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Main Page - MySQL and UTF-8. Home - MongoDB - 10gen Confluence. The Apache Cassandra Project. NOSQL DATABASES. Apache CouchDB: The CouchDB Project. MySQL Cluster Sandbox. MySQL Cluster Sandbox let's you get going within seconds. The packages contains a number of scripts to install, setup, and run MySQL CLuster and are intended for localhost installation only. They can be used for evaluation and development, as well as getting familiar with MySQL Cluster. Disk intensive, i.e write intensive apps, should use a real distributed setup. Otherwise there is a big chance that you will overload the disk subsystem. The data nodes will complain about "Redo logs overloaded" or something about "Redobuffer".

If you want to have a real distributed setup, please use the configurator! The packages comes with: 1 management server 2 data nodes 2 mysql servers All processes are running on localhost! You can install the packages as any user! Choose if you want to use the Pre-packaged configurations (fixed ports) or create a Custom configuration where you set the ports yourself. mac osx users Follow the instructions further down. Try out the Custom sandbox for more tunables. Small.