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FriendFeed. Attap : all things to all people. Webbr - Set Social Free. My Life My Way. Your Personal Portal. Discover, Organize and Share your Daily Life. lifeIO simply and flexibly aggregates and integrates all of the elements of your daily online life in a single browser window. Mail, chat, social networks, calendar, todos, notes, rss and shopping. The lifeIO Now view displays the most recent things you've looked at. It's an easy way to see what you've been up to lately and quickly followup items of interest. lifeIO aggregates all of your email and chat accounts in one place. You can create as many lifeIO calendars as you wish and also import your Outlook, Google and Yahoo calendars and any iCal calendar file into LifeIO. LifeIO imports your contacts from Gmail, Yahoo Address Book and Microsoft Outlook from a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file exported by the service. Organize your to-do list any way you want to and create as many custom categories to save your to-do's as you wish.

Create notes and save them to categories you create. Get Glue: The Nework That Sticks To You. Feed your blog to twitter.


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