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Facebook Twitter Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. C QA - Recommended list of Doctype declarations you can use in your Web document. Warning The list is informative and does not try to be exhaustive (there are many other proper declarations you could use), but it has most of the declarations commonly used on the Web at the moment.

C QA - Recommended list of Doctype declarations you can use in your Web document

Recommended Doctype Declarations to use in your Web document. When authoring document is HTML or XHTML, it is important to Add a Doctype declaration. The doctype declaration must be exact (both in spelling and in case) to have the desired effect, which makes it sometimes difficult. To ease the work, below is a list of recommended doctype declarations that you can use in your Web documents. Template Use the following markup as a template to create a new XHTML 1.0 document using a proper Doctype declaration.

<! (X)HTML Doctype Declarations List Strict Transitional Frameset Strict (quick reference) Transitional Frameset XHTML Basic 1.1 (quick reference): HTML 5 [NOT a standard yet] MathML Doctype Declarations MathML 2.0 - DTD: MathML 1.01 - DTD: Compound documents doctype declarations SVG 1.1 Full - DTD: JavaScript Kit- Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop. jQuery API. Prototype API documentation. - web 2.0 javascript.

Home — Scriptaculous Documentation. is a set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user interface of web sites.

Home — Scriptaculous Documentation

It provides an visual effects engine, a drag and drop library (including sortable lists), a couple of controls (Ajax-based autocompletion, in-place editing, sliders) and more. Be sure to have a look at the demos! API Documentation and Reference This wiki details Version 1.8.1 of the library, which is the most current version of the 1.x trunk of Core Effects: Effect.Highlight, Effect.Morph, Effect.Move, Effect.Opacity, Effect.Scale, Effect.Parallel,Effect Queues. Index of /code/javascript. Here is a collection of the work of Mathieu 'P01' Henri, creative coder, demoscener, JavaScript freak and size optimizer extraordinaire acting on the web platform and in Assembler on PC and Atari ST computers. 128bytes demoscene HTML5 JS1k dragon curve fractal space filling curve An itsy bitsy Dragon curve renderer in 121 bytes. 64bytes demoscene HTML5 Nick Montfort commodore 64 10 print Breaking the 64 bytes fronteer with the famous '10 print maze generator. 3D canvas raymarching demoscene 256b HTML5 minecraft raycasting notch Tribute to MINECRAFT, voxel flyby in 252 bytes of HTML5. 3D canvas raymarching demoscene 256b HTML5 wolfenstein 3d raycasting dungeon An homage to Wolfenstein 3D in 251 bytes of HTML5. 3D canvas raymarching demoscene 256b HTML5 distance function function storm in a teacup 256 bytes JavaScript signed distance field raymarcher using 2D Canvas.

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