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Mr. Yosie - Cotorreando en la esquina. (Video Oficial) El Deforma: Un No-ticiero de verdad. Fire Tornado Created With Twelve Fans.


Scooter Freestyle - World's Best Pro Scooter Riders!!! 231663_1244100169_large.jpg (1215×1626) 352432_1246003810_large.jpg (1600×992) The Chromatic Typewriter. Washington-based painter Tyree Callahan modified a 1937 Underwood Standard typewriter, replacing the letters and keys with color pads and hued labels to create a functional “painting” device called the Chromatic Typewriter.

The Chromatic Typewriter

Callahan submitted the beautiful typewriter as part of the 2012 West Prize competition, an annual art prize that’s determined by popular vote. Unique Steampunk Insects. Since the late 1990′s style steampunk is becoming more and more popular, and not only in the literature.

Unique Steampunk Insects

Various modern utilitarian objects have been modded by enthusiasts into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical “steampunk” style. And often this stylization gives very unexpected results. Like, for example, art works of american sculptor Mike Libby. His studio Insect Lab make robots from dried insects. Insects for his works come from around the world, from Africa, China, New Guinea, Brazil, Texas, etc. RIFT_003.jpg (1024×683) 28485008.jpg (1536×1152) 30 Creative Ways to Repurpose & Reuse Old Stuff. We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it.

30 Creative Ways to Repurpose & Reuse Old Stuff

Either it’s “still OK”, or “might come in handy” or just holds some sentimental value to it. In extreme cases, this might lead to hoarding, but if you’re creative enough, you can solve the problem by repurposing, upcycling and reusing your old things. Besides serving a purpose (again), repurposed items add this lovely touch of creativity and coziness to the space. Heck, most of the time, upcycled things become even cooler than they originally were.

23 super creative repurposed items. 2012: a bloody good year for extreme sports. 2012 has been a pretty remarkable year for extreme sports and on top of the ‘lympics, a damn good one for sport in general at that.

2012: a bloody good year for extreme sports

This ‘People are Awesome‘ style compilation picks out some of the key extreme sports achievements and events of the past year and we think it does a pretty stellar job of summing everything up. Visualsundae. This is a Work of Fiction. Play Dude and Zombies. Photo and image hosting, free photo galleries, photo editing. HAVOK - "D.O.A." Official Music Video. Ghost B.C. - Year Zero (Censored) Turn Empty Water Bottles Into Alcohol Fueled Rockets. Zelda - Links Awakening. Rebuild - Zombie Games - Free Flash Online Games - Two Towers Games.

Amazing video of baby surviving being hit by train. Universe Project - The Most Ambitious Game Ever. Learn lucid dreaming: part 1. The Unusual Duet. How context shapes content: Rodney Mullen at TEDxUSC. Bottled AIR: Chinese multimillionaire sells EIGHT MILLION cans of fresh air in TEN DAYS as pollution levels climb to record high. By Reuters Reporter and Daily Mail Reporter Published: 05:00 GMT, 1 February 2013 | Updated: 06:12 GMT, 1 February 2013 escape the smog.

Bottled AIR: Chinese multimillionaire sells EIGHT MILLION cans of fresh air in TEN DAYS as pollution levels climb to record high

Cans of fresh air are up for sale in China as a multimillionaire looks to capitalize on the country's foulest fortnight for air pollution in memory. Chen Guangbiao, who made his fortune in the recycling business and is a high-profile philanthropist, is selling soda pop-sized cans of air, purportedly from far-flung, pristine regions of China such as Xinjiang in the northwest to Taiwan, the southeast coast. He says 10 million cans have sold in the last 10 days as pollution levels climb to record highs. 'I want to tell mayors, county chiefs and heads of big companies: don't just chase GDP growth, don't chase the biggest profits at the expense of our children and grandchildren and at the cost of sacrificing our ecological environment', Chen said. Omnitech skateboard action figure demo. Teaser FULLGAZ "Extreme Sport Lifestyle" Ice Cube Celebrates The Eames.

Burning Mercury Thiocyanide Will Amaze You. Petey Greene - How to eat Watermelon (Subtitled) Daniel Shepard y tú. Homemade Tattoos. First he showed us how to stuff a mouse.

Homemade Tattoos

Now Andreas is back with a needle, ink, and some beer. Photos: Trippe & Trolf Yeah, bad tattoos are basically a bummer, right? But they're also pretty much a rite of passage for bored and disenfranchised-feeling teenagers the world over. At least it was for about 95% of the people I know. It's easy-anyone can do it (even teenagers, who, according to recent scientific tests, don't even have fully functional brains). Here's what you'll need: 1) Sewing needles, not too big and not too little. To start with, assemble all your supplies on your work surface. Wait, on second thought, let's include one more thing in the photo: Being neat isn't required, but my OCD makes me have to arrange everything at right angles to everything else.

Calavera. "Magic Carp-pet" - Rug Design. Animated optical illusion. Make your own 3D paper hollow face illusion (Print) Incredible Illusions & Science! (2011 Compilation) Amazing Anamorphic Illusions! Weird Aquariums: One Pot, Two Lives - Okeanos Aquascaping. Posted by Dabney B. on Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 Image: Out in the ocean and rivers there are a million different components working together to create a harmonious ecosystem for fish.

Weird Aquariums: One Pot, Two Lives - Okeanos Aquascaping

Aquarists can replicate those conditions as best they can, but there will always be a few problems that hobbyists run into. Probably the single biggest issue is clean water, and that includes all of the complicated details like pH level, ammonia levels, and water cleanliness. 22 Unusual and Creative Aquariums. Is your life full of stress and worry?

22 Unusual and Creative Aquariums

Do you have high blood pressure or insomnia? Getting an aquarium may be a great way to relax! Many studies have shown that watching fish going about their daily business can reduce your stress levels, lower your blood pressure and make you feel more relaxed. Besides all the health benefits, aquarium can be a beautiful addition to your home that attracts a lot of attention. One Pot, Two Lives - Place Where Fish And Plants Can Make Love. Circulating Fish Tank and Plant Pot by Sheng-Zhe Feng and Ling-Yuan Chou. One Pot, Two Lives No drugs!

Circulating Fish Tank and Plant Pot by Sheng-Zhe Feng and Ling-Yuan Chou

Only fishes and plants. The Retarded/PWD Mosh Pit. The making of Akari Light Sculpures. How to make a TRON style lamp. Write Bulb. SKY-MAP.ORG. Deception [2012] ╰♥╮ Full Movie NEW! 1080p Remastered 2008 Edition. Condom Hack Pack Volume 2! RoboGeisha (Full Movie - Subtitles) Backyard Waterslide of DOOM PART 2! New Angle! Must See! SketchUp and CAD - Importing and Preparations. Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? Exquisite Corpse Drawing. SolidThinking at a glance, 3D modeling made easy. Tattoo Gun- Homemade is 5 minutes. Simple interactive 3D modeling for all. Drawing the Hypercube # 1. Broadcast Yourself. Don Alejandro Mayan message to the world. Shreeya Deshpande Sets Guinness World Record – Limbo Skating. Dogboarding. First Look: Woodward Beijing Skatepark. By Ben Kelly Thu, Mar 25 2010 12:03 pm | Comments Woodward skatecamp has been expanding their facilities into China’s second largest city, and just finished building the park at Woodward Beijing.

First Look: Woodward Beijing Skatepark

With a full outdoor plaza and indoor everything else, it looks amazing. Take a look at the photos below. Stay tuned for more photos and videos from the grand opening on May 15th. Telekinetic Skateboard - Skateboarding Magazine. Right after ZBoard gets attention from the media, Chaotic Moon Labs roll in with their second installment to their Board of Awesomeness project: The Board of Imagination. The Board of Awesomeness, Kinect-controlled skateboard featured at CES 2012, was the first part of this project also known as the “Why” part of the project, according to Whurley, resident evil genius at the computing company. The “Wow” part is The Board of Imagination. A mind-controlled, telekinetic, brainwave-controlled board. The board uses a Emotiv EPOC headset that turns brainwaves into motion, shooting riders down the road at speeds up to 32 MPH.

Double Knee Strike - Get Yourself Muscles! SupEr hAndZ. Lava sculpture. Walkalong Foam Glider Progress Report. Walkalong Foam Glider Progress Report. Fugazi - Turnover - (Live 1991) _lw56t6YMeq1qf1imgo1_500.jpg (500×564) Takanakuy, el club de la lucha peruano. Como siempre, si algún lector peruano termina por desmentir o corregir datos de este texto, bienvenido sea. Según me he documentado, el Takanakuy es una festividad que se celebra el 25 de diciembre en los andes peruanos y está dedicada al encontronazo cuerpo a cuerpo entre hombres, a golpe de puño y sin reglas que impida el uso de protecciones o prendas que ayuden en el ataque, como unos zapatos preparados para hacer daño (a menudo pueden verse botas de minero con la punta de acero); lo único que sí está prohibido son los anillos.

Un club de la lucha ancestral en el que las peleas sirven para cumplir promesas, practicar deporte o resolver conflictos sentimentales. The DC Video [Full Movie] 2003. Street Dreams Movie. Not Another Transworld Video. Girl - Yeah Right. ZERO Strange World full video. SK8MAFIA FULL VIDEO. Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour (Full) Steve-O - "The Early Years" (Full-2004) Element Skateboards Europe - Get Busy Living [FULL VID] Flip extremely sorry full video. Emerica - This is Skateboarding. The Ball. Evolved. Dormido en el Metro y Madrazo. Blitz Kid / Thats Life. Alana, Age 6, Best Beauty Pageant Kid, Ever Video.

Crazy Dude Surfs On His Car's Windshield Video. Creepiest Children's Show Segment Ever. Quantum Levitation Wipeout Track Video. That's Tramptastic! People Are Awesome 2 Video. Your Reviews, Series, Scanlator and Latest Manga Release Resource.


Caquin. Diseño.