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The Top Ten Brand Measures. If a brand manager could only focus on ten measures of brand vitality, these are the measures that I would recommend: 1.

The Top Ten Brand Measures

Top-of-mind unaided awareness – Without this nothing else matters. Research shows that the primary impact of any marketing communication is to increase awareness. Brand awareness is highly correlated with brand favorability and quality perceptions. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. If your brand is delivering well against these ten measures, it is certain to be one of your organization’s most valuable and leveragable assets. Sponsored By: Brand Aid. Great examples of how operations can become marketing. Posted 04.29.09 by Adrian Ho Image via: In a couple of weeks we’ll be partnering with Microsoft to give a joint presentation to some IT and Marketing directors about the idea that their two disciplines are starting to (or needing to) work much more closely these days.

Great examples of how operations can become marketing.

What we want to show is that there are many cases where marketing and IT are collaborating to create programs that deliver operational efficiency within their companies as well as being great marketing vehicles for attracting and retaining customers. Regular readers will recognise this as a favourite theme of ours – we like to think that the best marketing ideas are actually company operations that happen to be really appealing or compelling to customers too. One of the many advantages of this line of thought is that marketing is completely integrated into the business and you don’t have to spend money to build marketing programs that then build your business, you simply spend money on building your business. Social insights boost brands. Ritualising your brand: how establishing meaningful, ownable behavi... NounProject. Scoopinion. Not Clicks.


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Médias & Publicité : Publicité : l'agence AKQA s'installe en France

C'est une nouvelle qui devrait faire du bruit chez les publicitaires et intéresser les annonceurs en quête de stratégie numérique. Après avoir étendu son réseau aux États-Unis (New York, San Francisco et Washington), en Europe (Amsterdam et Berlin) et en Asie (Shanghai), l'agence digitale AKQA, lancée à Londres en 1995, va s'implanter à Paris. Son fondateur, Ajaz Ahmed, un ancien d'Apple passionné par les nouvelles technologies et la communication à l'heure d'Internet et des réseaux sociaux, investit en France pour «faire émerger une renaissance digitale au cœur de Paris». L'agence va démarrer ses activités avec une dizaine de collaborateurs autour de Nike, l'un de ses premiers clients. Réseau indépendant En 2010, le japonais Dentsu avait offert 600 millions de dollars pour mettre la main sur AKQA. The Gruen Transfer.