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Bootstrap. How It Works - Setup Download HTML KickStart Include jQuery and HTML KickStart <script src=" src="js/kickstart.js"></script><! -- KICKSTART --><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/kickstart.css" media="all" /><! -- KICKSTART --> Copy Elements into your HTML Browsers. iRule. 30+ Tools for Building Mobile Apps (+ Poll!) Over a year ago, we posted a round-up of DIY mobile development tools entitled "13 Tools for Building Your Own iPhone App," which has been one of our long-standing top posts of all time.

30+ Tools for Building Mobile Apps (+ Poll!)

Clearly, there's interest in this area. But focusing on just "DIY" tools for just the iPhone platform is an outdated way of looking at mobile development, if we do say so ourselves. Android, Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry, Symbian and other platforms are now important considerations too, as is the mobile Web itself. Plus, there is a wide range of services supporting mobile development all the way from DIY kits up to developer-friendly, cross-platform SDKs.