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Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting/Wheezy. Simple: list here the tests that you've done on the images you've downloaded. Help us make the Wheezy release the best one ever! We need to know, for each test: architecture type of hardware (make, model etc. if relevant) image used (full filename please!) Installer display type (text/gui/serial/?) Thanks for your help! We will be co-ordinating on IRC (#debian-cd on to ensure that we cover the stuff we want, and to avoid duplication of efforts. As we build images during release day, they will appear at .

Here it is! Remember to verify physical install media before you start testing it! Our preferred list of tests to be run is below. To claim a test, edit this page and add your name/nick next to it with a time in UTC and INPROGRESS. If you do need to list a failure report, please file a bug against installation-reports immediately and tell us more on irc. Specific things we want to check for: Boot time debian-installer Finally.


Svn. Audiostream. Gnome. Suspend. Mssql. Stable. Debian Administration :: Downloadable chroots for Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora Core. Posted by loic on Mon 5 Nov 2007 at 10:11 I'm a frequent user of vserver and I like to create fresh installations as quickly as I can, for packaging or test purposes mostly. Unfortunately there aren't many current images available for download. So I made my own. I've found a small number of vserver images available for download, unfortunately they tend to be obsolete or impractical to use compared to the standard debootstrap method. I also like to have a repository of chroots available via rsync and so I've made them available at: rsync (That link can be found in the vserver downloads section.) The rsync server contains the following distributions: Debian etch, lenny, unstable, dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsyFedora fc5, fc6 and f7 I update them from time to time (typically once a month) and they have been around for over two years now.

I initialy thought that the lack of virgin chroot on the net was because my use case was wrong. Virtualization in Debian Etch (Part 1 - User Mode Linux) | P U N K N ! X . c o m. This is part 1 of my virtualization articles. This article is about using User Mode Linux (UML) to build virtual server on Debian Etch. I have been using UML for more than two years. The major reason is that I needed isolated virtual servers for Voyage Linux development. At that time, there are not many options available. Right now, I have two virtual servers running under UML. Follow this step-by-step guide, we will show you: how to prepare the Debian Etch as a host OS for running UMLhow to create a Debian Etch guest OS image how to run guest OS under the UML the tips for running UML guest OS on a host with bridge networkthe performance of UML - we will use the build time of Voyage Linux kernel image as the performance measures 1.

First, you will need to install the uml kernel. # apt-get install user-mode-linux uml-utilities debootstrap user-mode-linux contains the userspace binary called "linux", which is the linux kernel running in userspace. 2. 3. 4. Create $MOUNT/etc/hostname 5. 6. ... EtchAndAHalf. EyeOS | Escritorio Web - Sistema Operativo Web - Web Office - Tu vida digital contigo, en todas partes.

Details, Installation, & Set-up of Debian based Linux Servers - Wiki. From Wiki Typical SERVER SET-UP Range of SERVICEs, and INSTALLATION HOW-To's All these services are based on a Debian base install using the current stable Debian Sarge, unless specifically stated otherwise. Similiarly, all these services are installed from Debian Packages from the Stable Repository using APT, unless specifically stated otherwise.

A Service is typically one which typically requires ROOT permission to install, runs as a Special User on the server, starts up at boot time, and provides a key base service, with which applications run on top of. An application is one which can be installed by a User with limited permissions, runs ontop of a set of required services, e.g. Typical VHOSTS VHOSTS - Virtual Hosts, are typically Web addresses which apache handles and serves out. KVM Setup on Debian Squeeze (Old Lenny KVM Setup) Setup of KVM Guest VMs Other KVM Info Scripts OF THE TRADE Tips and Tricks Remove Management of Servers IP KVM Serial Console Switch dist-upgrading hardy to lucid.