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The-black-cat (Josef F.) on deviantART. Dr. Alderete.


Ana Sanfelippo. Mek Frinchaboy - Illustrations & Lettering for NO BLINK studio Logo, illustrations & Lettering for kids fashion brand Illustrations & Lettering for Carolina Herrera.

Mek Frinchaboy -

View Single Post - Digital Painting: Tips and Techniques for Beginners With David René, Matellis, LotekK. Getting comfortable with using a tablet: If you don't know what a tablet is, don't worry.

View Single Post - Digital Painting: Tips and Techniques for Beginners With David René, Matellis, LotekK

A section will added to this tutorial explaining what a tablet is and why it is important to digital painting. So you've bought a tablet, you've plugged it in, you've installed the driver software and you're ready to start creating some digital masterpieces - but something's wrong, it feels odd, its nowhere close to the natural and intuitive sensation you where promised! Drawing with a tablet is NOT like drawing with a pencil or brush, despite of what the manufacturer may tell you, so just because you can draw with a pencil it doesn't mean you can jump right in and use a tablet with the same precision. If drawing with a tablet seems difficult at first, then don't worry, there is nothings wrong with you or your tablet.

To hopefully shorten your adjustment period, I thought I would put together some tips and exercises to quickly get you comfortable with using a tablet. - Use the tablet.


Hamlet. Máster en Álbum Infantil Ilustrado - iconi. Ilustración FADU / Cátedra Roldán. 14 de septiembre Una pequeña polémica(no tan pequeña): Hace algunos días me convocaron de la magnífica editorial Gustavo Gili, para participar en un libro sobre l...a ilustración en Barcelona y el auge que está viviendo esta disciplina por aquí.

Ilustración FADU / Cátedra Roldán

Cincuenta ilustradores elegidos. La propuesta es maravillosa: un buen libro, seis paginas con dibujos de uno y de los otros, biografías, etc, etc,etc... Todo muy lindo, pero, nada a cambio. Nada de nada, ellos dando por sentado que con la difusión que nos hacen es suficiente pago. No estoy para nada en contra de estas iniciativas, siempre y cuando se ofrezca algo a cambio, en el caso de las editoriales grandes.

En este caso, prefiero decir NO a participar en este libro, porque creo que, sencillamente, no es justo que para poder hacerlo cobren los de la imprenta, los papeleros, el o los diseñadores, la coordinadora del proyecto... NO: es una linda palabra. ANDRE DA LOBA. DeadToast. More after the break!


Continue reading. Tony Stark Built This In A Cave. I've been bad at blogging.

Tony Stark Built This In A Cave

I got a table at MoCCA this year so I have been neglecting the internet for a while to make art stuffs for that. One of the things I'm selling at MoCCA are these notebooks with my astronaut silkscreened on the cover. I'm not very gifted at silkscreening but I had lots of help from Arlin Ortiz and Kris Mukai and I really like how they turned out. They come in 4 different color spines- yellow, red, dark blue, and grey. So I hope you will go to MoCCA and buy one!!! Jim Tierney · Art & Design. Taller de Ilustración Experimental. Adidas Original on Behance.

Neil Stevens Illustration / Crayonfire. Martian Life. Brown Paper Bag. 50 and 50 - THE STATE MOTTOS. Simientes editores editorial sketchbooks - símientes editores editorial sketchbooks.