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Erika W. Hendley


Avoid a home insurance claim this holiday: Tips to keep you safe. Did you know that fires caused by decorations, cooking fires, property damage, and burglary are some of the most common home insurance claims in Calgary during the holidays?

Avoid a home insurance claim this holiday: Tips to keep you safe

While classic holiday movies where the character fights burglars with creative traps or burn their holiday dinner during the first date is entertaining, it can be a disaster in the real world. Here are some useful safety tips to help you enjoy your holiday season and minimize your chances of a serious accident. Home Insurance for Holiday Safety tips for holiday lights and decorations Place the Christmas tree at least three feet away from heat sources, including vents, floor and table lamps, fireplaces, and candles.Avoid placing the tree in an area that creates a tripping hazard or blocks an exit.Never use outdoor lights on an indoor tree.Examine lights for exposed wires and broken or loose bulbs.

10 Important Tips for Safe Online Shopping. Did you know that E-commerce is increasing at a rapid pace?

10 Important Tips for Safe Online Shopping

This is especially true in light of people shopping from home much more during the pandemic. While online shopping is convenient, it also comes with the risk of scammers. An increase in online shopping leads to a rise in fraudulent activity. Home maintenance tips for winter. In 2019, insured damage from extreme weather reached $1.3 billion.

Home maintenance tips for winter

According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2019 is the seventh most costly year recorded. While we can’t control the severity of the weather, there are certain things we can do to help protect our home during the winter. 5 Driving Tips to Avoid Road Accidents. While some accidents are unavoidable and can happen regardless of how safe you are on the road, most can be prevented.

5 Driving Tips to Avoid Road Accidents

Avoiding accidents helps you keep your car insurance premiums down and a clean driving record can save you on your auto insurance renewals. Distracted Driving To keep you and others safe on the road, we’ve outlined five driving tips below that will help you avoid any trouble: 1. Eliminate Distracted Driving Distracted driving has become the number one reason for vehicle collisions and, for this reason, authorities are really cracking down on enforcing the rules. Distracted Driving Ticket: How Does It Impact Your Car Insurance? The Canadian Automobile Association reports that distracted driving has become the number one cause of fatal crashes.

Distracted Driving Ticket: How Does It Impact Your Car Insurance?

5 Driving Habits You Need to Get into for School Opening. In Alberta, the beginning of the school year has begun and is well underway.

5 Driving Habits You Need to Get into for School Opening

With students back to classes comes an increase in vehicle traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists. To help ensure the safety of families and individuals on the road, we’ve created this guide on good driving habits to adopt for the school year and for all seasons. School Opening 1. Get Familiar with Your Area’s Traffic Lights and Street Signs To improve road safety, drive through your neighbourhood when there is little to no traffic and get to know the traffic lights, crosswalks, and any potential blind spots. As a driver, you are required to follow all street signs. 2. When driving in school or playground zones, it’s mandatory for drivers to lower their vehicle speed to match the maximum speed posted on the sign, typically 30km/h unless otherwise posted. A school or playground zone also prohibits drivers from passing or attempting to pass another vehicle travelling in the same direction when the zone is in effect. 3.

Save upto 25% on Your Intact Auto Insurance Premium with MyDrive App. Good drivers should be rewarded and that’s exactly what the Intact MyDrive Program aims to do.

Save upto 25% on Your Intact Auto Insurance Premium with MyDrive App

While unpredictable accidents occur and can drive up your auto insurance premiums, the industry recognizes that individuals who practice safe driving deserve savings and insurance tailored to their driving habits. The Intact MyDrive App helps you get rewarded for safe driving and can save you up to 25% on your car insurance. In this article, we take a more detailed look into how this program works. What Type of Water Damages are Covered by Insurance? Water damage is one of the leading causes of home insurance claims, accounting for 50% of home claims filed.

What Type of Water Damages are Covered by Insurance?

Does A Typical Home Insurance Policy Cover Wildfires? Each year, wildfires leave behind devastating damages on homes.

Does A Typical Home Insurance Policy Cover Wildfires?

With a sharp spike in occurrences of wildfires over the past decade, homeowners are looking into their home insurance policy for wildfire coverage and how much coverage they have. The question is – does a standard home insurance policy cover wildfires? The short answer is yes – however, there are limitations to be aware of. Avoiding Cyber-Attacks: Precautions to Take While Working from Home. In light of recent times, remote work has become a necessity for organizations across the world.

Avoiding Cyber-Attacks: Precautions to Take While Working from Home

This global shift took place within a matter of days, forcing companies to switch gears towards a new working landscape that will continue for months and, for some, indefinitely. With a surge in remote work comes a surge in the risk of cyberattacks and phishing. Working from home comes with unique challenges. Employees find themselves using laptops and home computers without the layers of security controls that they would normally be protected with at the office. What you need to know about the new Alberta Condominium Insurance changes? Condominium Insurance is a relatively misunderstood type of coverage. To further complicate things, there have been some recent legislation changes made that may affect your policy, so this is the perfect time to review your policy to ensure that you have the appropriate level of coverage. According to the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI), effective January 1, 2020, Condominium Corporations will be able to seek recovery of the deductible portion of the Corporation’s insurance claim (up to a maximum of $50,000) from an Owner for damages that originates from the Owner’s unit or privacy area.

Also, Check- Home Insurance: Is It Necessary? It’s important to understand what is and what isn’t covered by home insurance to avoid any surprises and devastating damage that can leave you vulnerable. Alpine Home Insurance compiled a list of what’s covered by most home insurance policies and what is often left out so you could make an informed decision on your coverage. Overall House Coverage Home insurance policies typically cover your house, its contents. and any detached structures on the property.