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7 Core Ideas about Personas and The User Experience: MeasuringU. Jeff Sauro • July 31, 2012 A public personality, an assumed identity or a character in a novel--the term persona is used widely in our vernacular.

7 Core Ideas about Personas and The User Experience: MeasuringU

But, when it comes to User Experience (UX), a persona takes on a more specific meaning. Personas are a widely used in UX Research with 65% of practitioners reporting using them on projects. Here are seven core ideas everyone in the UX field should know about personas. 1. I was first introduced to personas, like many others in the eponymous field of UX, in the late 90's from the book, The Inmates are Running the Asylum by Alan Cooper. At about the same time as Cooper, marketing director Angus Jenkinson developed the concept and methodology of personas for usability in the mid 1990s. Cooper developed a similar concept during this time and, starting in 1995, recommended creating software with a specific, not generic, user in mind. 2. Personas are not a list of tasks, duties or responsibilities. Hear what Alan Cooper has to say about personas. 3. 4. Designing For The Multifaceted User. Advertisement Designing with users in mind is a tricky thing.

Designing For The Multifaceted User

Not only does it require of us a sound understanding of who our users are, but the actual act of translating what we know about them into a well-designed product is not always an obvious or easy path. Currently, our user experience tools tend to focus on “who” users are. I believe this is a hangover from how we traditionally approached marketing and market research. A couple of years ago, I stumbled across a somewhat different method, which has proven useful in a few of my own projects. So, first, let me explain where I think our current toolset falls short, and then I’ll walk you through an example that uses this newer technique. We Are Multifaceted Put yourself in the shoes of a user for a moment. Imagine also, then, that you’ve stumbled upon a blog post on a topic that you care strongly about. 1Acting differently according to circumstance and context is natural. What does this mean for us as designers? Modelling User Groups.

Personality styles, types, theories and psychometrics models, personality tests and quizzes theory. Home » self/personal development » personality theories, types and tests personality types, behavioural styles theories, personality and testing systems - for self-awareness, self-development, motivation, management, and recruitment Motivation, management, communications, relationships - focused on yourself or others - are a lot more effective when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate or manage or develop or help.

personality styles, types, theories and psychometrics models, personality tests and quizzes theory

Understanding personality is also a key to unlocking elusive human qualities, for example leadership, motivation, and empathy, whether your purpose is self-development, helping others, or any other field relating to people and how we behave. The personality theories that underpin personality tests and personality quizzes are surprisingly easy to understand at a basic level. This section seeks to explain many of these personality theories and ideas. The more models you understand, the better your appreciation of motivation and behaviour. The Birkman Method® About. Q: But that seems way too simple!


A: Okay, we lied and made the system simpler than it actually is. Way simpler. What really underpins this system is the notion of cognitive functions. But that's not something we can teach you in an afternoon. So it's important to understand that our rundown above is just a quick way to explain the system to newcomers and not what actually goes on behind the scenes. Q: Is this system scientific? A: Despite the existence of blowhards who like to say that Jungian typology is "completely random" or "no better than astrology," scientific evaluations have repeatedly found it to be "acceptable. " Q: What do the colors mean? A: Remember that scene in Reservoir Dogs where all the robbers get colors? In truth the colors don't really mean so much. Q: Is there a relationship between type and IQ? A: When measuring large groups of people scientists tend to find a relationship between type and IQ.

A Closer Look At Personas: What They Are And How They Work (Part 1) Advertisement In my experience as an interaction designer, I have come across many strategies and approaches to increase the quality and consistency of my work, but none more effective than the persona.

A Closer Look At Personas: What They Are And How They Work (Part 1)

Personas have been in use since the mid-’90s and since then have gained widespread awareness within the design community. For every designer who uses personas, I have found even more who strongly oppose the technique. I once also viewed personas with disdain, seeing them as a silly distraction from the real work at hand — that is, until I witnessed them being used properly and to their full potential. Once I understood why personas were valuable and how they could be put into action, I started using them in my own work, and then something interesting happened: My process became more efficient and fun, while the fruits of my labor became more impactful and useful to others. What Is A Persona? What Does A Persona Look Like? Where Does The Concept Of Personas Come From?