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DWP. Great post with verbs for Bloom's | EYLF. Great post with verbs for Bloom's | EYLF | Pinterest. Principles of Play: from Chazan. Learning through play | living, learning, playing, wondering and pondering at Playcentre. Following an insect interest | learning through play. Our wonderful co-ordinator Sarah worked with the tamariki to put together the Bug Hotel. Here are her instructions: How to Make a Bug Hotel Find a wooden crate or box to hold the different materials. Gather together: bundles of sticks; logs with holes drilled into the ends; dried grasses; bundles of cabbage tree leaves tied into knots; old rotted wood; bark; dried leaves in an old plant pot; or any other natural materials that you have around and think that bugs could use to hide or nest, or hibernate in over winter. Put your materials in a sheltered spot out of the rain and direct sunshine. The tamariki check the Bug Hotel every session and when they capture bugs they deliver them to the Bug Hotel to see if they want to stay a while.

We have had spiders make their webs, centipedes running in and out visiting, beetles hiding under the leaves – just to name a few of our visitors! This is the link to the Bug Mansion that we used as inspiration (slightly bigger than ours!) Butterfly visit. Observations & children's interests are key to shaping the environment & the planning - from abcdoes (",) | EYLF | Pinterest. First page of Program/Planning Document which includes whats happening and outcomes. | EYLF | Pinterest.

Being, belonging, becoming | EYLF | Pinterest. EYLFPLP_E-Newsletter_No8.pdf. Information%20sheet%20-%20Guidelines%20for%20documenting%20children's%20learning.pdf. Free Teaching Resources. Taking-an-holistic-approach-to-programming-documentation-and-kindergarten1. Youtube. Documentation: When Does it Make Learning Visible? - Making Learning Visible. Art/documentation gallery using recycled boxes. | Documentation | Pinterest. The Power of Documentation: Children's Learning Revealed | Documentation | Pinterest. Fine Motor Development in Young Children: "What I Like to Do with My Friend" Class Book: Documentation | Documentation | Pinterest.

The power of documentation. Appropriate and Meaningul Assessment Elicker. Classroom timeline. I LOVE THIS. Fun idea to put up class pictures and favorite things from the year! SO GREAT! | Documentation | Pinterest. Classroom environments: Image of the child | Documentation | Pinterest. Fostering partnerships between home and school… | The Curious Kindergarten.

One of the things that most inspires me about schools in Reggio Emilia is the connectivity they have to the families and the communities they serve. Something I am striving for this year is a stronger link between home and school. Some of the questions I have been pondering are: How do I make my students and their parents feel welcome in our learning space? How do I develop a learning partnership with my students’ families? How can I tap into the rich knowledge, skills, and experiences each family possesses? This is a picture of our classroom family wall – a dedicated spot in the room that holds photographs of the children and their families (and pictures of my family and our ECE’s family too!). Another way I am trying to connect with parents this year is by sending out a weekly email which highlights some of the ideas/concepts/discussions that occurred in our class during the week.

What are some ways you celebrate your students’ families and involve parents in your program? Like this: The Curious Kindergarten | Welcome to The Curious Kindergarten, a blog about the discoveries my students and I make in our full-day kindergarten! A bit about me: I have been teaching Kindergarten for several years and have recently started implementing so. Providing the children with the opportunity to display their writing | Documentation | Pinterest. What Does Inquiry Look Like in Kindergarten? | Early Learning Central. The children were engaged in the inquiry process while observing the properties of water. As they worked at learning centres the teacher invited interested children to come and discuss what they know about water and its colour. The children made comments which reflected their emerging understanding of the properties of water. These comments then acted as the basis for which to lead the investigation.

The children were then prompted to wonder whether the water is the same colour as the white carnation flower. Next the children considered what would happen if colour was added to the water. The children made all kinds of hypotheses including “the flowers will die”, “the water will change”, “the water will change the colours of the flowers”. The next day the children made the following observations about the water and the flowers. The children all had theories about how the flowers became coloured.

The%20role%20and%20responsibility%20of%20documentation%20early%20excellence-%20emma%20compatibility%20mode.pdf. Children’s discoveries and documentation | crayons, wands & building blocks. Thank you to all of the educators who came out to PDSB’s annual Kindergarten Conference (Inspirations and Contexts, Kindergarten Play and Inquiry) last week. It was wonderful to have a chance to meet and chat with many of you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share some of the documentation my students have been involved in. I thought I would post some of their documentation as well as a few discoveries they made about the worms and the composter.

The children were provided with several pictures of different stages of the construction of the worm composter. They chose the ones they thought were important or ones they found particularly interesting. I was thrilled that so many of the boys were keen to write about their experiences. Even though we have a Communication Centre as part of our classroom, the truth is that children communicate through reading, writing, speaking and representing at ALL of the learning centres.

Books to see if their theories were correct. Like this: Children reviewing documentation binders | Documentation | Pinterest. What does it mean to listen? | Documentation | Pinterest. Learning through play | living, learning, playing, wondering and pondering at Playcentre | Documentation | Pinterest. Great idea! As you walk around making observations, take anecdotal notes on labels, then stick them in your data binder! | Documentation | Pinterest. Children's discoveries and documentation. Seriously? A dish rack will hold file folders? Brilliant!!: Documentation at the beginning of an inquiry - at Garden Gate Child Development Center in Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard | Documentation | Pinterest. Carla Rinaldi Discussing Documentation I love how she says that through documentation parents are introduced to the human being in front of them. I… | Pinterest. Pin by Hélène Pouliot-Cleare on Documentation | Pinterest. Early Learning at ISZL | Documentation | Pinterest.

Pin by Hélène Pouliot-Cleare on Documentation | Pinterest. Pin by Hélène Pouliot-Cleare on Documentation | Pinterest. Pin by Hélène Pouliot-Cleare on Documentation | Pinterest. Pin by Hélène Pouliot-Cleare on Documentation | Pinterest. Early Learning at ISZL | Documentation | Pinterest. Early Learning at ISZL | Documentation | Pinterest. Early Learning at ISZL | Documentation | Pinterest. Pedagogical Documentation: Why? When? Who? What? Where? How? Child level documentation | Documentation | Pinterest. Nido. Be sure to not be the hovering helicopter educator. | Documentation | Pinterest. ECRP. Learning to Document in Reggio-inspired Education. ShareView in Chinese (PDF)HomeJournal ContentsIssue Contents Volume 13 Number 2©The Author(s) 2011 Learning to Document in Reggio-inspired EducationCarol Anne Wien York University with Victoria Guyevskey & Noula Berdoussis This article discusses how teachers in child care and elementary schools learn to work with Reggio-inspired pedagogical documentation.

While teachers grasp the value of such documentation theoretically, it is most challenging but exciting to use in practical settings. If you have benefited from free access to ECRP, please consider making a financial contribution to ECRP so that the journal can continue to be available free to everyone. The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education was developed in the municipal system of 46 infant-toddler centers and preschools for children birth to age 6 in the city of Reggio Emilia in northern Italy.

Documentation as Teacher Research Pedagogical documentation is the teacher’s story of the movement of children’s understanding. Austin School For the Future: The Reggio Emilia approach, a conerstone to our philosophy. Before reading please note that I typed this in word and copied into blogger. Some words are underlined for no apparent reason and I can't figure out how to change them. Also some of the images I got are from Let the Children Play, which is an awesome blog that I suggest anyone to follow. Thanks here you go..... I believe in a curriculum that is child based and gives each child the opportunity to explore and discover in ways which are exciting and interesting to each individual child.

By using such a curriculum, I believe children develop a love for school and learning. I view children as capable and competent and I hold a strong image of each child. The child as a protagonist- the Reggio approach emphasizes the importance of having a strong image of the child. The child as a collaborator- children collaborate with each other, with teachers and with parents on projects and activities. -Teachers as partner, nurturer and guide-. Documentation: Transforming Our Perspective by Melissa Rivard 3 months 2 weeks ago This short documentary--created as an introduction to the Docume… | Pinterest. Gowrie SA Early Childhood Program Examples.