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Things to do with birds

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Woodpecker family Picidae. Photos de Africa Geographic Birds. Photos de Africa Geographic Birds. Swallow tailed bee eaters. African Pied Kingfisher. Bird Identification. BIRD SONGS AND CALLS WITH SPECTROGRAMS ( SONOGRAMS ) OF SOUTHERN TUSCANY ( Toscana - Italy ) - SONGS AND SPECTROGRAMS. Bird pic form. BIRDQUEST | The Ultimate in Birding Tours Worldwide. BIRD. [site/link_exchange.htm] On this website, you can find the bird checklists of all countries of the world: Just go to In many of them you can find the bird names in its native language as well. But there is much more. There are pictures of nature, great tools for conservation, information on national parks and other nature reserves, an on-line book on ecology and nature conservation, free software for downloading, technical reports for those who want it. In order to find your way through the 2000 interlinked web pages on nature and conservation, please go to the site map.

We have composed a list of bird species originally based on the bird list of Sibley and Monroe of 9702, 1993. However, what matters to you, the birdwatcher is what you find in the field at the place where you are birding. If you want to read a bit more about the species concept, you may find some conceptual discussions here: World Bird Guide. The Lift Home. Hand feeding Hummingbirds. Avianweb: For the love of Birds: Photos, Species Info and Bird Care. The dodo bird ... an example of survival of the fittest. Featured In Often pictured as a magnificently overweight pigeon-like bird, the last dodo died in the late 1600s.

This non-flying bird which allegedly was ‘obviously unfit’ became extinct as evolution would expect, and is often used as a prime example of natural selection and proof of how evolution works. It lived on the small island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, and is now known from only bony remains plus a preserved foot and head. A careful recent examination of the dodo has revealed that many common perceptions about the bird are incorrect.1 In the words of John Maddox, of the journal Nature, ‘the dodo deserves a better press.’2 Studies on more than 400 skeletal dodo relics by Livezy, and the work of Kitchener at the Royal Museum of Scotland, have recently radically changed the common view about the bird. In the words of Kitchener, ‘Rivaling the dinosaurs as a symbol of extinction, the dodo is renown for being slow, stupid and fat.

Myth of the fat dodo Footnotes. BBC - Earth News - Pelicans filmed gobbling gannets. Adult pelicans swallow the young gannets whole In a bizarre reaction to changing food supplies, great white pelicans have turned to eating live gannet chicks. This adaptive behaviour, first revealed by biologist Marta de Ponte Machado, has now been captured on film by a BBC natural history camera crew. On the island of Malgas in South Africa, the pelicans attack any gannet chick that is left undefended by its parents and is small enough to swallow. As a result, entire gannet colonies are in danger of being destroyed.

The predatory behaviour is captured for the BBC natural history series Life. Cape gannets and pelicans are members of the same bird order. Cape gannets (Morus capensis) have a wingpsan of up to 1.8m when fully grown and can live for up to 25 years. The species breeds in just six places, of which one is Malgas island in South Africa. Due to people overfishing sardine and anchovies off the coast of Southern Africa, the population of gannets has dwindled. Online Birds Guide with Facts, Articles, Videos, and.