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Tutta la Route 66, in tre minuti. Paris 2013 – A Review. It is not enough anymore to review Paris Photo. With the addition of Offprint, and this year – Le PhotobookFest, a complete review of the city is needed. I am not the person to provide this complete and unbiased view of Paris 2013, but still I shall try with a quick reflection on the different events and some lessons learned in the 4 days I spent in town. Paris Photo 2013 Image = PARIS PHOTO Photography is by no means dead but Paris Photo is moribund. Everyone has known for some time that the exhibition is really no more than an expensive, glossy trade show but this year was especially uninspiring. When I have thousands of pounds to blow on a photograph to sit above my dinner table I shall head straight to Paris Photo and be doted on by gallerists and glamorous assistants, until then I think I will avoid it!

Offprint Paris 2013 I didn’t spend as much time as I would have liked at Offprint this year, but as last year, it offered an antidote to Paris Photo. Le PhotobookFest - Matt. Valrhona ouvre une Cité du Chocolat. EN IMAGES - La célèbre chocolaterie française fait entrer le cacao au musée le 24 octobre, dans son fief de Tain-l'Hermitage (Drôme). Un espace interactif, des ateliers gourmets et une boutique attendent les visiteurs. Après Choco-Story, le «musée gourmand du chocolat» parisien, ouvert en 2010 sur les Grands Boulevards par une famille belge, les Van Belle, sur 850 m², un nouveau poids lourd s'apprête à faire son entrée sur le marché.

Le 24 octobre, la chocolaterie française Valrhona, qui fournit professionnels et particuliers de chocolats top qualité, ouvrira sa Cité du Chocolat à Tain-l'Hermitage, dans la Drôme, où elle a son siège social et ses fabriques depuis 90 ans. Initié il y a six ans par le directeur marketing Franck Vidal, le projet muséal est installé dans un bâtiment ultra-moderne de 700 m². Il renferme un espace découverte «interactif et multi sensoriel», voué à la pédagogie, l'amusement et - bien sûr - la gourmandise à travers des dégustations.

30 Food Reasons NYC Is Worth The Struggle (PHOTOS) Making the decision to live in NYC basically means that you are an insane person. No individual with their wits intact would voluntarily live in a place where rats rule the public transportation, the apartments are glorified shoeboxes and one single cocktail can set you back $20. So why do millions of people live here, many of them transplants from kinder, gentler places? It's because of the food, no question. Even when our landlord has just raised the rent -- again -- and we've had to commute home on a jam-packed subway car (with someone's elbow digging into your side and another person breathing their terrible hot breath on your neck), we have NYC bagels. When we can't get a cab in the freezing winter rain and we just lost out on THE dream job to someone who graduated from university yesterday, a pastrami sandwich from Katz's makes all the wrongs feel right.

The foods that make up this city come to define us as we live in it. Yelp: Sidney E. Superstar Magazine | Fusion of Entertainment & Inspiration. Gastroeconomy - El portal de gastronomía empresarial y tendencias para foodies. New York Inspiration. The Real New York City Underground. By Jules Muir When I was first pitched this idea for a piece on subway musicians, it was slated to be a less in-depth portrait series than the one you will find here.

I would ask a few intriguing questions, snap a picture, and be done. It wasn't until after I spoke with the first musician that I realized this wasn’t going to be the case. I had stumbled upon something much bigger, an environment that I couldn’t just cover with a picture and a few pop quiz questions. There were stories to tell here, the individuals and instruments are part of a scene, a complex musical culture dwelling in the underground of New York City. If you live here you see it every day on your way to work or to school, hopping from place to place on the subway. The subway serves as a refuge for those who haven’t made it big, those on the decline, and for those who are still chasing big dreams. It’s not easy, it’s a struggle, and the money is nowhere near consistent. Breakfast From Around The World. Cómo preparar el café perfecto - Noticias de Alma, Corazón, Vida.

Un hotel es cosa de personas. Mucho han cambiado los hoteles en los últimos años. ¿Quién se acuerda de aquellos anodinos establecimientos playeros que anunciaban como lujo supremo una piscina para chapotear en familia? Aún no había nacido la infinity pool. Tampoco se estilaba el spa; entonces se llamaba balneario y eran aguas termales que solicitaba, casi exclusivamente, la tercera edad. Hasta los años ochenta no existía realmente el turismo rural y apenas estaba germinando la hotelería con encanto que nació como una historia de ejecutivos estresados: “Fulanito de tal y menganita de cual huyeron del mundanal ruido en pos de un sueño tan atávico como el de vivir en el campo”. Faltaba todavía mucho para el alumbramiento de los Tripadvisor, Trivago y otros aurigas digitales, y tampoco existían aún las agencias de viajes online. 1 Le Domaine Lo último en lujo se vive hoy a orillas del Duero.

Le Domaine (; 983 68 03 68). 2 Les Cols Les Cols (; 699 81 38 17). 3 Son Brull 7 Almud 14 Atrio. 10 infusiones que mejoran tu salud-Rooibos 51484. Authentic Recipes, Food, Drinks and Travel. Las 10 prohibiciones más sorprendentes del mundo. Andadores infantiles Los bebés en Canadá tienen que aprender a caminar al modo tradicional. El país prohibió los andadores en 2004 después de que determinaran que este mecanismo puede poner en peligro a los bebés retrasando su desarrollo motor y mental. La posesión o venta de un andador puede costarle multas de hasta 100.000 dólares o seis meses de cárcel. Ketchup En 2011 Francia prohibió el condimento de tomate en los comedores escolares con el fin de preservar la cocina francesa. Bombillas incandescentes La eliminación gradual de las bombillas incandescentes no es tan fácil como apretar un interruptor. Peinado salmonete En la mayoría de los países del mundo tener el peor peinado posible es un derecho del que algunos hacen gala, pero no es así en la República Islámica de Irán.

Bolsas de plástico Bangladesh marcó tendencia en el año 2002, cuando se convirtió en el primer país en prohibir las bolsas de plástico con el fin de proteger el medio ambiente. Cachetes a los niños Chicle McDonald's. Recetas de cocina y gastronomía. Directo al Paladar. Mood Food, más dieta y menos Prozac. ¿Puede la comida hacernos más felices o más desgraciados? El movimiento 'Mood Food' o la cocina de la felicidad dice que sí. Te contamos todo (incluidas nuestras dudas) sobre esta tendencia. Tendencias gastronómicas. Algo intuíamos cuando dijimos aquello de "más orgánico, más próximo": Vinos, carnes, verduras y hasta helados de cultivo ecológico. ¿Verdad? Drew Ramsey, autor de La dieta de la felicidad y profesor de la Universidad de Columbia lo afirma sin rastro de titubeo: los alimentos altamente procesados, con elevadas cantidades de azúcar y toxinas no sólo provocan obesidad sino también depresión.

Mood Food. En realidad, claro, los agentes que desatan nuestra -supuesta- felicidad no son las cerezas sino los aminoácidos que hay tras estos alimentos: el resveratrol (del vino), el triptófano, la teobromina, la fenilalanina, la tirosina o la tan deseada serotonina. Sé lo que están pensando. Qué faena, verdad. La revista de viajes con HistoriaS La revista de viajes con HistoriaS » La revista online para los viajeros amantes de la Historia.

Daily Geek Show | L'actualité geek 2.0 ! Des gadgets farfelus, des technologies hallucinantes, les découvertes de la science et un aperçu de notre futur.

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Scribol | Recent. Restaurante | Restaurante en Madrid | Pescados con un toque ruso | Degustación de vodkas. Los reyes del cruasán. Cruasanes y otros bollos en la pastelería de May Hofmann, en Barcelona. Son un icono de la bollería tradicional. Se trata de las piezas más delicadas y frágiles. En su calidad influyen de forma directa el refinamiento de la harina y el sabor de la mantequilla. Cruasanes pure beurre hay muy pocos. Pastelería Pomme Sucre, en Madrid. / S. Pomme Sucre El pastelero Julio Blanco ha tardado años en encontrar la mantequilla adecuada para preparar los cruasanes. Libertad 26, Gijón, y Barquillo 49, Madrid. Confitería Oriol Balaguer. / Paula Villar Oriol Balaguer Como buen chocolatero, le gusta añadirle un punto de sal a la bollería para lograr un contrapunto que realce el sabor.

Ortega y Gasset 44, Madrid, y Pl. Pastelería Escribá, en Barcelona. / Tejederas Cristian Escribá Resultan deliciosos, sobre todo cuando están recién hechos y el aroma de la mantequilla precede al crujir de sus capas tostadas. Gran Vía, 546; Rambla de les Flors, 83 y Ronda Litoral, 42. May Hofmann Alcalá, 77. Deco. Feta-Stuffed Tomatoes. Skittles vodka. Falcon Punch (Super Smash Bros. Cocktail. Wonderputt. - Live Flight Tracker! Cat. Hotel Booking Portals. Cheap Airfare. Top ten hostels in Europe. Staying in a hostel in Europe is a rite of passage for budget-conscious travelers making their way around the continent. This is particularly the case for budget-conscious younger travelers. Here are ten hostels across Europe that either receive particularly high user-review grades or are notorious enough in one or another way to be noteworthy.

St. Christopher's at the Winston, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Winston presents itself as "an interactive museum of modern art. " However it refers to itself, it is without question one of the most dynamic budget hotels in Europe, with a few hostel-style dormitory rooms on offer. It's got a restaurant on the premises and a nearby nightclub, and is aesthetically far more exciting that your average hostel.

Långholmen, Stockholm, Sweden. Good Bye Lenin, Krakow, Poland. Balmers, Interlaken, Switzerland. Meininger, London, United Kingdom. Oops! Hostel Archi Rossi, Florence, Italy. Kadir's Tree Houses, Olympos, Turkey. The Pink Palace, Corfu, Greece. 25 Beauty Tips Reusing Household Items – Homemade Beauty Tips on ELLE. 1. Old Buttons Repurpose spare buttons by using them to keep pairs of earrings together: Most buttons have at least two holes in them, so simply place an earring in each opening to neatly store when not wearing. Photo: Jupiter Images 2.

Eyebrow Brush Stuck without a lint-remover? Use this handy makeup tool to remove unwanted fuzz from your shirt. Photo: Courtesy of Sephora 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. HUF - Welcome.

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To Curate 2. Cars &motorbykes. Hobbies & Collectors. Gastronomy: Food & Drinks. Food - Recipes : Apple tart 'Maman Blanc' Vegetarian Phrases in World Languages - East Asia/English. Bacon and Egg Cups. As you are probably well aware by now, I love cereal. I don't think I have come across a cereal that I didn't like. If I want to get my day started off on the right foot, I pour myself a huge bowl of cereal and leave the house with a very happy tummy. This week, however, my cereal intake has been less than satisfactory. We have cereal in our pantry but sadly we ran out of milk over the weekend. Excuse me while I add that to my grocery shopping list... Now that that's taken care of, I would like to share with you a little creation I threw together to feed my hunger pains this morning. I bought a ton of bacon last week and piled the eggs high in my shopping cart too. These Bacon and Egg Cups are easy to put together and take less than 30 minutes to bake.

Bacon and Egg Cups Ingredients: Food. Bethany actually» Blog Archive » Make your own vanilla extract. Wouldn’t you be happy to get this as a Christmas gift? I read Catherine Newman’s post about making homemade vanilla as Christmas gifts and thought, Brilliant! I’m gonna do that this year! So we did. I bought a dozen 4-ounce clear Boston round glass bottles and 20 organic Tahitian vanilla beans (I actually received 23 beans).

Troy went to BevMo and picked up a couple of liters of vodka. [UPDATE 12 October 2011: The company I originally bought vanilla beans from seems to be on hiatus. I also gathered my two lovely and capable assistants, Annalie and my mom Debbie. For each bottle of vanilla, you’ll need 2-3 beans and 1/2 cup of vodka. First, we used the scissors to cut each vanilla bean in half lengthwise and then again crosswise. We stuffed all the bean pieces into the bottles, seven or eight pieces per bottle. We got vanilla-bean flecks and sticky juice on our fingers, but it washed off easily and as a bonus made our hands smell yummy.

Lather. Beer Tastings & Reviews.

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Fun. Fashion, Beauty, Shopping & Crafts, Parents & Kids. Ships & Yatchs, Marine. Magic. Pets. Lifestyle. Gardening & Plants. Home Design, Decoration & Bricolage. Consumer & Customer. Travel & Tourism. Landscapes. Travel Sites. 10 Most Terrifying Places on Earth - Top 10 Lists | Listverse. Creepy There are places on this planet that are stranger than the most alien landscapes we have ever imagined. Places that make your skin crawl. Places that induce heavy breathing and paranoia, before anything has even happened. We walk the dark, dusty steps of old castles and houses. We hear screams in the night, footsteps in the hall. The History The Riddle House in Palm Beach County, Florida, was originally a funeral parlor. The Terror Joseph, one of Riddle’s former employees, committed suicide by hanging himself in the attic of the house.

The Northern part of Summit County in Ohio is known by the eerily blunt moniker, Helltown. Whether based on a kernel of truth or cooked up in the heads of creative visitors, the persistent legends of Helltown add to the creep factor. Stull, Kansas, is a tiny, unincorporated town in Bumfuck, Nowhere- er, pardon, Douglas County. “There are graveyards across America that go beyond merely being haunted and enter into the realm of the diabolical. 1. Travel Math - Trip Calculator. Viajes. Oregon USA.
