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7 Dog Park Etiquettes to Know before taking Coco to the Park

11 february 2020

7 Dog Park Etiquettes to Know before taking Coco to the Park

Taking Coco to a dog park for the very first time? Great. Dog parks are a great place to give your dog all the freedom to run and play and make friends with other dogs. But, just like any other place, there are some etiquettes and rules that you must know before taking your dog to the park.

First of all, before going anywhere with your dog, it is important that you get a genuine ESA letter. Before getting the letter, ask for a esa letter to check the details that will go into it. Checking it beforehand will help you avoid any scam or fake letter.

Before going to the dog park, below are the basic dog park etiquettes that you must know.

  • Your dog must be socially trained to be around strangers and public places. As an ESA owner, you have the advantage of going to places with your dog but you are responsible for your dog’s behavior. Teach him the basic commands and make sure that he listens to you at all times.

  • Vaccinate your dog properly and make sure that all of Coco’s paperwork is completed before taking him to the park. Taking your dog to the park without complete vaccination will expose him to the diseases that other dogs may have.

  • In case your dog is in ‘that’ time of the year, it is better to keep him at home. We suggest all the dog owners spay their dogs but in case you have missed it and your dog’s time of the year is here, postpone your visit to the dog park.Before moving forward always remember that you need an esa letter for housing in order to live peacefully with your esa.

  • Do not bring food and your dog’s favorite treats to the park as it could cause fights among the dogs. All dogs love food and they can smell it miles afar. Therefore, to make sure that you do not become the cause of an outbreak in the park, leave that lunchbox home.

  • Keep the leash with you even when you visit an off-leash dog park. Keeping the leash with you will help you take your dog away from an unlikely and unpleasant situation like a sudden fight. A leash will also help you to control your dog in a better manner.

  • Be ready to pick after your dog. Traveling with dogs means that there are high chances of unlikely accidents. In case your dog releases himself in the park, you must scoop and dispose of the excreta as soon as possible. Do not forget to bring your gloves, scoop and disposable bag to do the deed easily.

  • Keep the collar on your dog before leaving for the park. While the park is likely to be fenced, there is a fair chance your dog decides to take its ‘chance’ to freedom. In such a case, a collar with your complete contact details will help in finding him easily and quickly.

Dog parks are great for Coco’s recreation and for your social development also. Just like Coco gets to meet new dogs, you meet new dog owners and both of you get a chance of making new friends. But, knowing the rules and etiquettes of the dog park will make sure that each of your visits is memorable.Always remember that you need an emotional support dog letter to keep an esa with you.