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Local Harvest / Farmers Markets / Family Farms / CSA / Organic Food. Eat Well Guide :: Local, Sustainable, Organic Food. Trigger Point and Referred Pain Guide. Home | CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help. Midwest Today: Do High-Voltage Power Lines Cause Cancer? Midwest Today, April/May 1996 Studies link Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) To Illness By NEAL LAWRENCE It was sort of a funny story when we first heard about it a few years ago: A dairy farmer living in Wisconsin near high voltage utility company transmission lines couldn't turn out the lights in his barn. Even with the switches in the off position, night after night after he had finished his chores, he'd go back out to the barn to find the light bulbs still glowing from the electrical charge hovering in the air.

But the story doesn't seem so funny any more -- not after the spate of recent reports of children developing deadly illnesses or adults dying prematurely of rare diseases -- all apparently because they had the misfortune of living near high amounts of electrical current. Though it received scant attention from the mainstream press, a report leaked last October from the U.S. This follows on the heels of three epidemiological reports released in 1994. What's this all about? Cover-Up? Toxic Effects: Everyday Exposures. Scorecard Home. About Your Community.

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