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EMGU Face Recognition | Free software downloads. AForge.NET open source framework. Introduction It so happened that from time to time during the past two years I was working on several research projects in the areas of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. As a result of this work, a lot of code was produced and several articles on Code Project were published that describe some of these areas. Publishing these articles, I discovered that these areas are interesting not only to me, but to a wide range of developers as well.

From the time of my first publication on Code Project, I received many different e-mails from many interesting people all over the world, who were applying some of my code to a great number of applications. Some of these people were interested in not just using the code, but in extending it and contributing to these projects. From the very first such offer, the idea of an open source project would not leave me for a long time. Image processing Neural networks Evolution algorithms Image processing library Neural networks library More samples. Aforge - AForge.NET Framework. AForge.NET :: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics. Emgu CV: OpenCV in .NET (C#, VB, C++ and more) OpenCV tutorial 5: Emgu CV with C# Camera Face Detection in C# Using Emgu CV (OpenCV in .NET) and WPF. Download WPF Face Detection Solution File Hi there, this is a new tutorial category in my blog.

It's Computer Vision. In this blog, I'd like to show you something cool. It's how to perform Face Detection using your camera / Webcam. This what you need to follow this tutorial: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. After you've got what you need, it's time to rock! First thing you should do is installing Emgu CV. Next, let's open your Visual Studio and create a new WPF Project. Now, copy code below to make our user experience. Next, let's code it! Using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Threading; using Emgu.CV.Structure; using Emgu.CV; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; Initialize two objects Capture and HaarCascade. This last part is the routine. Void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image<Bgr,Byte> currentFrame = capture.QueryFrame(); if (currentFrame !

Here is the result of our work: Evolution computations on C# Introduction There are many different research works done in the area of evolution computation, what caused a variety of different evolutional algorithms to appear. Many researchers studied these methods extensively and tried their application to the great range of tasks. It is a known fact, that there are many different problems exist, which impossible to solve precisely within a reasonable period of time using traditional methods. Also there are many problems, which do not have a formalized solution approach, what makes their solution very hard or even impossible using traditional methods. In this article, a C# library for evolution computation will be discussed. Evolution computations The history of genetic computations begins somewhere in the 1960-ies, when the first work on the topic was presented by John Holland, who presented the first ideas about Genetic Algorithms (GA) based on the idea of evolution.

There are several selection operators exists [1 ]. Using the library Conclusion. Use OpenGL in CSharp Application. Download source - 151.99 KB Introduction This is a simple example about using OpenGL in CSharp application. The Workflow of Using OpenGL Create OpenGL with a specific area. Create a DIB (Device independent bitmap) Create OpenGL rendering context and set the device Make the OpenGL render context the current rendering context Note: When we create the OpenGL, we don’t need any device handle. We will create a device handle with DIB by ourselves. Do some initialization for OpenGL. Note: In fact, we draw the graphics to the DIB. Public OpenGLBox() { InitializeComponent(); bool bRet = m_gl.Create(Width, Height); Debug.Assert(bRet == true); m_gl.ShadeModel(OpenGL.SMOOTH); m_gl.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); m_gl.Enable(OpenGL.DEPTH_TEST); m_gl.DepthFunc(OpenGL.LEQUAL); m_gl.Hint(OpenGL.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, OpenGL.NICEST); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { m_gl.MakeCurrent(); if (OpenGLRender !

History This is the first version. CsGL - C# graphics library. Image Processing Lab in C# Introduction Image Processing Lab is a simple tool for image processing, which includes different filters and tools to analyze images available in the AForge.NET framework. It's easy to develop your own filters and to integrate them with the code or use the tools in your own application. The following filters are implemented in the AForge.NET framework and demonstrated in the application: You can create (save and load) your own convolution filters or filters based on standard mathematical morphology operators. Colorized grid makes it very convenient to work with custom convolution filters. A preview window allows you to view the results of changing filter parameters on the fly.

A PhotoShop-like histogram allows you to get information about mean, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum values. The program allows you to copy to or paste from clipboard, save and print images. Using the Code Most filters are designed to work with 24bpp RGB images or with grayscale images. HSL Filters. SharpGL: A C# OpenGL Class Library. SharpGL is a project that lets you use OpenGL in your Windows Forms or WPF applications with ease! With all OpenGL functions up to the latest 4.2 release, all major extensions, a powerful scene graph and project templates for Visual Studio, you have all the tools you need to create compelling 3D applications - or to port existing code to a new platform.

Too busy to read the introduction to SharpGL? Check out the Getting Started Guide instead. A picture paints a thousand words, so let's see some screenshots first! Cel Shading - This is the latest sample, it shows you how to use modern OpenGL features like Vertex Buffers and Shaders. Radial Blur - The Radial Blur Sample shows how you can create advanced lighting effects using standard OpenGL functions. Utah Teapot WPF Sample - Direct OpenGL Rendering in a WPF application - with no airspace or Windows Forms Host objects. What is SharpGL? SharpGL is a collection of class libraries that let you use OpenGL functionality in your code. Or: 1. 2. 3. Motion Detection Algorithms. Introduction There are many approaches for motion detection in a continuous video stream. All of them are based on comparing of the current video frame with one from the previous frames or with something that we'll call background.

In this article, I'll try to describe some of the most common approaches. In description of these algorithms I'll use the AForge.NET framework, which is described in some other articles on Code Project: [1], [2]. So, if you are common with it, it will only help. The demo application supports the following types of video sources: AVI files (using Video for Windows, interop library is included); updating JPEG from internet cameras; MJPEG (motion JPEG) streams from different internet cameras; local capture device (USB cameras or other capture devices, DirectShow interop library is included).

Algorithms One of the most common approaches is to compare the current frame with the previous one. The simplest motion detector is ready! Here is the result of it: Conclusion.