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What?!?! Me Study?!?!? AP Calculus Exam coming up.

What?!?! Me Study?!?!?

Let's have the kids create a study calendar! That's the ticket. Because you know, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I fell into the old Geometry Logic trap. Just because ~p --> q is true, it DOES NOT say anything about what p implies. We had a class powwow. Things I need to think about changing/adding next year: a part of the homework for the calendar that mentions what incentives they'll give themselves for studying ... maybe some strategies they need to write up for the times they DON'T feel like studying ... other? I checked around with other AP teachers. Okay. Teaching High School Math: Freebies. Reflections of a High School Math Teacher: Google Drive! What are you waiting for Math Teachers?

The Secondary Classroom can be fun too..... Crafty Teacher Lady: Classroom Organization: Proven Strategies for Workflow Management. *Welcome everyone who has come to the blog via Pinterest!

Crafty Teacher Lady: Classroom Organization: Proven Strategies for Workflow Management

You can follow my daily adventures in teaching and life on Instagram, too! This is the first in a series of posts about organization in the secondary classroom. You can read more about how I lesson plan here, see a tour of my classroom here, and read advice to new teachers here! Thanks for stopping by! I recently had a fellow teacher/blog reader email me asking for any tips and strategies I have for managing the wide array of papers coming and in out of my possession. Coupon Composition: Just In Time For The Holidays - Mr. Keltner. In the spirit of Black Friday, let's see if we can save some green.

Coupon Composition: Just In Time For The Holidays - Mr. Keltner

Whether you are guilty of joining the Black Friday "festivities" or not, this lesson contains something for you to be aware of in your shopping with coupons. If you have multiple coupons, of different discount types (amount discount vs. percent discount, that is), then there is a particular way to apply these savings that will earn more savings than the other. Long story short: Apply the percent discount before applying the amount discount for more savings. The concept relies on the concept of composition of functions, commonly written in the form f(g(x)). These are functions that evaluate in one functions and then another, in a particular order.

Remember, always use the percent discount FIRST when given the opportunity. Teaching this lesson in class works well, mainly due to the fact students get so wrapped up in seeing whether they know how to reap the biggest reduction on their purchases in the future. Misscalcul8: Made 4 Math #15 Foldables. Pages Made 4 Math #15 Foldables I wanted to share two foldables I've used so far.

misscalcul8: Made 4 Math #15 Foldables

One is ripped off of Sarah Rubin's Words into Math foldable that I modified to fit on a regular piece of paper rather than into a composition notebook. I displayed this slide with key words in it and we wrote them in the correct places. I like the idea of keeping this all year and adding more words to it as we come across them. We made this after I taught those concepts so I had students go back to their notes and pick out two examples of each to write on the inside. Created by Elissa Miller on Monday, October 08, 2012 Tags: #Made4Math, Algebra I Lessons, Algebra II Lessons, Foldables. Teaching Statistics: Made4Math - Function Operations.

It feels like it's been forever since I blogged!

Teaching Statistics: Made4Math - Function Operations

One of my New Year Resolutions was to find more balance in my life and while I'm happy to report that it is going well, it has meant a decrease in things like blogs and twitter. I've not had an extremely creative semester, so far, but here's some goodies from this past week :) Function Operations Last week, one of our lessons was on function operations... you know, (f+g), (f-g), f(g(x)), etc and honestly I thought it would go very smoothly since we had already done polynomials.

Oh my goodness... it was a diaster! I did a self-guided worksheet (you can see it HERE), and thought the kids would zoom through it, but no... it took us TWO DAYS! Anyway, to make a long story short, we needed practice... and LOTS of it! We picked an f(x) and a g(x), then rolled the dice to tell us what to do. Inverses Foldable So the next day, our lesson was on function inverses.

Mr. Peters' Classroom Website - Home. I have no idea why I picked this blog name, but there's no turning back now. Welcome to the Inside Mathematics Website. Reflections of a High School Math Teacher. Math = Love. Dy/dan. Walking in Mathland.


Walking in Mathland

The answer is yes you can study mathematics. There is apparently a rumor going around telling students that math cannot be studied. This is a lie. Run from the darkness. The issue is students need to learn how to study math. Cheat Sheet (See photo to the left)Start reviewing notes, power-points, textbook, or whatever form the material being tested was presented on and on a blank sheet of paper write out problems, equations, formulas, and helpful hints on the material you do not 100% understand. Flashcards This is a fabulous tool to use with units where there is vocabulary, properties, and formulas that will tested.