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Art Therapy & Outsider Art

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El bestialismo y sus monstruosos engendros. En su clásico Lenguaje y silencio, George Steiner dejó escrito que en el terreno amoroso “las cosas fundamentalmente han sido iguales desde que el hombre por primera vez conoció a la cabra y a la mujer”. Siendo uno de los intelectuales más destacados del siglo XX probablemente tendrá razón en lo esencial de tal afirmación… pero creo que le faltan unos cuantos animales a la lista, tal como veremos en los abundantes ejemplos que la mitología, la literatura y el cine nos ha regalado sobre el amor a los animales.

Por mi origen vasco la zoofilia o bestialismo nunca me ha resultado algo ajeno, dada la secular carencia de hembras predispuestas para la coyunda que padece esta tribu y su abundancia, en cambio, de vacas y ovejas. Pero en líneas generales está claro que para el conjunto de la humanidad también ha sido siempre una opción.

Solo falta precisar a qué clase de relación nos estamos refiriendo cuando hablamos de bestialismo y entre quiénes tiene lugar. Híbridos interespecies. Collection de l'Art Brut. Outsiders Art & Collectibles, Durham NC. Outsider Art. Outsider Art: A Definition My first encounter with the phrase Outsider Art being used to describe a specific selection of art and artists was in 1972, in the excellent book of the same name by Roger Cardinal. I have come to use the phrase Outsider Art to refer to the creative work of artists who are self-taught and/or those who, for a variety of reasons, are what I consider fortunately impervious to being taught how to make art.

It now includes all of the following: The naive, the innocent, the self-taught, the visionary, the intuitive, the eccentric; The schizophrenic, the developmentally disabled, the psychotic, the obsessive, the compulsive. The French artist Jean Dubuffet is perhaps more responsible than anyone else for our current awareness of what we now call Outsider Art. He coined the phrase Art Brut, which literally means Raw Art, to refer to art made by those described above. Additional Definitions The strong appeal of all this work seems to be rooted primarily in its otherness.

The Outsider Art Pages: Folk and Outsider Art. Raw Vision. See also => Raw Vision's Definitions The first inkling of the existence of Outsider Art emerged from the work of a few enlightened psychiatrists in the mid and late nineteenth century. Gradually it became clear that some psychiatric patients were spontaneously producing artworks - often on found scraps of paper - of unusual quality and power.

By 1922 Dr Hans Prinzhorn in Germany published the first serious study of psychiatric works, Bildnerei der Geisteskranken (The Artistry of the Insane), after amassing a collection of several thousand examples from European institutions. Both book and collection received considerable attention from avant garde artists of the time and the influence on such figures as Franz Marc, Paul Klee, Max Ernst and Jean Dubuffet has been much documented. They were fascinated and inspired by an art that was produced without any influences from the modern art world yet seemed highly original, compelling and contemporary.

See also >> Raw Vision's Definitions. Outsider Art .info ... Outsider Art Online Exhibition Gallery.