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Today's Best Companies are Horizontally Integrated - Sohrab Vossoughi. By Sohrab Vossoughi | 11:00 AM December 14, 2012 In big companies, management teams focus on achieving the right level of vertical integration.

Today's Best Companies are Horizontally Integrated - Sohrab Vossoughi

The pendulum has swung from Henry Ford’s buying ships and railroads—and even a rubber plantation in Brazil to ensure his supply of tires—to Boeing’s radical outsourcing of Dreamliner components, and more recently, back to greater ownership of upstream and downstream assets by companies as different as Pepsi and Oracle. With every degree of verticalization now made possible by information and communications technologies, the right scope of operations for any given firm is an open question. Let me suggest, however, that it is the wrong question to obsess about. Efficient production—through whatever combination of ownership and partnering—is now table stakes. Sales 101: Features VS Benefits. I think that everyone who is a part of Biznik is either involved in business, or runs their own business.

Sales 101: Features VS Benefits

Either way everyone is looking to build relationships so we can fulfill the bottom line and make sales. One major component of successful sales process boils down to your product or service’s Features and Benefits. When you are looking to sell your product or service… you need to talk about the features but you need to sell the benefits.

Customers typically are not interested in the features of your product or service, at least not directly. 10 Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago. Employment trend watchers have been pinpointing the sectors where jobs are anticipated to increase forever—every five years the BLS projects its own outlook and sites like our list what’s become old news: that careers in a handful of sectors (most linked to technology, a growing concern about the environment and an aging population) are on the rise while others continue to falter.

10 Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago

But are they new occupations or simply new ways of meeting existing needs? “I don’t believe that new needs have been created,” says Charles Purdy, senior editor for “We’ve just created new ways and adopted new technologies to get them done.” Still, each year as twenty-somethings leave college campuses in droves, industries on the rise offer something uniquely appealing: the opportunity to seize brand new positions where competition hasn’t reached critical mass.

App Developer The iPhone was introduced in 2007, the Android shortly after. Dis-moi comment tu fais l’amour, je te dirai pour qui tu votes. Capture d’écran du site Droite rencontre A paraître ce vendredi dans le magazine Hot Vidéo, une enquête Ifop sonde les slips et les culottes des électeurs.

Dis-moi comment tu fais l’amour, je te dirai pour qui tu votes

Comment fait-on l’amour selon que l’on est de gauche ou de droite, vert ou rouge, bleu ou rose ? L’échantillon des sondés est représentatif de la population française âgée de 18 ans et plus, 1 411 personnes ont été sollicitées pour sortir du mystère. Les résultats sont plutôt drôles et pas si loin des clichés. A droite, on a moins de partenaires dans une vie A propos de la droite qu’elle dit « modérée », l’étude remarque : « Les électeurs de droite modérée tendent plus que les autres à vivre en couple et ceci dans un cadre conjugal classique.Cela se traduit par une vie sexuelle plus stable que la moyenne si l’on en juge le nombre de partenaires qu’ils déclarent avoir eu durant leur vie : sept en moyenne, contre neuf chez les sympathisants de gauche et dix chez les sympathisants d’extrême droite. » Les frontistes, ces lapins.

Welcome to the Era of Design. How to measure mental availability. Paul Romer, An Interview with Paul Romer on Economic Growth. Russ Roberts: Paul, let's start by talking about the importance of growth as you do in your article for the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.

Paul Romer, An Interview with Paul Romer on Economic Growth

You have an article there, "Economic Growth. " Why do small changes in growth rates matter? What's important about that? Paul Romer: This is a classic application of the power of compounding, that if you have a slightly higher growth rate, as growth rates compound over many years, it leads to dramatically higher levels of income. Paul Romer: For example, at 2.1 percent rate of growth per year, income per capita in a nation can increase by a factor of about 8 over 100 years. Russ Roberts: Huge difference. 20 Companies That Know How To Pamper Their Customers. United Breaks Guitars. Seven Signs of a Customer-Focused CEO.

Being Human is Good Business. The Customer Experience Index, 2007. What Good Does Design Do For Business? Have you noticed how similar some products are becoming?

What Good Does Design Do For Business?

How can brand advocates guide businesses through the new media maze? By MIKE HICKINBOTHAM, Head of New Media, TELSTRA New media is providing corporations the opportunity to reassess commonly accepted marketing practices.

How can brand advocates guide businesses through the new media maze?

At the top of my list is the marketing/purchase funnel. According to Wikipedia, the marketing/purchase funnel was developed in 1898. The marketing/purchase funnel suggests to marketers that a customer gets pushed along a purchase path that starts at ‘awareness’ and ends at ‘purchase’. An article by David Edelman (McKinsey & Company) in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) suggests the ‘Customer Decision Journey’ (listed below) is a more relevant approach to marketing in a new media environment. Brands need to pay greater attention to post purchase experiences that influence whether or not a customer enters ‘the loyalty loop’ as shown below. Using the model listed above, brands need to increase the importance they place on ‘brand advocates’. What does it mean to design public services? Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin was not as haphazard as it may have appeared. Innovation comes from deliberate processes I recently met a bright young policymaker on the local government graduate development programme.

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Return On Customer Experience Investments. In some business circles, getting people to believe in a return on customer experience investments is a lot like getting them to acknowledge the existence of Santa Claus.

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Return On Customer Experience Investments

Admittedly, it can be difficult to quantify a specific profit or revenue impact from some types of experience enhancers—more robust “voice of the customer” programs, more polished customer statements, better trained front-line personnel, streamlined customer touchpoints, a more user-friendly website, etc. Designers Are The New Drivers Of American Entrepreneurialism. I recently walked into a packed hall of 200 Parsons students for an event called “Start Something--Why Creatives Need to Become Entrepreneurs,” organized by the NYCreative Interns group.

Designers Are The New Drivers Of American Entrepreneurialism

Four women entrepreneurs, including Laurel Touby, the founder of Mediabistro, were up front, talking about their experiences of launching their respective businesses. The incredible energy in the room highlighted an emerging trend--the headlong crash of creativity into capitalism to forge a startup model for the future. In this new model, designers drive the force of American entrepreneurialism. China needs new R&D models. Fast Company's FU to User Centered Design - this is the flooz. Forrester’s 2007 Customer Experience Rankings. Let me start by saying congratulations to the company that received the #1 ranking in Forrester’s 2007 Customer Experience Index (CxPi)… Forrester’s 2007 Customer Experience Index The 2007 CxPi ranks 112 firms across 9 industries: Banks, Credit Card Providers, Health Plans, Insurance Firms, Internet Service Providers, Investment Firms, Retailers, TV Service Providers, Wireless Phone Carriers.

Forrester’s 2007 Customer Experience Rankings