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Phil Testa

Evans Testa Barristers and Solicitors have built their reputation on being accessible to their clients.

Civil Disputes & Litigation. Slide 1: Civil Disputes Litigation slide 2: Civil Lawyer Adelaide Civil litigation is the process of resolving civil disputes through the court system.

Civil Disputes & Litigation

Civil law grants to individuals the right to sue for compensation or for specific action in matters such as breach of contract defamation and negligence. . SpeedyShare. Civil Disputes & Litigation. Civil disputes & litigation. Civil Disputes & Litigation Lawyers Adelaide by Phil Testa. Commercial Law. Slide 1: Commercial Law slide 2: Commercial Law We provide assistance to individuals businesses and organisations in their commercial dealings either with their transactions or when a dispute arises.

Commercial Law

These disputes usually involve debt collection disputes about whether contracts have been properly performed for example building disputes or disputes about rights in relation to property. SpeedyShare. Commercial Law. Commercial law. Commercial lawyer Adelaide by Phil Testa. Deceased Estates. Slide 1: Deceased Estates slide 2: Deceased Estates Deceased estates is an area of law that can cause a lot of confusion especially in times of heightened stress or grief.

Deceased Estates

What’s more these are matters that should be managed within specific time limits so you should seek legal support as soon as possible. With extensive experience in this area our team are specialists at navigating these situations with sensitivity and efficiency. SpeedyShare. Deceased Estates. Deceased estates. Deceased Estates Lawyers Adelaide by Phil Testa. Family Lawyer Adelaide. Slide 1: Family Lawyer Adelaide slide 2: Family Lawyer Adelaide A family lawyer Adelaide can assist in advising you of your rights given the complexities potential loopholes that exist within family law.

Family Lawyer Adelaide

SpeedyShare. Family Lawyer Adelaide. Family lawyer adelaide. Family lawyers Adelaide by Phil Testa. Criminal, Police & Traffic Lawyer. Slide 1: Criminal Police Traffic Lawyer slide 2:

Criminal, Police & Traffic Lawyer

SpeedyShare. Criminal, Police & Traffic Lawyer. Criminal, police & traffic lawyer. Criminal Lawyers Adelaide by Phil Testa. Criminal Defence Lawyer Northern Eastern Adelaide. When should I hire a criminal defense attorney? What are the criterias you should expect in your Criminal lawyer? The necessity of hiring the appropriate Criminal lawyer Adelaide to defend your case cannot be overstated if you are facing criminal accusations.

What are the criterias you should expect in your Criminal lawyer?

A criminal charge can be frightening, and hiring inexperienced or inept Adelaide criminal lawyers to represent you can just add to the burden of an already stressful situation. The following advice will assist you in determining what attributes you should search for in Criminal lawyers Adelaide. Communication The relationship you have with your lawyer is highly crucial. What are the types of Criminal sentencing? Criminal Lawyer Adelaide by Phil Testa. Evens Testa Barristers & Solicitors. Criminal Lawyer Adelaide.

ET LAW PDF.pdf. Evens Testabarristers &Solicitors. Slide 1: Evens Testa Barrister Solicitors A Different Approach- You Be The Judge slide 2:

Evens Testabarristers &Solicitors

Criminal Lawyer Adelaide.