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Homemade Face Mask Recipe - Homemade Facial Masks. Skin Care 101: Beyond Just Your Face. Crafts: Marvelous Grapefruit Sugar Scrub. This is decidedly the best scrub I have ever made and it's just three ingredients needed.

Crafts: Marvelous Grapefruit Sugar Scrub

It's the perfect thing to cosset your skin with after the harshness of winter. The citrus scent will raise your spirits and have you in a spring state of mind in no time. Ingredients 1cup fine sugar- to exfoliate and as a natural humectant3/4 cup Macadamia Nut Oil - comparable to natural oil produced by your skin, great moisturizer1/2 cup dried course ground grapefruit peel - to exfoliate and aromatherapy calming & invigorating First peel 2 medium grapefruits. Then snip the peels into thin strands. Bake in the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Place in blender on grate setting if possible, about 60 seconds should get you about 1/2 cup of coarse ground peel. Now thoroughly mix the sugar and peel... Slowly pour in the oil and mix very well. 21 Home Remedies for Oily Skin" TLC Style "This, Not That, Skincare: Cleansers" When it comes to skincare, natural or not, lots of women have their favorite products that they tend to stand by, finding it hard to switch to the more natural solutions.

TLC Style "This, Not That, Skincare: Cleansers"

Homemade Hand Cream — Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara. Sometimes those taking my classes bring me gifts.

Homemade Hand Cream — Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

Gifts are never expected but are always appreciated .. especially the ones that have special meaning . . like things people who read the blog know I collect. Homemade gifts are always special too. Last week a lady gave me a little Glad container of homemade hand cream. This may be TMI but my feet crack . . badly! It’s probably because I hate wearing shoes and am almost always barefooted. The lady gave me the recipe for it and mom and I made a batch last night. Homemade Hand Cream: 16 oz. baby lotion 8 oz.

Mix with electric mixer til it resembles icing. Put in containers. Homemade Hand Lotion Recipe - Homemade Moisturizer. 8 Do-It-Yourself Home Facials. Facials are a great way to keep your skin glowing, but they can be pricey.

8 Do-It-Yourself Home Facials

We asked Louisa Macan-Graves, author of Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the Rescue, and Elda Argenti, owner of the Plantogen skincare line, for their favorite make-at-home face masks crafted from common household ingredients. For All Skin Types. Home Made Pore strips - without gelatin or eggs. 9 Pretty Simple Pimple Home Remedies. A few weeks ago when I was digging around for a post to “revive” from way in the depths of Crunchy Betty, my first thought was a very, very old post titled 27 Quick and Crunchy Home Remedies for Pimples.

9 Pretty Simple Pimple Home Remedies

It’s a great post, full of fun little ideas for when you have a giant monster on your face and want to treat it quickly. I even used several of the ideas in the Simple Pimple Remedies section of Food on Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin. & What is your acne telling you? The Beauty Gypsy. 10 Steps to Clear Skin. With all of my product and lifestyle research throughout the years, I now know what keeps my skin clear and acne free.

10 Steps to Clear Skin

Here are some tips and products I have used that give results. Don’t pick! This is the first rule of thumb. Picking your skin, especially with bare, unwashed hands, will defeat the effects of any healing products or healthy lifestyle changes you may be doing. Picking your skin with bare hands may lead to small cuts and tears from your nails, and dirt is easily passed from your hands to your skin, thus creating breakouts. Perfect Groomed Eyebrows In 4 Steps. Wash Your Face the Right Way: 7 Mistakes You're Currently Making. The vast amount of face wash options can be overwhelming, there are lotions, milks, scrubs, foaming mousses, oils, wipes, motorized brushes, and more.

Wash Your Face the Right Way: 7 Mistakes You're Currently Making

How To Refresh Your Skin Post-Party. A late night sounds like a blast, right?

How To Refresh Your Skin Post-Party

DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL. I was chatting with someone on my flight back from my vacation.


She lived in another country where salons are hard to come by or if they are around, they aren't very good. So, sometimes a girl has got to depend on herself. & 6 super-weird beauty tricks that work wonders The Beauty Gypsy. The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. Get Perfect Skin – The 10 Commandments of Perfect Skin – ELLE. Ready for some eye-opening news?

Get Perfect Skin – The 10 Commandments of Perfect Skin – ELLE

According to a recent study by the University of Göttingen in Germany, the appearance of the skin on a woman's hands, chest, and arms has a huge impact on her perceived age. The 240 participants of the P&G-sponsored study judged women with dull, dry skin to be older than their actual age, and those with smooth, radiant skin to be up to 10 years younger.

But here's the kicker: Those delicate areas are especially prone to visible signs of aging, such as sun damage, and a disparity between the conditions of the face and body can exaggerate the overall appearance of aging.