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Indian Private-School Education Experiment Tests Rich and Poor. Portal:India. Book:India. India. Constitution of India -- with all the Amendments. Does Manmohan Singh really deserve credit for the economic reforms of 1991? | POLITICS MONITOR. The Prime Minister of India is under intense pressure, his political capital seems to have evaporated, and questions around his leadership, or lack thereof, dominate discussions among the citizenry. For all his problems, congress party loyalists, and the pro-congress media continue to insist that Dr.Singh, is the right man to lead India, after all he’s the “architect” of India’s economic reforms which commenced in 1991.

Much has been made of the economic reforms enacted in 1991, when Manmohan Singh was the Finance Minister, and Narasimha Rao was the Prime Minister. Manmohan Singh is hailed as the great reformer, who led India from despair to prosperity. All of this is blatant historical revisionism. The truth is far less inspiring. In 1991, Finance Minister Singh and PM Rao faced the following: 1. 2. 3.

Eventually, the nation was on the brink of bankruptcy, and total economic collapse. Sridhar is Senior Editor of Sanskrit Fonts, Sanskrit Texts, Typography, etc. Hindi keyboard.