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CIB. INNOVACT. Nz9c4vnj Shared by eutokia. BIORTU. o0wtzsj Shared by eutokia. WALK ON PROJECT. DENOKINN. C2+I. CONEXIONES IMPROBABLES. Berrikuntza, elkarlanean. Conexiones Improbables ekimenak Gipuzkoako lau enpresa elkarlanean jarri ditu hainbat artistarekin, ikuspegi berrien bitartez proiektu berritzaileak garatzeko.

Berrikuntza, elkarlanean

Iñaki Lasa Donostia Paola Tognazzi artista multimediak Grupo i68 enpresarekin lankidetza egin du Conexiones Improbables jardunaldietan. / JON URBE / ARP Paola Tognazzi artista besoak eta gorputza mugitzen, dantzan, eskuetan iPhone bat duela. The Swell Season taldearen Falling Slowly abestiarekin jolasean ari da: abiadura eman, moteldu, bolumena igo... guztia bere gorputzarekin. Hori dena uhin bidez islatuz doa pantaila batean. Antzezpen artistiko berritzaile bat dirudi, baina ez da antzezpen soila. Ipar-Aurora programa erabili du Tognazzik. Ustez aldenduta dauden bi mundu elkartu dituzte Conexiones Improbables jardunaldietan: enpresak eta artista sortzaileak.

Gizartearen ekarpena eta parte hartzea ezinbestekoa da enpresen etorkizunerako. OpenLab in Australia. Presented by ARTSHOUSE, Banana Asylum, FSGR and Conexionnes Improbables.

OpenLab in Australia

Libraries are places that are naturally interdisciplinary, porous and open to imaginative trajectories. In an increasingly digital world, libraries are seeking new ways to engage audiences and readers with changing bodies of knowledge. In this context Banana Asylum in collaboration with the Fundacion Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, are working with the staff, to imagine the 'Cultural centre for the future'’. The aim of the project is to reconcile cultural consumption in an emerging culture of cloud technology with a physical space of encounter, making conversation a fundamental basis of the relationship between citizens, culture and the community.

This OpenLab is an opportunity to bring artists working in libraries together to discuss converging practices and opportunities for nterdisciplinary dialogue in a library context. OpenLabs in Bizkaia. DeustoTech (the R&D unit of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto) is together with Remedios Zafra (artist and researcher) seeking to promote the vocation of women in research in the field of EICTs (electronic, information and communication technologies) and towards associated engineering degrees.

OpenLabs in Bizkaia

They are developing three lines of work based on the idea that vocations are related to cultural imaginaries and patterns, with social expectations, with the processes of play and education and also with the formation of the different engineering and technological research fields. The three lines have been dubbed: techno-imaginaries, lovetek and deco-eict and involve interventions in various fields of action.

A common idea in all three is that vocation is related to the possibility of converting a hobby into a job. They are aiming to create audiovisual content for the game based on the subject of a health crisis in an hypothetical future within the framework of the OpenLab. Pagina. 18-20 October 2011, San Telmo Museum (Donostia-San Sebastian) The best of each house, 17/18 October Fagor Electrical Appliances, a Mondragón Corporation cooperative, is together with the PKMN group of architects investigating how to convert people who are using the cooperative’s products or services at an international level into active users, thus transferring the cooperative values of its (local) production area to its (global) commercial area.


In order to achieve this, they are aiming to make its cooperative values more explicit through the use of personal items (“the best of each house”) belonging to cooperative members (in order to convert them into “cooperactivists”). During the OpenLab, they will record people making up stories based on one of the objects. These videos will later be screened at the San Telmo Museum, where anybody can also record themselves telling their own version of the story of any of the objects. Innovation stories, 18 October. CONEXIONES IMPROBABLES. Gipuzkoa en la Onda San Sebastian Radio Onda Cero. Conexiones Improbables: una plataforma que une a empresas y artistas.

En el Museo San Telmo presentan los 'Openlab's o Laboratorios Abiertos de la plataforma 'Conexiones Improbables'.

Conexiones Improbables: una plataforma que une a empresas y artistas

Fusionan el mundo empresarial y el artístico para desarrollar proyectos innovadores. CONEXIONES IMPROBABLES. Creative pills What are creative pills?


[3 min.] Spanish TV Documentary about Conexiones improbables by Spanish TV Channel TVE2, within its programme La aventura del saber, with examples of collaboration between artists and organisations at Cruces Hospital, Silam, Orbea, i68 and Nekane Moda. [February 2014, 20 min.] Successful collaborations between artists and organisations. Arte y empresa unidos para innovar. Medio centenar de personas bailan, divididas en parejas, tratando de que el palo que sujetan débilmente con un dedo no caiga al suelo.

Arte y empresa unidos para innovar

A primera vista parecería que se trata de un ensayo de cualquier coreografía de un grupo de danza, pero nada más lejos la realidad, lo que estas personas realizan es un ejercicio ideado por la artista Virginia Ímaz con el que trata de generar enfoques creativos que favorezcan la comunicación y la motivación entre el profesorado. «Estamos convencidos de que las artes y el pensamiento tienen una gran capacidad en este momento en el que atravesamos una cierta crisis, no sólo económica sino también probablemente de ideas, de generar nuevas preguntas, de incorporar nuevas miradas a la forma en que las empresas y las organizaciones de todo tipo han de responder a los nuevos retos que les surgen», decía ayer Gómez de la Iglesia durante la presentación de los 'Open Labs' en San Telmo.

Un «honor» para San Telmo. Oficina de Jóvenes Creadores - Conexiones improbables. Open Labs. REAS. AMASTÉ. COLABORABORA. BAJOELAGUA FACTORY. INIT. URBAN INTELLIGENT. LAN EKINTZA. BULTZ-LAN. CiB.