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Eric Baird

Eric Baird, through Baird Inc., is also a part-owner of several other businesses. His companies include Tarpon Pointe Marina, Baird Real Estate, Hotel Ranola, and he is the acting President of the Gail Baird Foundation. The Gail Baird Foundation was created in memory of Gail Baird - Eric Baird’s mother - after her struggle with ovarian cancer ended in 2012. The mission of the Gail Baird Foundation is to support increased awareness of ovarian cancer and to fund those initiatives committed to researching and curing the disease. The foundation also continues Gail’s dedication to providing opportunities to aspiring women entrepreneurs and to enriching the lives of seniors and veterans. Eric Baird, infused with his mother’s entrepreneurial and generous spirit, is dedicated to the pursuit of sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience for the benefit of his local businesses and community.

Entrepreneur Eric Baird of Sarasota: The Biz Town Boost for Southside Elementary. International Business Times. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

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Eric Baird Showcases Tarpon Pointe Marina Renovations. Florida entrepreneur Eric Baird shows off the latest overhaul of Bradenton's Tarpon Pointe Marina.

Eric Baird Showcases Tarpon Pointe Marina Renovations

Eu.heraldtribune. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

This Entrepreneur has Racked Up the Accolades. Here's Why He Says It Doesn't Matter. Awards are a distraction.

This Entrepreneur has Racked Up the Accolades. Here's Why He Says It Doesn't Matter

Instead, real success is measured by impact. Or at least that’s the thinking of Eric Baird, who, despite racking up accolades, says entrepreneurs should “go humble” rather than boastful, in response to success. Eric Baird is a real estate investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. His company, Baird Inc, specializes in helping clients discover financial solutions that will help them meet their financial goals, secure their financial futures, and serve the needs of mid-market and small-cap businesses.

He is also the founder of, a mail forwarding and shipping company that has received the Governor’s Business Diversification Award for Export Excellence in recognition of the organization’s success in creating jobs all across the state and in boosting capital investment in local communities and businesses. When it comes to award-winning work, this is just the tip of the iceberg for Eric Baird and his numerous enterprises. Eric Baird on How to Turn Restlessness Into Impactful Innovation. If you or your team are feeling restless in 2021, you’re far from alone.

Eric Baird on How to Turn Restlessness Into Impactful Innovation

New stresses, new work situations, and continued uncertainty about the future are all contributing to restless feelings throughout many industries. People are unsure what plans to make, struggling to focus, and generally feeling like there should be something more. Eric Baird believes that’s fine: Restlessness is a classic example of a problem that’s also an opportunity – and there are healthy ways to deal with it. Here are Eric Baird’s suggestions for using that restlessness to create new ideas and approaches that will benefit everyone. Goodwill spreads holiday cheer to local veterans in need. On December 13, Goodwill Manasota – in partnership with the Gail Baird Foundation – hosted a festive holiday lunch for 50 homeless veterans from Sarasota and Manatee counties.

Goodwill spreads holiday cheer to local veterans in need

Highlights included a delicious lunch of hot turkey and fixings prepared by Zildjian Catering, gifts, and educational information about housing, employment opportunities, and area food banks. The event took place at the Goodwill Manasota Veterans Service Program offices on Lockwood Ridge Road in north Sarasota. Jennifer Steube, wife of incoming State Senator Greg Steube, welcomed the veterans. Goodwill Manasota director of the Veterans Services Program, C.J. Bannister, explained the wide variety of services offered through the program. Gail Baird Foundation donates $10,000 to V Foundation. SARASOTA, Florida – The Gail Baird Foundation donated $10,000 to the V Foundation through their 12th Annual Dick Vitale Gala, joining hundreds of supporters in meeting their fundraising goal.

Gail Baird Foundation donates $10,000 to V Foundation

The event, held May 12 at The Ritz Carlton Sarasota, raised $3.12 million dollars for pediatric cancer research. Every year, several sports and entertainment celebrities attend the Gala in support of their mission to eradicate children’s cancers. Funds from this year’s event will contribute to the Not a Moment to Lose campaign, which is strategically focused on emerging, high-impact research opportunities. “The extensive work and research being done through the V Foundation mirrors our foundation’s commitment to battle cancer,” said Eric Baird, president of the Gail Baird Foundation. “We are happy to be a part of such an important event to bring awareness to pediatric cancer and the families that it has affected.”

05 17 17 Gail Baird Foundation donates 10k to V Foundation. This Week's Good Deeds. Child Protection Center’s fourth annual Men Whiskey & Watches event, held Dec. 15, raised almost $120,000 to fund programs at the center.

This Week's Good Deeds

More than 325 guests attended. The Forty Carrots Family Center charity event Wine, Women & Shoes recently raised over $500,000. The money will provide parenting education and mental health services in Sarasota and Manatee County for families that might otherwise not have access to them. Downtown Sarasota's Hotel Ranola Sold for $2.9 Million. Local businessman and real estate investor Eric Baird has purchased Hotel Ranola, a boutique hotel in downtown Sarasota with 27 units.

Downtown Sarasota's Hotel Ranola Sold for $2.9 Million

Built in 1926, the hotel at 118 Indian Place initially catered to snowbirds seeking an escape from harsh Northern winters. “Today, Hotel Ranola appeals to sophisticated leisure and business travelers seeking a uniquely Sarasota experience,” says Baird, president of Baird Ventures. “We plan to maintain Hotel Ranola’s traditional charm while enhancing its overall appeal.” Baird Ventures acquired the hotel in January for $2.9 million. Southside Elementary Receives Annual Donation for Junior Achievement 'BizTowns' 5 Things You Must Know About Baird Inc. It is said that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy.

5 Things You Must Know About Baird Inc.

Yet, for the sector that supposedly helps carry the country, it seems as if small businesses always have it rough -- from securing financing as a startup to sustaining their commerce. Securing a loan from banks has always been a struggle for small and/or starting businesses. Add the fact that running a trade means incurring costs left and right. All these make it easy to get disheartened about ever starting a business. Thankfully, private equity firms exist, and the right one can help fill in that financial gap and give you a better chance at succeeding in your venture. Importance of private equity and financing firms While they aren’t always the go-to source of funding for some startups and small businesses, private equity firms are increasing in importance and demand -- most especially for entrepreneurs looking to scale beyond the launch phase and find “bigger fish to fry.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Real Estate Investor Eric Baird Purchases Hotel Ranola in Downtown Sarasota. Local businessman and real estate investor Eric Baird has purchased Hotel Ranola, a boutique hotel in downtown Sarasota with 27 units. Built in 1926, the hotel at 118 Indian Place initially catered to snowbirds seeking an escape from harsh Northern winters. “Today, Hotel Ranola appeals to sophisticated leisure and business travelers seeking a uniquely Sarasota experience,” said Baird, president of Baird Ventures. “We plan to maintain Hotel Ranola’s traditional charm while enhancing the overall appeal of this centrally located property.” Million-Dollar Gift Benefits Sarasota County Schools Teachers.

The 2,850 instructional staff employed by Sarasota County Schools will receive an unexpected gift in the form of $350 discretionary grants that may be used for personal or professional purposes. The Education Foundation of Sarasota County (EFSC) will administer the grants, which are made possible through a $1,075,000 cash donation by Sarasota businessman Eric Baird, who owns Baird Inc., an investment company specializing in real estate and senior debt lending. Baird attributes his inspiration to reward teachers with the gift in honor of his late mother, Gail Baird, who believed that anyone could achieve their dreams with support and guidance.

Jennifer Vigne, EFSC president, said the organization is excited to give the grants to teachers as the donation’s purpose aligns with the EFSC’s mission, which includes promoting excellence in teaching. The awards will be mailed to teachers by the end of this calendar year. Education Foundation of Sarasota and Local Businessman Eric Baird to Give $350 to Every Teacher In Sarasota County - SRQ Daily Dec 16, 2019. Todays News.