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Among the 'Stars'

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If I May. Star Wars Characters Alphabet. It’s no secret that we here at Digital Bus Stop are fans of the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars Characters Alphabet

However, while we’re fans, what Brandon and Emma Peat did for their newborn son is so far beyond fan, and makes us incredibly jealous of their talents. To decorate his room in their apartment, they designed the entire alphabet around Star Wars characters (original trilogy and expanded universe only. Fine arts blog » Star Wars arts. “The Empire Needs You!” – Striking Star Wars Propaganda Posters. It is time to use the force, the force of Star Wars propaganda!

“The Empire Needs You!” – Striking Star Wars Propaganda Posters

There’s been a lot of water under the bridge since the debut of the very first episode of the cosmic world saga called the Star Wars. Today Star Wars have become a religion that can easily conquer with the major worldwide religions by the number of its adherents. We would like to show you a collection of truly inspiring and beautiful propaganda posters devoted to the Star Wars episodes.