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Portugal: Santa Iria fair to start from Friday - europanews20. Faro's renowned Santa Iria fair will take place between October 15 and 24.

Portugal: Santa Iria fair to start from Friday - europanews20

Ambifaro, the municipal company that organizes the festival, confirmed the news. The fair, which is a tremendously popular event in the Algarve's capital, is thought to date back several centuries. Although the organizers state that "it is impossible to establish with certainty when it was originally held," texts imply that it dates back to 1596. The fair will be held at Largo de So Francisco and will include the customary attractions and exhibits showcasing local artisan and companies. Delicacies from the Algarve and the rest of Portugal will be available, including classic 'farturas' (fried doughnuts wrapped in sugar and cinnamon) and staples like 'po com chouriço' (chorizo-filled bread). Portugal: Madeira to relax many restrictions - europanews20. The Madeira government claims it will be able to announce fresh measures to ease the limits imposed by Covid-19 next week, according to the chief executive, who mentioned the end of the curfew and the reopening of clubs.

Portugal: Madeira to relax many restrictions - europanews20

"The end of curfew can be taken for granted," Miguel Albuquerque declared at the opening session of the Madeira Chemistry Center's 8th Annual Meeting in Funchal. "We believe we will be in a position to make a series of choices on Thursday," Miguel Albuquerque stated, "with fresh steps to reduce restrictions as of Friday. " Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us. Commercial businesses in the Autonomous Region of Madeira are forced to close at 01:00, and a curfew is in effect between 02:00 and 05:00. Switzerland:Tourism industry topped pre-pandemic levels - europanews20. In August, Switzerland saw a 34% rise in hotel overnight stays compared to the pre-pandemic period, as the majority of Swiss citizens chose to spend their summer vacations in the nation.

Switzerland:Tourism industry topped pre-pandemic levels - europanews20

According to a press release issued by Switzerland's Tourism official page yesterday, October 5, overnight hotel night stays by local guests have been higher than ever before, with the country recording an all-time high of more than 2.5 million hotel night stays per month, according to "In August, the Swiss created 2.57 million hotel overnight stays in Switzerland, a significant 34.4 percent increase over the previous "average" year before the pandemic. " And an unheard-of achievement," reads a statement from Switzerland Tourism. Furthermore, after Switzerland opted to relax entry restrictions and open its borders to immigrants who have received full COVID-19 vaccination, the country has been able to practically match the levels seen in 2019.

Spain: Electricity price rises by 5% - europanews20. The average daily price of energy in the spanish wholesale market rises 5% from Monday, October 11 to 184.48 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), resuming its upward trend after many days of declines.

Spain: Electricity price rises by 5% - europanews20

The week began with the second most costly Monday in history, according to data from the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE), after the cost leveled out over the weekend. Last week, a new high was hit when the price per MWh reached 288.53 euros on Thursday. It's worth mentioning that, because demand for power is lower on Saturdays and Sundays, rates tend to fall. Despite the increase, the price on Monday is still significantly lower than a week earlier, when the market price was 186.46 euros per megawatt hour. Italy offers third dose of Covid vaccine - europanews20. On Monday, Italy began administering third doses of the COVID-19 vaccination to those who are considered clinically fragile, such as the immunosuppressed and transplant recipients.

Italy offers third dose of Covid vaccine - europanews20

As a result, around three million people are expected to receive a third vaccination. For the third jabs, the Italian pharmaceuticals agency AIFA has recommended using mRna vaccines such as those made by Pfizer and Moderna. According to the health ministry, there have been 2,772 new cases of COVID-19 across Italy in the previous 24 hours, with 37 more victims. On Tuesday, there were 2,494 new cases and 49 new victims. A total of 278,945 tests have been completed, compared to 315,285 on Tuesday. Graz: The Fashionable Austrian Baroque City - europanews20. Graz is the capital of Styria in southern Austria.

Graz: The Fashionable Austrian Baroque City - europanews20

Its center is Hauptplatz, the main square of the Medieval Old Town. The cheapest nicest hotels in Graz. View deals on Tripadvisor Shops and restaurants are scattered across the narrow streets, combining Renaissance and Baroque architectural styles. Paris: The fashion capital of the world - europanews20. For a holiday you will always treasure, be sure to visit France.

Paris: The fashion capital of the world - europanews20

With so much to offer within one country, France hosts the most tourists than any other country in the world. The cheapest nicest hotels in Sweden. Greece: Volos, the hometown of Tsipouradika - europanews20. Located between the stunning Mount Pelio and the Pagasetic Gulf of the Aegean Sea, Volos is a picturesque city, famous for its local restaurant Tsipouradika, which offers top-quality Greek tsipoura and cuisine Delicacy.

Greece: Volos, the hometown of Tsipouradika - europanews20

The cheapest nicest hotels in Volos. View deals on Tripadvisor. Portugal: TAP to operate flights from Porto to New York - europanews20. Christine Ourmières-Widener, TAP's executive president, stated in parliament that the airline will fly from Porto to New York and Brazil during the winter.

Portugal: TAP to operate flights from Porto to New York - europanews20

The cheapest nicest hotels in Porto. View deals on Tripadvisor In answer to concerns from the deputies about the eventual committee for monitoring the implementation of the Covid-19 reaction measures, Ourmières-Widener replied, "We can confirm that there will be flights from Porto to New York and to Brazil. " “The remaining flights will be examined and decisions made on an individual basis. Learn Italian In Italy - europanews20. There are lots of ways to learn a language, but nothing can beat actually visiting and studying in the country where the language is spoken.

Learn Italian In Italy - europanews20

Daily immersion in the language and culture is the key to gaining proficiency in a language. So where better to learn the Italian language than in Italy! Italy: Mandatory COVID-19 Green Pass for all workers - europanews20. Premier Mario Draghi's cabinet approved unanimously on Thursday to make the Green Pass COVID-19 vaccine passport mandatory for all businesses in Italy. The obligation will take effect on October 15 and will last until the end of the year, according to sources. The cheapest nicest hotels in Italy. Malta to lift quarantine hotel measures - europanews20. Malta's blanket law requiring citizens from "dark red" countries to quarantine at a hotel will be lifted as of Friday, according to Health Minister Chris Fearne.

He said at a press conference that these persons will be permitted to quarantine at home as long as they have a vaccine certificate and that everyone in their family is inoculated. Members from households with more than five people, including the traveler, will still be subject to the hotel quarantine, he noted. The cheapest nicest hotels in Malta. View deals on Tripadvisor Fearne also stated that Malta will update its "dark red" list of countries in the coming days to ensure that it includes countries at danger of the Mu form, rather than the Delta type, which he claims has now spread throughout the world.

Top Tourist Activities In Spain - europanews20. History, a diverse climate, an incredible mix of cultures, and a range of activities mean that the country of Spain is one of the most visited tourist spots in the world. The diverse landscape and peoples make Spain a great destination for vacationers seeking any type of activity. Here are some ideas for things to do in Spain, based on some of the most popular activities. Visit the Mediterranean As the Western gatekeeper of the Mediterranean, Spain has long been known for its beautiful beaches and resorts. It is the first of the European countries to border the Mediterranean when journeying east, so it is a natural destination for people from the United States and all over the Americas.

France will declare state of emergency as the Southeast is slammed by flooding - europanews20. After heavy storms caused major damage in the Gard department in the south east of France, government spokesman Gabriel Attal stated on Wednesday that a state of emergency for natural disasters would be declared next week.

The stormy wave that wreaked havoc over southern France on Tuesday was especially active in the Gard, affecting more than sixty villages and towns. The weather bureau (Météo-France) issued a red alert for the department between 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m., particularly around Nimes, where a shopping center's roof partially collapsed. The cheapest nicest hotels in France. View deals on Tripadvisor. Portugal leads the world in vaccination rate - europanews20. Official data shows that 80 percent of Portugal's population has been properly vaccinated against the coronavirus, making it one of the most vaccinated countries in the world as authorities eventually lift most COVID restrictions- 19.

The cheapest nicest hotels in Lisbon. View deals on Tripadvisor The health regulator DGS reported Tuesday that the southern European country, which earlier this year faced the world's biggest coronavirus outbreak, vaccinated about 8.2 million people out of a population of little over 10 million people. According to the DGS, nearly all seniors over 65 and half of young people aged 12 to 17 are now fully vaccinated. Sweden will try to boost vaccination efforts - europanews20. Italy: COVID-19 vaccine passport to be mandatory for all workers - europanews20.

Spain one of Europe's happiest nations - europanews20. Spain: House prices surged in the second Quarter of 2021 - europanews20. Croatia welcomes tourists from US - europanews20. Portugal: Algarve hotel occupancy rate soar in August - europanews20. Greece home prices rise by 4.6% - europanews20. Greece – A Mythical Paradise - europanews20. Switzerland: Test required for vaccinated third-country citizens - europanews20.

Estonia: Stricter Covid-19 measures for EU travelers - europanews20. Cyprus: Entry restriction for travellers from Austria and Croatia - europanews20. Belgium: Brussels imposes harsher Covid-19 rrestrictions - europanews20. Austria bans entry of travelers from US - europanews20. Italy: Covid-19 death toll surpasses 130k - europanews20. Italy: COVID-19 Green Pass may become required for all workers - europanews20. Greece: New COVID-19 restrictions for unvaccinated - europanews20. Portugal: Sagres Birdwatching Festival to kick off in October - europanews20. Italy: Whole country is a Covid-19 white zone - europanews20.

Portugal: High hopes for tourism season in Algarve - europanews20. France bans US tourists from entering for nonessential travel - europanews20. Czechia: Stricter entry measures for 9 EU countries - europanews20. Greece: Thessaloniki to become Hub for Cruise Ships - europanews20. Spain: Alicante has become a hub for satanic cults - europanews20. Portugal: New bridge will connect Alcoutim to Andalusia - europanews20. Italy will allow small-scale cannabis growing at home - europanews20. Denmark becomes first country to lift all domestic COVID health restrictions - europanews20. Weitere 20 Mio. Euro für PV-Kleinanlagen - energate messenger+ WEG-Novelle erleichtert den Ausbau von E-Ladestationen - energate messenger+ Neue PV-Anlage versorgt die Hypo-Zentrale in Linz - energate messenger+ Wien bringt Best Practices zu PV auf grünen Dächern - energate messenger+

Weitere 20 Mio. Euro für PV-Kleinanlagen - energate messenger+ Gewessler eröffnet 4-MW-Solarthermieanlage in Friesach - energate messenger+ Linz AG plant 54 neue PV-Anlagen - energate messenger+ Gebrüder Weiss nimmt neue PV-Anlage in Graz in Betrieb - energate messenger Österreich. Greece on high alert to stop migrant influx - europanews20. Italy: Infection rate drops further to 1.1 - europanews20. Netherlands: COVID-19 entry restrictions for three countries - europanews20. Greece: Covid-19 testing required for visitors from 13 countries - europanews20. Why Romania is a Holiday Must This Summer - europanews20. Spain: The most wonderful honeymoon destinations - europanews20.

Greece: Covid-19 Testing required for unvaccinated visitors - europanews20. Spain: Covid travel rules and entry requirements - europanews20. Portugal: 70 pc of population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 - europanews20. Paris is the most expensive city for university students - europanews20. Poland: Covid-19 travel rules and restrictions - europanews20. Portugal: Évora International Film Festival to kick off in September - europanews20. France exceeds 100 coronavirus Deaths - europanews20. Cyprus: Covid-19 travel rules and restrictions - europanews20. Spain: Zero COVID-19 infections registered in Malaga municipalities - europanews20.

Portugal: The herd immunity is a myth - europanews20. Greece: No afghan refugees please! - europanews20. Malta allows Australia's COVID-19 vaccine passports - europanews20. Spain: New airlines routes for winter and summer - europanews20. France: Corsica Sailing Vacation! - europanews20. Coronavirus infections continue to fall in Italy - europanews20. Belgium accepts UK's COVID-19 vaccination - europanews20. France: COVID health pass mandatory for bars and restaurants - europanews20. Greece launches campaign to promote tourism in Evia - europanews20. Portugal: 22 new airlines routes from Lisbon - europanews20. Portugal: 2nd edition of Queer Fest to kick off in September - europanews20. Spain: Alicante hotels return to pre-pandemic levels - europanews20. Hungary: Charming Budapest welcomes back tourists - europanews20. Germany: The most enchanting Castles in Bavaria - europanews20. Italy: Restaurants and bars Green Pass rules - europanews20.

Portugal: First flight from New York to Lisbon - europanews20. Greece: Crete ranked first among Europe's islands - europanews20. Norway: Tourist spots open for visitors - europanews20. Cyprus: New Covid-19 travel rules and restrictions - europanews20. Italy: Sicily set a new European heat record - europanews20. Land OÖ intensiviert Förderungen beim Erneuerbaren Ausbau - energate messenger+ Stabauer:"E-Mobilität muss nicht zur Belastungsprobe für das Stromnetz werden" - energate messenger+ EAG: Netzbetreiber fordern mehr Klarheit bei Fördermodellen - energate messenger+ Italy: Rare summer flooding in Venice - europanews20. Slovenia: Explore the magestic city of Ljubljana - europanews20. Hungary: Tourism industry plots track to recovery - europanews20.

Poland: Which covid-19 vaccines are accepted - europanews20. Spain: Number of tourists drops in first half of 2021 - europanews20. Italy: Powerful heat wave on the way - europanews20. Greece: South Aegean international arrivals approaching 2020 levels - europanews20. Italy: Green Pass mandatory for museums, restaurants, theaters and more - europanews20. Portugal: The most expensive cities to buy a house - europanews20. Spain: A romantic weekend in Menorca - europanews20. Greece: New Covid-19 rules in Zakynthos and Chania - europanews20. France expecting 50 million tourists despite pandemic - europanews20.