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Once Upon A Holy Land. Palestineplace. Life as an advocate for Palestine. Youth Against Normalization. ~ Kharabeesh ~ Sixteen Minutes to Palestine. From Gaza to Vittorio with love. Your name is carved in our souls Gaza vigil for Vittorio London Vigil for Vittorio Dear Vik, I decided to write you a letter today to tell you what you have missed since you have passed away. Let me go back to the black Friday of your death, Gaza was very sad and devastated. We couldn’t handle losing you because it was something too big to be handled, but what I knew later on is that you were loved worldwide not only Gaza.

Vik wallah I got emails from around the world from people who were huge fans of you, they read ur books and were really looking forward to meeting you one day. Last Saturday I went to TedxRamallah, the cab ride was aweful. At tedxRamallah Huwaida Arraf had a word to say, she wasn’t going to attend after hearing about your death but then she decided to come and dedicate her segment to you, they showed a video about you and your numerous good deeds for Palestine and Gaza. Beautiful Old Photos of Palestine. Some stunning old photos of Palestine: Palestinian Stamp Al Quds/Jerusalem Bethlehem Nablus Al Quds/Jerusalem grain market Fisherman on the Galilee Jaffa.

Beautiful Old Photos of Palestine

RanaBaker's Blog. 360 km2 of Chaos. Here, I was Born. Farah Filasteen. About: I am easy going, a free spirit, a good listener, critical, analytical, and observant but negligent, indifferent, aloof and clumsy, quiet but very sociable, young and an old soul at heart, detached and unemotional but sensitive, I am simple but complex.

Farah Filasteen

I do not conform to anything that is the slightest bit 'the norm' or 'the dominant.' I am quick to question anything that is 'a given' or anything that appears to be a 'just because -' It is part of my analysis of the world. I am not pessimistic, just inquisitive and always on the quest for the multiple truths that make up the world. Deir Yassin We will never forget. April 9th,1948 Everything in my head sounds poetic. It has been one heck of a day, but thankfully it is over. darwishism: الحنين ندبة في القلب ، و بصمة بلد على جسد . (via batwannisbeek) darwishism: "You long for yourself in the crowd” Here is our first attempt at translating some of Darwish’s work. JERUSALEM QUARTERLY… Edward Said’s Lost Essay on Jerusalem: The Current Status of Jerusalem. Copyright Edward W.

JERUSALEM QUARTERLY… Edward Said’s Lost Essay on Jerusalem: The Current Status of Jerusalem

Said, 1995. Reprinted with permission. This piece was originally a paper delivered at a conference on Jerusalem held in London on 15-16 June, 1995. Introduction by Rashid Khalidi written for this issue. Introduction by Rashid Khalidi This article about the status Jerusalem was written by Edward Said fifteen years ago. Even more striking than Said’s acuity regarding Israeli intentions and actions on the ground in the Holy City is the depth of his understanding of the method of operation regarding Jerusalem that Israel has systematically pursued since 1967. There comes a point when. "The Lemon Tree" by Sandy Tolan. Very few in the West can honestly claim to have been able to appraise the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from an objective point of view that takes into account nothing but the facts. In all fairness, until quite recently, it has been tricky to find complete information that was not deformed and manipulated by heavy ideological filters. Surprisingly, that same claim can be made for many who live in the heart of the land itself, neighbours to an “enemy” who has a destiny that is entwined, but without an idea of who this “enemy” is and what motivations drive him.

Our beliefs and any actions we might take regarding the conflict are influenced by the version of the story that was made available to us, often without our being aware of how simple it is to distort facts, and usually out of good faith, we in the West have accepted almost entirely the veracity of the version that is dominant in our society.

Let’s work at eliminating the bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors. Happy Independence Day wishes from a Palestinian « Aziz Abu Sarah. By: Aziz Abu Sarah Published at Jerusalem Post 19/04/2010 04:55 Although Palestinian and Israeli narratives are different, our vision for the future can be one.

Happy Independence Day wishes from a Palestinian « Aziz Abu Sarah

It might be hard to believe that a Palestinian would wish an Israeli Jew a happy Independence Day, but I am only following in the footsteps of another Palestinian I know, Ibrahim from Hebron. Three years ago, I was cohosting a bilingual (Arabic and Hebrew) radio show at Radio All for Peace in Jerusalem with my Israeli cohost, Sharon Misheiker. Our weekly show happened to air on Israeli Independence Day, and on that day we invited Ibrahim, a peace activist, to talk about the land that had been confiscated from him for the building of the separation barrier.

I remember that Ibrahim spoke with compelling passion and heartbreaking emotions about the loss of his farmland, which had been a main source of income. Sharon and I were shocked. WHY WAS this step important? Like this: Gush Shalom - Israeli peace bloc.