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Graph tools. Drawing tools. 21 Map Creation Tools for Students and Teachers. Yesterday, I published a review of MapFab which is a fabulous, free, and simple tool for creating maps online.

21 Map Creation Tools for Students and Teachers

Writing that post got me thinking about all of the other free map creation tools that I've reviewed over the years. Google Maps and Google Earth are my favorite tools for creating maps, but not every school allows teachers and students to download it. And creating Google Maps does require you to have a Google account which is an obstacle to use in some schools too. In the list below you will find some map creation tools that don't require registration.

And, of course, all of the tools on this list are free for teachers and students to use. Presentation. After you finished creating your map and organizing your ideas, you are now ready to create a Presentation.


Click on the Presenter icon from the map editor You have just entered the presentation mode. You will be able to see the following actions: Undo/Redo Slide list Play Presentation Insert Slide Delete Slide Back to editor You will have a default slide, containing your central topic and the main topics driven from it. Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming app - SpiderScribe.