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J.K. Rowling: How to Deal with Failure – Personal Growth – Medium. Before the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling was clinically depressed. In the early 1990s, she returned to the U.K. to settle down in Scotland near her sister. A three-year stint in Portugal had led to a short, unhappy marriage, and she left the country as a single mother of a newborn child. Rowling spent the next few years struggling to meet ends. “I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless,” she said in her commencement speech at Harvard. During this period, her depression took a dark turn, and she considered herself a failure. Luckily, she found it in her to seek help, and writing became an outlet. The idea for the Harry Potter series had come to her years before on a train ride from Manchester to London. Rowling finished the first two books while still on welfare benefits. The whole world now knows the story of The Boy Who Lived, but not many people know the struggle behind his creation.

Less is Generally Not a Bad Thing. 3 Amazing Ways to Benefit from the Law of Attraction. “Doing the tough things sets winners apart from losers.” ― Stephen Richards (Tweet This) Most of you probably already know about the Law of Attraction. It goes a little something like this: In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. According to the law, your thoughts (both unconscious and conscious) dictate the reality of your life, whether or not you’re aware of it. To work with this energy, you must practice four things: Know what you desire, then ask the universe for it.Focus your thoughts on what you desire with intense feelings and emotions, like gratitude or enthusiasm.Feel and behave as if you’ve already acquired the object of your desire.Be open to receiving what you desire.

Okay, that seems straightforward enough. Most of us have poor thinking habits. The challenge (and the solution) is to practice the Law of Attraction every day of your life — to make it a habit. Three Tips to Get the Law of Attraction to Work For You 1. 2. Rohn: 4 Straightforward Steps to Success. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day. Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. I’ve said it before, that success is the study of the obvious—but sometimes we need someone to remind us and show us the simplest way to get there. Here are four simple steps to find your way to more success than you could ever imagine: 1. Collect good ideas. My mentor taught me to keep a journal when I was 25 years old. If you hear a good health idea, capture it, write it down. It is challenging to be a student of your own life, your own future, your own destiny. 2.

So, here’s the question: When should you start building the house? Don’t start the day until it is pretty well finished—at least the outline of it. And, the big one, don’t start the year until it is finished on paper. 3. I remember when Mama was teaching me a little bit about the piano. Life is not just the passing of time. 4. Rohn: 4 Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Mind. When your brain is working at peak performance, it allows you to be your best because it controls the rest. Take care to feed and stimulate your brain and you will expand your mind. The two are inextricably connected. We need to see the human brain and mind with wonder, awe and inspiration. The brain is the equivalent of a human supercomputer. It is more complicated than any computer mankind has ever made, and maximizing its ability is essential to becoming the success you want to be—because it controls who you are.

Simply put: When your brain is working at peak performance, it allows you to be your best because it controls the rest. There are some basic influences on the brain that shape how it functions and how far it develops, including genes, self-talk, life experiences, stress and study. So with such a tremendous tool at our disposal, what keeps so many people from experiencing the possibilities that it can bring? 1. So change your beliefs. 2. So get the right knowledge. 3. 4. 5 Smart Ways to Increase Your IQ (Because It’s Not Set in Genetic Stone) I only recently discovered there is a secret society for people with high IQs. It’s called Mensa—aka The Nerd Herd. It’s actually not a secret, but I consider anything no one has told me about in the 39 years I’ve been on planet Earth to be a conspiracy. So it’s a secret as far as I’m concerned. To get in, you have to take a test and score in the top 2 percent of all IQs in the universe, aliens included.

(I’m assuming these people know about the aliens and aren’t telling us.) That is the stupidest thing I could ever possibly even imagine imagining, was the first thought that came to me when I learned about this. So I set a goal to get into Mensa within 90 days, and I posted this highly questionable aspiration on Facebook so I could add “suffer public humiliation” to my list of motivators for making it happen. Related: 5 Habits for a Healthier Brain (and Life) I downloaded the Mensa app to my iPhone, took a practice test—and failed miserably. Here’s why I’m telling you this… 1. 2. 3. 4. 28 Ideas for Becoming 5 Times More Productive Every Week — Personal Growth. You may be doing most things right to get the best of your week but results of your hard work may not so impressive.

Maybe it’s your focus and planning that need a tune up. Or better still, you need to build a better and smarter plan to get more things done each day. After all, a perfect plan is one of the keys to being productive. Harness your productivity with these ideas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. The author is the founder at Alltopstartups (where he shares startup resources) and the curator at Postanly (a free weekly newsletter that delivers the most insightful long form posts from top publishers). 7 habits of exceptionally successful remote employees. I am an extrovert. I gain energy from being around others and thrive on communication.

So when I first considered joining a fully remote team, I was hesitant. Working from home was a new frontier for me – one that I was unsure I would like. When I accepted my role at Aha! I found out I was not alone. I did not expect what happened next. Remote work for us used to (maybe) mean one Friday per month. The opportunity to work remotely has grown nearly 80 percent over the past decade – even as the total workforce has declined in recent years.

Rodolphe Dutel joined the remote working world in 2012. “To me, the main benefit of remote working would be to regain control of the single commodity we cannot get more of – that is time,” Dutel says. “Remote working gives you the flexibility to organize yourself in terms of location and working hours, and it translates into many benefits.” Chris Jankulovski is correct when he writes, “Remote workers are a new breed in the global labor force.” Self Journal: Your Daily Structure for Success by Best Self Co. Risks and challenges Manufacturing a high-quality journal like this is a big undertaking that involves a lot of scheduling, prep time and extremely high attention to detail. We'll be working with a few manufacturers for the different parts of the journal to ensure all parts are arranged properly, from getting the right premium paper to the navy cloth cover to the bookmark materials to the packaging materials.

Our challenge include ensuring each and every SELF journal is finished to the quality of workmanship we are promising to backers and delivered to your door in the time we specified. Once the journals are manufactured we have them delivered to our warehouse in MN where we will ship them to our backers across the world. Learn about accountability on Kickstarter. The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium.

There are no quick fixes. I know this as a social science junkie, who’s read endless books and blogs on the subject, and tried out much of the advice — mostly to no avail. So I do not entitle this post lightly. And I write it only having become convinced, after several months of experimentation, that one of the simplest pieces of advice I’ve heard is also one of the best. It is not from a bestselling book — indeed no publisher would want it: even the most eloquent management thinker would struggle to spin a whole book around it. Nor is it born out of our world of digital excess and discontent. The man in question, an éminence grise of the business world, is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. I met him first over a coffee in his apartment, to discuss the strategy for a highly political non-profit working in Africa.

So when he shared some of the best advice he’d ever received, I was captivated. If you only do one thing, do this He did, and he was. 10 Cherished Beliefs of Highly Successful People | Jeff Haden. The 3 Ways People React to Change. Are you non-active, reactive or proactive? Plus, we tell you how to take charge of inevitable change. I can still remember sitting around the dinner table at 15, hearing my mother say, “What do you think about moving?” As she casually passed me the mashed potatoes. What do I think?

I think it’s a horrible, terrible, unbearable idea. Even as adults, most of us don’t choose change. For example, let’s say you have a 30-year-old shake shingle roof on your home, and during a home inspection you are told your roof has a slim to none chance of holding up through the winter rain. There are usually three ways that people react to change: • Be non-active. These are the type of homeowners who find out they have a leaky roof but just sit back, singing the song, “It Never Rains in Southern California,” hoping that will make it so. . • Be reactive. The homeowner frantically starts calling the local roofers and feels the pressure to make a fast decision.

. • Be proactive and positive. • Accept your emotions. Your Resume Is Boring. Do These Five Things Instead — On Breaking the Mold. The resume is supposed to be a relatively quick way for someone to get to know your personal and professional accomplishments, skills, interests, and the potential you have to create value in a given setting. The thing is, it’s pretty outdated. In fact, it never worked all that well, evidenced by the fact that most people do not get jobs because of a great resume but because of a personal connection. Resumes have always been a poor substitute for other, more robust ways to get to know someone.

There just weren’t too many other ways once upon a time. But things change. Today we have so many ways to paint a picture of who we are, what we love, and what we can do than we ever did before. 1. This might sound daunting, but it’s doesn’t have to be. 2. Most young people hate LinkedIn. 3. Everyone uses at least one social platform. Look, if you have something really incriminating on there someone could find it anyway if they were motivated enough. 4. This is an underutilized gem. 5. Anything. Career Transitions: Crafting Your Medium Humble-Brag — The Coffeelicious. Career Transitions: Crafting Your Medium Humble-Brag I’ve been extremely impressed with the false humility of a number of recent career transition stories on Medium. As you prepare to flame out, be terminated or quit of your own volition due to shameful or scandalous behavior, including perversion, data theft, dullness, plagiarism, or just plain incompetence, don’t forget that Medium provides a long-form opportunity to settle scores and set the historical record crooked.

The carefully crafted Medium story can give the appearance that- at the nadir of your professional life- you are above it all, you are concerned about others, and you are a soulful human being moving on to an even more lucrative future. Not sad, scared and looking for shelter like the rest of us. These five tactics will make your story compelling, fresh and will strip away a small piece of our collective humanity each time they are consumed: 1. 2. No, you don’t know Ev Williams. 3. Let loose. 4. 5. That’s it. A Time Comes In Your Life When You Finally Get it. This is Your Awakening. A time comes in your life when you finally get it.

When, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out… ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on. Then, like a child quieting down after a tantrum, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes.

This is your awakening. You realize it’s time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change, or for happiness, safety and security to magically appear over the next horizon. You realize that in the real world there aren’t always fairy tale endings, and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you… and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance. You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are… and that’s OK. You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view.

. ~ Author Unknown. 3 Habits to Stop Doing & 3 Habits to Start Doing. It’s time to… This looks like a lot of different things – from daydreaming in the middle of a conversation to forgetting to do something. Being thoughtless is not using your awareness to the best of your ability. When you are as conscious as you can be, your mind is full of thoughts – you are thoughtful. Take a moment throughout the day to slow down whenever you need – think about what needs being done and how the best way to do it would be. When you see a mess needs to be cleaned up or when someone needs a friend to rant to – you’re already on it. You’re one step ahead because you see what needs being done and you take action even before being asked.

We all fidget to some degree and if it helps you concentrate then great – but the core vibration of it is distraction. When you are being thoughtful, you are very aware of where your attention is going. Feel the energy of where you are and be sensitive towards people’s needs. This is a difficult one – and it’s that way on purpose! 13 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day. Don’t get stuck in an unhealthy daily grind. Here’s how to work “me time” into your busy schedule. It’s 7:30 a.m. and your alarm is blaring. Squinty-eyed, you reach for your phone, fumbling to swipe that horrible noise off, sinking back into the mattress, your eyes fading to black again… until you shoot straight up, eyes wide open, realizing you’ve already pushed snooze three times. You’re late. So you bolt out from under the covers and, like a blur, get dressed and go to work. You’re at the office (finally), and a million emails have rudely generated in your inbox, so you start shooting off responses, only to reply to the ones that come back seconds later.

Sleep, wake up, work. We asked the Young Entrepreneur Council, “What is one thing you can do every day to take care of yourself, before your work?” 1. Focusing on work is a great excuse for not taking care of yourself. —Joshua Dorkin, BiggerPockets 2. —Kristopher Jones, 3. —John Dillard, Big Sky Associates, Inc. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Four Reasons Every Entrepreneur Needs a Mastermind | Lisa Abeyta. The 3 Simple Truths of Life.