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How to Get Better at Instagram. The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium. There are no quick fixes.

The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium

I know this as a social science junkie, who’s read endless books and blogs on the subject, and tried out much of the advice — mostly to no avail. So I do not entitle this post lightly. And I write it only having become convinced, after several months of experimentation, that one of the simplest pieces of advice I’ve heard is also one of the best. It is not from a bestselling book — indeed no publisher would want it: even the most eloquent management thinker would struggle to spin a whole book around it. Nor is it born out of our world of digital excess and discontent. The man in question, an éminence grise of the business world, is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. I met him first over a coffee in his apartment, to discuss the strategy for a highly political non-profit working in Africa. So when he shared some of the best advice he’d ever received, I was captivated. If you only do one thing, do this He did, and he was.

Buffer's Social Media Report for May: New Stats and Strategies. It’s been an amazing month at Buffer working on some fun social media strategies and thinking ahead to some big new ideas.

Buffer's Social Media Report for May: New Stats and Strategies

What’s a good Medium strategy? How can we gain more followers on Instagram? Guide 2015 de la taille des images sur les réseaux sociaux. EDIT : le guide 2016 est disponible !

Guide 2015 de la taille des images sur les réseaux sociaux

Nous vous conseillons de le consulter pour accéder à des informations à jour. Toutes les tailles seront mises à jour régulièrement sur ce nouveau guide. > Accéder au guide 2016 de la taille des images sur les réseaux sociaux. Nous vous présentons régulièrement des indications sur la taille des images utilisées sur les différents réseaux sociaux, Facebook entre autres, que ce soit pour les profils, pour les publications ou encore pour les publicités. C’est en effet très pratique pour préparer les différentes déclinaisons d’un visuel en les optimisant pour chaque espace ! 3 Ways To Supercharge Your LinkedIn Recommendations. Just how important are LinkedIn recommendations?

3 Ways To Supercharge Your LinkedIn Recommendations

No one outside of LinkedIn’s leadership can answer that question definitively, but since this function continues to exist long after other features have gone the way of the dodo bird, I think it’s safe to assume that LinkedIn and its clients (namely recruiters and hiring companies) find them helpful. Related: 3 Ways To Get Discovered On LinkedIn: The Thought Leadership Strategy. Everything You Need To Know About Twitter Video, Group DMs and Tweet Recaps - Hootsuite Social Media Management. Twitter hinted at a lot of new features being tested in the past year, causing many marketers to wonder what the user experience was going to look like in 2015.

Everything You Need To Know About Twitter Video, Group DMs and Tweet Recaps - Hootsuite Social Media Management

Well, the wait is over, and it looks like they’ve made good on their promises. The scope of updates, introduced over the past few months, ranges from small changes to existing features, such as embedding Tweets within other Tweets, to additions of new capabilities, such as the Twitter Buy button. In rapid succession, Twitter has rolled out several big updates over the past few days: native video is now supported in Tweets, direct messages can be sent to a group of users, and a recap feature will allow users to see the popular Tweets they may have missed while offline. These changes have the potential to carry a significant effect on your brand’s Twitter strategy. In case you missed the news, here’s what you should know about the updates and how it affects the way we Tweet. While you were away Group Direct Messages. Blog.hootsuite. A study done by researchers at Cornell University, backed by the National Science Foundation and Google, found that style may trump substance when it comes to Twitter popularity.


This research found that including an engaging call to action at the beginning of the Tweet—for example, “please retweet, retweet, plz, pls”—can increase people’s engagement rate on Twitter. Now, what does this mean for social pros? Recently, we conducted our own Twitter experiment to see what our followers found engaging. We found that knowing more about our audience, using images, and taking some risks really helped boost our Twitter engagement rate (TER). This helped us increase our TER by 180% in two months.

So you have a great brand and you’re thinking “where are the people?” So you have a great brand and you’re thinking “where are the people?”

So you have a great brand and you’re thinking “where are the people?”

Whether you’re a start-up or well established company, it’s essential that you keep the public — and in particular your target audience — interested and engaged. More publicity will almost always lead to more sales. Here are 5 ways you can generate interest. It does wonders for SEO, helping potential customers locate your brand.Regularly updated, a blog also generates interest and promotes repeat visitors with the promise of fresh content.It establishes your company as an authority on the subjects and issues related to your brand. The Best Twitter Tips for More Followers and Better Tweets. 7 Successful Facebook Contest Ideas. How to Find Your Best Time to Tweet: The 4 Most Accurate Methods. Finding the right time to post on social media can be tricky, especially when each different social network has its own audience to think about.

How to Find Your Best Time to Tweet: The 4 Most Accurate Methods

And we’ve written a few different articles here on the Buffer blog that touched on how to come up with the best time to Tweet. And yet, we never quite dedicated a full article to the topic. There are a few different ways to help us decide what timing we should go for, especially for Twitter, so I wanted to take a look at four ways we can experiment with timing of Tweets. Let’s dive in, here are the 4 most useful methods we’ve found: The Best Twitter Tips for More Followers and Better Tweets.