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GAZTELANIA. MATEMÁTICAS. EUSKARA. PLÁSTICA. AUTOAYUDA. Gabonak. Cf. Inguru. INTELIGENCIAS MÚLTIPLES. Configura tu cuento. Maths | Practical Pages. Mental Maths Worksheets When a child practices mental mathsmaths becomes quicker and simpler = maths mastery! My girls look at their maths charts (mini office A5 maths) too much, so I made some fun worksheets for practice. These worksheets reinforce adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with just a few minutes practice every day. Still, the maths mini offices are a fabulous help! Pop over to my Mini Office Page for your free downloads! (Click the titles for your download.) Maths Pyramids ~ add or subtract numbers in a pyramid with 5 levels of difficulty Maths Rockets ~ for adding/ subtracting or multiplying numbers on the side to equal the number in the roof (great for bonds) Maths Butterflies ~ 5 sums for each butterfly, so good for quick reviews Maths Corners ~ 4 sums for each number, also a quick worksheet Maths In&Out ~ top row of random numbers “in” to work with a number and operation, and write the answer as “out” Maths Manipulatives: Maths Number Value Cards Math Bonds of 10 puzzle.


MATEMATIKA APPAK. La red educativa escolar - Tiching. GENERADORES DE ACTIVIDADES. Beaux courts métrages. AppNATURA. 150 recursos para la vuelta al cole en Educación Primaria.