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Make Your Own Peanut Butter. Can we talk peanut butter for a second? I was totally one of those picky-eater kids growing up, I had a major peanut butter and jelly phase. And even though my palette has (I hope) matured since then-I think I was on to something. Because peanut butter is AWESOME! So I thought it would be fun to try and make my own-which was a great success!

To make peanut butter at home all you need is: 16 ounces of dry roasted peanuts (more or less depending on how much you want to make at once) a pinch or two of salt and a food processor. Place all the peanuts in your food processor and blend for 8-10 minutes. Another delicious nutty-spread I adore is Nutella! Needed: 1 1/2 cups raw hazelnuts, 1/2 cup sugar, 5-6 tablespoons cocoa (I used dutch-processed), 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, 1/4 cup oil (I used vegetable) and 2 tablespoons coconut milk. Some recipes that require a food processor can be done in a blender-this is not one of those recipes. Happy snacking! Veganer Sahnemeerrettich selber herstellen | Ich mag Sahnemeerrettich sehr gerne und wollte mal wissen, wie der hergestellt wird – oder wie ich ihn herstellen könnte.

Außerdem sollte mein Sahnemeerrettich vegan sein. Zutaten 50 g frischen Meerrettich 50 ml Sojasahne 1 TL Salz 1 TL Zucker 3 EL Weißweinessig Und so geht es Reiben Sie bitte 50 g frischen Meerrettich. Tja – das war es schon. Probieren Sie das Rezept aus und schreiben Sie mir. Es grüßt Sie herzlich Herr Grün.