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Aroideae. Aronstabgewächse. Araceae. Araceae. The largest collection of living Araceae is maintained at Missouri Botanical Gardens.[4] Another large collection of living Araceae can be found at Munich Botanical Garden, thanks to the efforts of the researcher and aroid authority Josef Bogner.


Description[edit] Many plants in this family are thermogenic (heat-producing).[9] Their flowers can reach up to 45°C even when the surrounding air temperature is much lower. One reason for this unusually high temperature is to attract insects (usually beetles) to pollinate the plant, rewarding the beetles with heat energy. Another reason is to prevent tissue damage in cold regions. Araceae. [edit] Name[edit] Araceae Juss. (1789); nom. cons.


Synonyms[edit] HeterotypicArisaraceae Raf.Caladiaceae Salisb.Callaceae Rchb. ex Bartl.Colocasiaceae VinesCryptocorynaceae J.AgardhDracontiaceae Salisb.Lasiaceae VinesLemnaceae GrayMonsteraceae VinesOrontiaceae Bartl.Philodendraceae VinesPistiaceae Rich. ex C.AgardhPothaceae Raf.Wolffiaceae Bubani References[edit]