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Whitetail Deer by Ray Hennessy. Palmyra Cove Nature Park in southern NJ, which I have visited often, is a wonderful place to find and photograph whitetail deer.

Whitetail Deer by Ray Hennessy

I think I’ve seen some on almost every trip. They are quite accustomed to people and do allow you to get closer than at many other locations. It is certainly easier here but they are still wild, and that of course presents some challenges. Some deer have still been very spooky when I approach and as always in nature photography it takes time to get your subject in good light and with a pleasing background. I do enjoy the challenges though, if it were too easy it wouldn’t be fun! Montreal Photo - PhotoBlog of Julien Roumagnac : Montréal - Vieu. Thomas Wrede - Photography. Portail de photographie multi-galeries, multi-photographes.

Les galleries de l'ASCPF. Photographes. FINESTRA AMB VISTES A L'AQÜEDUCTE DE SEGÒVIA . Le choix de l'objectif - cours absolut photo. L'objectif de votre appareil photo numérique va définir la qualité de vos photos.

Le choix de l'objectif - cours absolut photo

Il faut donc bien le choisir. Difficile de décrypter les indications sur les fiches techniques, ce cours va vous permettre de bien comprendre en quoi ces informations sont importantes... Commencer le cours Qu'est-ce qu'un objectif ? Collection d'appareils photo - Camera collection - Photo argentique. Flowers & Plants on the Behance Network. Photographes. Keith Laban Photography. Architecture Photography by Johannes Heuckeroth.