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Feature enhancements to Google Classroom. Google Classroom launched this summer to make Google Apps for Education even simpler — saving teachers time and making it easier to collaborate with students.

Feature enhancements to Google Classroom

Today, we’re launching five improvements to Classroom, focusing on things educators and students around the world told us were most important to them: Groups integration: Ability to pre-populate classes using existing Google Groups. Release track: Rapid release and Scheduled release. Reflexiones sobre Google Classroom. 5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education. Google recently announced winners of its Google Glass contest, most of which were celebrities and famous Twitter users.

5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education

The technology is poised to go main stream once it’s released to the masses. Among all the possible consumers of Google Glass, the device has the potential to bring exciting new possibilities to teachers and and students alike (not unlike how the iPad ignited the use of tablets in academic uses). The Glass can be used for a variety of purposes which don’t require any taps or navigation, responding instead to voice commands. It can be used to record videos, share content, take images, and detect objects in front of you and look up related information like directions or maps. The glasses will allow the user to stay connected to an interactive environment featuring online tools all the time.

5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education.