and loosening of the skin is part of the aging process, but other factors are also associated with loosening of the skin like exposure to the sun, genetics, smoking, air pollutants, diet, etc.

What to Look for in a Skin Tightening Handset

All these factors affect the ability of the body to restore the damage done to the skin cells.1 Skin tightening is considered as the foundation in the skin rejuvenation process, which involves a variety of products, devices, and procedures that help in the process of skin tightening, by improving the skin laxity and crepiness of the skin.1,2. Avoid 6 Skin Cleansing Mistakes & Pave the Way for Glowing Skin. Today we are going to discuss something significant with all you beautiful people out there.

Avoid 6 Skin Cleansing Mistakes & Pave the Way for Glowing Skin

This blog will pave the way for glowing skin full of nourishment that, for some, is only a dream. Yes, we will talk about the most important part of your skin ritual AKA facial cleansing. 10 Things You Need to Know About Radiofrequency Anti-aging Treatments. As we age, our skin tends to sag and loosen in different parts of the body.

10 Things You Need to Know About Radiofrequency Anti-aging Treatments

This results from elastin fibers breaking down, thinning of the epidermis, and reduced collagen production. Although this is natural, there are modern breakthroughs to reverse skin aging. One of the most popular is radiofrequency treatment. Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment, also known as RF, is a non-invasive and non-surgical aesthetic treatment. Anti-Aging Advice for Every Age-Look Beautiful No Matter Your Age. Skin Aging Facts and How to Fight It the Right Way. How Radiofrequency Therapy and Microcurrents Can Both Work in Concert. Radio frequency therapy and Microcurrents technique are both used for tightening of loose skin.

How Radiofrequency Therapy and Microcurrents Can Both Work in Concert

Both these techniques are non-invasive and have helped millions to reduce their signs of ageing that show on the skin in the form of sagging skin. While both these techniques can be used successfully on their own, i.e., independently, there are now options available in the markets that combine both the techniques. Now, consumers do not need to choose between the two and can benefit from the combined effects of both RF therapy and Microcurrents. As we read further, let us introduce you to each of the two techniques, showing you how they work to help improve sagging skin as well as how the two techniques work harmoniously together. Radiofrequency Therapy. Skin Care Myths Debunked- Let Your Skin Breathe. Has anyone ever told you to use SPF protection no matter the weather condition?

Skin Care Myths Debunked- Let Your Skin Breathe

Or, wait, you have been told repeatedly to get glowing skin, you need to spend a massive amount on those expensive salon sessions? But do these skincare tips really work, or are you guilty of following them without knowing the fact or science behind them? If you answer in affirmation, we are here to make life simple for you.

Thanks to the internet and old wives ' tales, there are many skin care tips available, but not all of them are good. Debunk Skin Care Myths to Get Glowing Skin. What Causes Wrinkles & How to Reverse the Signs of Aging? Do you Know Human Skin Consists of Three Layers?

What Causes Wrinkles & How to Reverse the Signs of Aging?

Epidermis: The outer layer of the skin acts as a barrier for the underlying layers and is the first line of defense in our body's immune system. Dermis: This layer consists of nerves, fats, blood vessels, elastin, and collagen fibers. Collagen gives strength, and elastin helps your skin to stretch back and forth. Subcutaneous Tissue: This layer is made up of fat and keeps you warm, and protects internal organs. Surprising Facts About Skin Aging and Ways to Prevent Wrinkles. Radio Frequency Anti-Aging & Skin Tightening Device- A Miracle Product. Laser Hair Removal, Anti-Aging & Facial Handsets. Do Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Devices Work? Are They Safe? Sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles are the worst nightmare for anyone. Who doesn’t want flawless skin that shows no signs of aging? We all do, right! But, the question is how to look and feel your best.

After you look at yourself in the mirror, do you see fine lines, or a good look at your neck when typing downwards make you wonder what just happened?