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Citation Formatting Api. The EasyBib citation formatting API is a way for third parties to create accurate, fully-formatted bibliographical citations.

Citation Formatting Api

It is a REST-based API that works by receiving raw source data and responding with a formatted citation. Some use cases for this API include: Electronic databases utilizing the API to create exportable citations for their contentOnline newspapers and scientific journals using the API to create citations for their articlesBlogs adding citations for their posts to encourage readers to cite them in their own worksResearch applications using the Citations API to generate citations for later retrieval As with any API, there are some rules of the road. We’re a pretty flexible with how you use the API, but set the following terms: To utilize the API, you need an authentication key that we tie to an IP. Our current formatting API version is 2.1. Partners: Users of our APIs A swagger specification is available upon request. Loading WordPress Posts Dynamically With AJAX.

AJAX has become all the rage in the past couple of years and for good reason.

Loading WordPress Posts Dynamically With AJAX

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a way to have a “conversation” with the server and display the results without reloading the page. This technique allows us to refresh “Like” counters, add items to a shopping cart, create dynamic forms and much more – all without reloading the page. In this post I’ll show you how to load posts in place with AJAX using the Twenty Fifteen default theme as our base. We’ll look at why AJAX is used and, starting with a simple example, building AJAX loading functionality into Twenty Fifteen. Why Use AJAX? When WordPress loads the first page of posts on a WordPress site, it requests them from the database and uses a loop to display them using the markup we’ve added. As you can see in the image above (taken from Chrome Developer Tools), a fair number of assets are loaded. When page two of our posts is loaded it all happens again. Getting Started: Creating a Child Theme Hello AJAX!

Integrating Isotope with WordPress without a Plugin Tutorial. Boost time-on-site by auto-loading new posts like and Medium. Are you finding that despite your considerable efforts to drive traffic to your WordPress site, the bounce rate and time-on-site stubbornly refuse to improve as your visitors read that one page then move on?

Boost time-on-site by auto-loading new posts like and Medium

Take a leaf out of the books of mega sites and Medium and get proactive. Don’t wait for the reader to click for a new post, put it right in front of them. Automatically. And give them every reason to stay a little longer. Let me show you how. The battle for readers’ attention has never been more fierce and once they visit your site, you want them to stay for as long as possible, engaging with the content, engaging with you and, perhaps, engaging with any revenue-generating mechanisms. Yet, despite your good traffic levels, your bounce rate (single page visits) and average duration of visit stats stubbornly refuse to improve.

The biggest problem is that readers rarely come to your site by the “front door” any more. Auto Load Next Post — WordPress Plugins. Have you ever felt tired of going back and forth between blog posts?

Auto Load Next Post — WordPress Plugins

I know I have so I developed a solution, one where you would need no coding or very little required to set up on your blog. What is Auto Load Next Post? Auto Load Next Post loads the next post once the bottom of the first post the user visits has been reached. The process is repeated until there are no more posts to load. It simply reads the post navigation in the theme at the end of each post and collects the post URL for the next post / page.

Not only that, it updates your web history by manipulating the web address and page title. First Time Users For new first time users I suggest reading the documentation to understand how to setup the plugin and see how it works. Features Auto Load Next Post Premium There's an even better version of the plugin coming out soon with priority email support. Contributing You can contribute code to this plugin via the GitHub repository and localizations via Transifex. Demo Site.