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Social bookmarking : Les meilleurs services dans une infographie ! | L'Infographie. Tuticfr: Créer une page d'accueil p... MindMeister. Intensebate. BagTheWeb. WOT (Web of Trust) TripIt ! Cookies must be enabled. Please modify your browser settings so we can remember you when you visit TripIt. After cookies are enabled, please refresh the page. Show me how. Internet Explorer 6/7 Click on Tools - Internet Options. Select the Privacy tab. Click the Advanced button. Cookie options are generally found within the browser’s privacy settings, but may require some navigation to find. More Help If you have followed the steps outlined above but are still having trouble with our site, please try the following to supplemental steps: Disable any secure software you may be using. TripIt now supports multiple ways to sign in. Haven't received your verification email?

If you continue to have problems, contact us. Storify. About Us — Seomra Sproai. Seomra Spraoi is a collective that came together in 2004 to set up a radical social centre in Dublin. This idea is an attempt to rebuild some of the things that have been lost to us in the modern world: the sense of community, an atmosphere of tolerance and respect, a safe and secure environment and a non-commercial space for political, arts, cultural, community and other events. It’s a space where you don't feel like you need to buy a cup of over-priced coffee just to sit and relax for a while. What is a social centre? This is a gathering space without a profit motive. It can be a focal point for social movements, and a resource centre for people who are trying to make the world a better place. Seomra Spraoi hosts campaigning groups, and facilitates art and music. It is a centre for debate and the exchange of ideas. Lots of people have got involved in the project in various ways.

How is the centre run? The Seomra Spraoi social centre is an autonomous space. Aims Principles Why? The Museum of Me. Yahoo Pipes. Infomous. Gimme Bar. What's this Place? Whats-this-place_booklet_PDF. Your.flowingdata / Capture your life in data. Post Your Screencast. Fondeadora. Plancast. Knowtex. Home. Tiki'mee. Viadeo. Panorama des médias sociaux. Aviez-vous remarqué que le terme « web 2.0 » n’est plus à la mode ? Il faut dire qu’à force de nous survendre du « 2.0 » à toutes les occasions, le concept fini par lasser. Maintenant, on parle de médias sociaux. Car avec un nombre de services en ligne toujours plus important, des concepts tous plus sophistiqués, des copies, des mashups dans tous les sens… il devenait difficile de s’y retrouve. Voilà pourquoi il était important de morceler cette grosse bouillabaisse qu’était devenu le web 2.0 en plusieurs sous-concepts pour en faciliter la compréhension.

De ce morcellement sont nés le social shopping, l’entreprise 2.0, les médias sociaux et bien d’autres encore. Publions, partageons, sociabilisons ! Dans « médias sociaux » il y a « média« , ce qui veut dire que les médias sociaux sont des supports numériques à une prise de parole ou une publication. Une infinité d’outils et de services Comme vous pouvez le constater, ces différents outils et services peuvent être regroupés par catégories :

Yahoo! Social Bar. Looking for Monthly Active Users (MAU) or Daily Active Users (DAU) for an app or a developer? Subscribe to AppData and gain access today. For more information please visit our TOUR or PRICING pages: TourPricing You can also contact us at (415) 230-2558 or email us at Sample Application Profile Sample Developer Profile Description Discover Yahoo! CR. Anomaly Innovations. Minigroup. The Social Network for Sustainability. EasyZic : LE portail des amoureux de la musique ! Annonces, partitions gratuites, conseils entre musiciens... PeaceJam | Change Starts Here. Social Map. Welcome to Windows Live. Tumblr Office Tour. Daniel Goodman / Business Insider Here is the office of Tumblr, the super fast growing blogging platform that may be inspiring Facebook and has big plans for the future.

We had to see where the magic happens. The Tumblr office is on E 21 St. and that building in the background is actually home to Business Insider. Tumblr splits its office between two floors. The top one is where most of the staff works. Of course, a big logo on entry. There is a book case on entry and the home of their 11-year-old Pomeranian Tommy. Once you get into the back there is a pretty good view of the whole office. There are balloons at each section of desks. Andrew Greene, 29, from New Jersey, is a Product Engineer at Tumblr and is working on improving the spam filters.

Next we head over to the big hanging dice. The designers sit here and they have another great view of the office. Zack Sultan, 26, from Berkeley, CA, is using a cool pad for a mouse and for drawing designs. These Tumblr mugs are all around the office. Lastnightsparty. Welcome to the World Café! Petition Site - Start free petitions. My Delicious. Tuto Twitter. Infographic: 5 Companies That Are Rocking Social Media. This infographic was created by Voltier Digital, a content marketing agency based in Florida, specializing on the creation and promotion of impactful content marketing campaigns for businesses of all sizes.

We all know the usual names of companies that are doing well in social media. I thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of the lesser-knowns and why they've had success, either on an ongoing basis or with some one-off efforts that stood out. And since infographics are all the rage, what better way to look at them? Of course, for SEO purposes, I've listed them here as well. Dell is presented as a master in the art and science of listening. Please feel free to share this post or embed the image on your own site. AllTwitter. All Facebook. Les-medias-sociaux---conference-annuelle-2e-edition- - grandes-conferences - evenements. Les activités sur les médias sociaux représentent maintenant 23 % du temps passé en ligne par les internautes américains ; 65 % des publicités en ligne sont évaluées sur la performance.

Dans un tel contexte, il devient nécessaire de s’approprier les modèles de monétisation des médias sociaux. Nielsen Q3 2011 Cet atelier pratique vous permettra de découvrir les modèles d’affaires les plus innovants et les plus performants, et de comprendre comment bâtir votre plan afin que votre organisation récolte de réels bénéfices par l’utilisation de médias sociaux. L’introduction aura pour objectif de démystifier l’impact économique des communications digitales, et plus particulièrement des médias sociaux.

L’atelier abordera des questions cruciales telles que : Quels sont les modèles d’affaires des différentes marques qui utilisent les médias sociaux ? Comment utiliser les indicateurs de performance comme levier d’un modèle d’affaires profitable ? Comment vendre les médias sociaux à votre patron ? Social Times.