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Gmail style file upload in ASP.NET. In this article, I shall show how to upload files in Gmail style where there is no Upload button, no file upload control. Just a link and thats it! Download source code for Gmail style file upload in ASP.NET This article describes how to upload the file using GMail style where there is no FileUpload control, Button control visible to the end user. The user only see the Upload or Attach link. I have created a demo page and my UI looks like below. In order to show how to achieve GMail style fiile upload, I am using jQuery that you can download from jQuery . com website. Step 1 Create an aspx file named FileUpload.aspx with following code. In the above code, I have placed a Label control, FileUpload control and a Button control. Step 2 Write following code in the code-behind of the FileUpload.aspx file. protected void UploadFileToServer(object sender, EventArgs e) Get solutions of your .NET problems with video explanations and source code in .NET How to's.

Step 3 Step 4 function OpenFileUpload() Ways to fire jQuery and javascript code when the page loads - Web Developer Post. There are several ways to execute your javascript and jQuery codes. Some of these ways include on button clicks, key press events, timers, mouse events and on the load of the page. In this post, I'll be discussing the execution of code when the page loads. Executing javascript and jQuery code when the page loads is a very common task that occurs on most websites. You might be aware of the many different ways to do it, but you might not be aware of how different each method works. So lets jump right into it. Using jQuery's $(document).ready(): Using document.ready will allow you to execute code when the DOM has completely loaded. $(document).ready(function(){ // your code goes here. }); Using jQuery's $(window).load() or javascript's window.onload() or <body onload="">: Using these methods will execute slightly later than the document.ready method.

$(window).load(function(){ // your code goes here }); or window.onload = function() { // your code goes here } Using ASP.NET's pageLoad(): FullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin. FullCalendar - Download. Latest: Includes a basic stylesheet, the Google Calendar extension, and the necessary jQuery and jQuery UI files.

The jQuery UI files are only necessary if you plan to do drag & drop / resizing. View all releases » You can install FullCalendar through Bower, a package manager for web components. Once you have the bower command line tool installed, you can type: $ bower install fullcalendar CDNJS is kind enough to host FullCalendar's files through a reliable CDN, which you can directly link to from your site.

// // // Note the // at the beginning of each URL.