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Streaking ou Chispada, o ato de correr nu! Streaking ou Chispada, o ato de correr nu! (NSFW) “Streaking” é como ficou conhecida a prática de correr nu em locais públicos, por brincadeira ou para chamar a atenção de um grande número de pessoas (normalmente em eventos). O “streaker“(praticante do streaking) normalmente se esconde em algum lugar, despe-se e quando ninguém está olhando, dispara a correr por ruas, campos ou prédios, em completa nudez (ou pelo menos, no caso de uma streaker do sexo feminino, exibindo os seios em locais públicos). A prática foi desenvolvida na década de 1970 como um passatempo. Acabou caracterizando aqueles anos, particularmente nos EUA. Também tem a “Chispada” que é o ato de correr nu em lugar público por um rápido período de tempo e depois sumir para evitar um detenção por atentado ao pudor, o que muitas vezes acontece, principalmente nos estádios, onde costuma ser uma forma de protesto ou de chamar a atenção.

Veja alguns casos famosos de Streaking ou Chispada: Fonte: 1 2 Postagens por esse mundo afora. Top 10 Surviving Buildings Built By The Nazis During Their Time In Power. The Nazi government under Adolf Hitler saw architecture as a means of imposing fear and respect. Hitler, like many Germans, had an admiration of the ancient world, especially Greece and Rome. In a time when art was changing rapidly, he deemed the avant-garde movement as degenerate. Together with his chief architect, Albert Speer, Hitler revived a conservative, monolithic architectural style that impressed and scared many at the same time.

The Thousand-Year-Reich was to be demonstrated through the aesthetics of these structures, which showed Hitler’s undeniable power within Germany. Even though many of these buildings never survived the war, some were spared the destruction, to remain as painful reminders of the regime, or to be put to use once again. In this list, we will concentrate on some of those structures that are still present today. 10. The home of the most infamous Olympics ever to take place in history was built on the foundation of the Deutsche Stadion in the Grunewald Forrest. 9. As 20 fotografias mais fortes de todos os tempos - Históricas - Site de Curiosidades. Algumas imagens são tão fortes e poderosas que podem levar qualquer pessoa às lágrimas. São fotografias que mostram a vulnerabilidade e a fragilidade humana em seus limites mais extremos.

Algumas dessas imagens são capazes de tocar profundamente o coração de uma pessoa, inclusive provocando profundas transformações de vida! Confira as 20 fotografias mais chocantes e fortes dos últimos tempos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 50 Breathtaking Photos of the Operation Barbarossa, 22 June 1941. In June 1941, Operation Barbarossa began, setting off a bloodbath that was supposed to bring the Soviet Union to its knees.

Yet when Adolf Hitler turned his attention away from Europe and towards the Soviet Union, the course of World War II changed dramatically. For four years, Operation Barbarossa tore through the Eastern Front – and though it began as the largest surprise attack in military history, it quickly became one of the world’s biggest and deadliest conflicts.

Despite Hitler’s hopes, the Soviet Union and its people refused to back down, altering the course of WWII and ultimately bringing Nazi Germany to defeat. The Russian path to victory wasn’t without great struggle, though; the Soviet Union was plagued with military losses, deaths, and even starvation of its people over the course of the operation. We are taking a look at the operation in these 50 images. 4 Top Secret Nazi Weapons That Are Still Part Of Our Military Inventory. 27 fatos importantes que você deveria saber sobre os Panteras Negras. Historic Paratrooper Landings Of Military History. Top 4 Totally Effective Surprise Attacks in Military History - Page 2 of 2. 5 Legendary Military Units. From the beginning of the 13th till the end of the 18th centuries, we can safely pick these five legendary units.

These warrior units participated in numerous battles and proved time and time again they were a force like no other. Some of them even met each other in battle. Reisläufer – The Swiss pikemen In western Europe, between 14th and the 18th centuries, a mercenary army of a few hundred to few thousand existed, known as the Swiss pikemen mercenaries. By the beginning of the 15th century, the swiss pikemen were already the preferred unit for storming offensives. They were battle-born, ruthless and feared killing machines. This legendary unit was more of a brotherhood, divided in different regiments. The swiss pikemen’s most famous encounters were the battles of Morgarten, Laupen, Novara, Marignano, Bicocca and Pavia. Yeniçeri – The Janissaries- This legendary unit of the Ottoman empire was unique. The Janissaries were the ones on the front lines, those who attacked and stormed first. 11 Fascinating Facts: Why The Spanish Armada Was Such A Terrifying Power At Sea - Page 2 of 2.

7. Very Different Fighting Styles The English and Spanish took very different approaches to naval battles, shaped by the seas in which they most often fought. The Spanish were used to fighting in the Mediterranean, using large fleets of galleys to get close to the enemy, then ramming and boarding them. This sort of action required close formation sailing so that ships could back each other up and the most force be brought to bear in what became miniature land battles at sea. The English, on the other hand, were used to fighting in the Atlantic. Though the Spanish had no galleys in the Armada fighting, the experience gained on them shaped their fighting style. 8. Though Sir Francis Drake was the most renowned commander in the English navy, he wasn’t put in charge of the effort against the Spanish Armada. Howard’s high noble status gave him a level of authority unrelated to naval experience, which none of his subordinates could challenge on its own terms. 9. 10. 11. 65 Survivors Source:

10 Coisas que Talvez Você Não Saiba sobre Bonnie & Clyde. Quem não gostava desse casal e suas aventuras na tela? Bonnie & Clyde eram um casal fora da lei mais conhecido durante a Grande Depressão dos Estados Unidos! Com seus crimes e perspicácia, a história realmente aconteceu e foi produzido um filme para retratar a história dos amantes que colocou o terror no país norte-americano.

Aposto que, após você ler o artigo, saberá mais coisas sobre esse casal que você nem tinha ideia de que era verdade, além de fatos curiosos sobre a vida do casal de assassinos. Até hoje, ouvimos bastante referência a eles, seja em filmes ou séries. 1) Bonnie morreu usando uma aliança que não era de Clyde! Como assim? 2) Bonnie tinha um quê literário também Antes de entrar para a onda de crimes e assassinatos, Bonnie adorava escrever quando frequentava a escola.

Curiosidade extra: quando Bonnie faleceu, ela tinha escrito um poema para sua mãe. “Some day they’ll go down together; and they’ll bury them side by side. 3) A Marinha Estadunidense rejeitou Clyde Pois bem. 11 Fascinating Facts: Why The Spanish Armada Was Such A Terrifying Power At Sea - Page 2 of 2. 5 Heroic Last Stands From Military History. Looking throughout history, before the end of the Medieval era, we can find five great last stands with ease. The heroism and self-sacrifice of the defenders are still well-known and admired. Their bravery also had a huge significance for their time and had a great impact on the outcome of the certain conflicts. These stories also teach us a thing or two about the power of will. 5. The Famous 300 Spartans We all know about the great achievement of the Spartans at Thermopylae in Central Greece. The bravery of the remaining 300 Spartans at the end of the battle would live through the ages.

The Persian army lost a huge number of men in this battle and was delayed decisively. 4. During the first Roman-Jewish war (66-73) the army of Lucius Flavius Silva fought the Zealots. Silva’s army is of 10,000 Roman warriors, while the Jews led by Eleazar Yair numbered 960. The defenders suicide was to show the Romans, that under no circumstances would they bow before anyone. 3. Continues on Page 2.