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Brain news, opinion, analysis, photos and video. Learn more about Books. H. P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book. This book consists of ideas, images, & quotations hastily jotted down for possible future use in weird fiction. Very few are actually developed plots—for the most part they are merely suggestions or random impressions designed to set the memory or imagination working. Their sources are various—dreams, things read, casual incidents, idle conceptions, & so on. —H. P. 1 Demophon shivered when the sun shone upon him. 1919 25 Man visits museum of antiquities—asks that it accept a bas-relief he has just made—old and learned curator laughs and says he cannot accept anything so modern. 1920 83 Quotation “. . . a defunct nightmare, which had perished in the midst of its wickedness, and left its flabby corpse on the breast of the tormented one, to be gotten rid of as it might.” 1922?

1925 129 Marble Faun p. 346—strange and prehistorick Italian city of stone. 130 N.E. region call’d “Witches’ Hollow”—along course of a river. Free online speed reading software | Kaizen_blog2.png (800×788) Simplify Your Future — Bruce Kasanoff.