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9 Best Ruby on Rails Tutorial Videos Online - Equally Simple. Photo by Andrew Are you interested in learning how to build a dynamic website from scratch?

9 Best Ruby on Rails Tutorial Videos Online - Equally Simple

Wondering how to make a snazzy front-end along with a robust back-end for your next web application idea? To get you off the ground running, we have researched and gathered together the best Ruby on Rails tutorial videos for beginners. When learning new technologies, we often hit roadblocks during initial setup, or struggle to understand the key concepts. Watching video tutorials can help us accelerate this initial learning curve. Ruby on Rails is a popular open source web application framework that many web developers have fallen in love with over the years. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any experiences with the principles and patterns mentioned above. SEE ALSO: Best Objective C Tutorial and Android Tutorial Videos. A 12-course Rails development track is offered at Treehouse. The first few courses in the Rails development track focus on the fundamentals.

8 Best Android Development Video Tutorials - Equally Simple. Photo by Rob Bulmahn Thank you very much for all the positive feedback on our recent post on the best Objective-C video tutorials. We want everyone to benefit from our research, so hearing from you is very motivational for us. Many of you have been asking for a similar list of video resources for learning Android app development. Our initial focus is on developing iOS apps, so we weren’t actively looking at the Android platform. However, since we’ll be developing for Android in the near future anyway, we decided to do some upfront research on what kind of video resources are available online. We really like the video tutorial format, especially when learning a new development environment.

S Corp vs LLC ( INC vs LLC ) : Starting a business - Equally Simple. So, a couple of friends and you have finally decided to take your ideas to the next level and start a business partnership.

S Corp vs LLC ( INC vs LLC ) : Starting a business - Equally Simple

Starting and running a business is all about making smart decisions and making them quickly. But the amount of decisions you face from the very beginning can be mind-boggling. Do you need to form a partnership like an LLC or a corporation like an S Corp? What are the tax implications? 6 Tips on Starting Your Own Part-Time Business. So you have a great idea, and you want to start a business.

6 Tips on Starting Your Own Part-Time Business

But you’re hesitant to go full throttle. You have bills to pay, so you can’t spontaneously quit your full-time job. Or, maybe you just want to test your ideas before jumping into the game full-time. Whatever your reasons may be, starting part-time may be your best option. We started our mobile app business while keeping our full-time jobs. Here are some tips we’d like to sharethat enables us to stay positive and continue moving our business forward: This may seem obvious, but when we deeply examined ourselves, we realized having a winning mindset was one of the most important prerequisites to starting our own business.

Is an amazing book that we recommend if you are unsure on where to get started. What if I end up just wasting my time and resources? However, our perspective changes with a winning mindset. I am now using my spare time and resources in a more productive way. 10 Best Objective-C and iOS Developer Video Tutorials Online - Equally Simple. If you are developing an iOS app yourself, I’m sure that you’ve searched online to find that there are a sea of resources out there.

10 Best Objective-C and iOS Developer Video Tutorials Online - Equally Simple

One of the best ways to learn code is by writing it yourself; and the quickest way to start writing code is by watching others do it themselves. To help you out, we’ve sorted through the sea of videos and learning sites out there, and have compiled a list of video tutorials that we find most useful in learning Objective-C and iOS development.

SEE ALSO: 8 Best Android Development Video Tutorials iTunes U: Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad ( Stanford ) Free. TeamTreeHouse: iOS Development Track Free 14 day trial. Udemy: Objective-C Free/Paid. iOS category Free 7 Day Trial. Harvard Extension School: Building Mobile Applications Free. 12 Lectures in total which goes over HTML5 (2 lectures), Android (5 lectures), iOS (4 lectures), and Windows Mobile (1 lecture). 7 Business Lessons from CNBC's "The Profit" by Marcus Lemonis - Part 1 - Equally Simple. Photo by torbakhopper Marcus Lemonis is the star of CNBC’s hit reality show, ‘The Profit‘.

7 Business Lessons from CNBC's "The Profit" by Marcus Lemonis - Part 1 - Equally Simple

Marcus puts his own money on the line to save struggling small businesses and makes a profit while doing so. He’s also the chairman and CEO of Camping World and Good Sams Enterprises, with over $3 billion in sales in 2013. Every episode of ‘The Profit’ focuses on one business that Marcus wants to invest in. These are typically businesses that are struggling to stay afloat, or unable to reach the next level. Watching the thrill of the deal and the erratic personalities of the business owners provides much entertainment value.

We are very excited that Season 2 of ‘The Profit’ is underway, and we just can’t get enough of it. Obviously, if we’re writing about business lessons from Marcus Lemonis, we have to talk about the 3 Ps: People, Process, and Product. We won’t go into too much detail with the 3 Ps since there are many other articles out there that talk about this in detail already. Mr.