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The Durian Open Movie Project » Download & Watch. Sintel, the Durian Open Movie Project. Elephants Dream » Download & Watch. Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. The elder, Proog, acts as a tour-guide and protector, happily showing off the sights and dangers of the machine to his initially curious but increasingly skeptical protege Emo.

As their journey unfolds we discover signs that the machine is not all Proog thinks it is, and his guiding takes on a more desperate aspect. Elephants Dream is a story about communication and fiction, made purposefully open-ended as the world’s first 3D animated “Open movie”. The film itself is released under the Creative Commons license, along with the production files used to make it (roughly 7 Gigabytes of data). The software used to make the movie is the free/open source animation suite Blender, along with other open source software, thus allowing the movie to be remade, remixed and re-purposed. 2006, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Watch Elephants Dream in a flash plugin here. Big Buck Bunny » Download. NOTE: This page is from 2008, links might have expired. Instead, get the old film release here: and the new release (4k, HFR, 3D): Streaming File Types Find out which file works best for you: Videos We recommend using the torrents for the fastest download, use a BitTorrent Client to download them. Torrent seed: FrostClickItalian mirror: kino3dLithuanian mirror: Atviras kodas Lietuvai Apple iPod versions Uncompressed png and audio files browse at Production Repository from DVD PAL and NTSC dvd iso, at Entire Studio backup (over 200 GB) Bruitages radio.

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