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FAQ:The Lifts - Starting Strength Wiki. Frequently Asked Questions The Main Exercises Edit The SquatThe Bench PressThe DeadliftThe PressThe Power CleanThe Accessory Exercises This section will give a relatively detailed description of the exercises performed as well as a variety of links. Make sure, if you wish to have your technique assessed for any particular exercise, that you post a video of yourself to youtube, putfile or google video. The Squat Edit How do I properly perform a squat? Edit This warmup is the first thing Mark teaches on a squat and it's covered in Starting Strength. Warmup: Without a bar, squat all the way down.

The basics: Get under the bar with your chest high and your upper and lower back tight. Once you have squatted down all the way into "the hole", without pausing or bouncing (more on this later), stand back up. Should my knees stay in, or should I push them outward as I squat down? Most people will need to think about forcing their knees to stay outward during the up and down motion of the squat. ...

Meow. Faq - xxfitness. Workouts For Women: 100+ Free Womens Workouts. The Definitive Guide to Parkour For Beginners. This is a guest post from NF community member Dakao, who trains in all kinds of awesomely nerdy things like weapon making, martial arts, and parkour. I’m fascinated with the concept of parkour but haven’t tried it yet, so I asked Dakao to put together a guide for people who want to get started but don’t know how.

Take it away Dakao! It’s inevitable that someone would connect the dots between Nerd Fitness and parkour. After all, parkour’s approach closely follows the precepts of the Nerd Fitness Rebellion: If you have NO idea what parkour is, watch this quick 4-minute video and get inspired: Parkour Australian Team Video What Is Parkour? Parkour is natural, effective movement. In French, we use the term passement for overcoming any obstacle. What is the least effort and stuff you need in order to live the most meaningful and happy life you can make for yourself?

What Is It Not? Flips, tricks, aerial acrobatics, etc. Success is a must, and looking cool comes from success. On To the Good Stuff. Strength Training 101: Equipment. Note: This is part two in a series of strength training from NF Team Member Staci. Check out part one, which goes over the reasons why you should start strength training. I have a confession to make. When I first decided I was going to start lifting, I was scared to death of the weight section of the gym. For weeks before I even walked near it, I did what any rebel would do: I started researching like crazy. I talked to my fellow rebels on the Nerd Fitness message boards, I found tons of lifting videos on how to squat properly, watched them meticulously, and took notes like crazy. I even bought a PVC pipe so I could practice at home in the mirror, so I wouldn’t look like an idiot at the gym. The next day, I get to the gym, look around, and see the squat rack. Yes! Later that night, while going to post in my thread to say “I did ALL the squats today,” I wanted to show everyone the squat rack I was using, since it was a little different.

Crap. Walking into a gym for the first time Gear -Staci.