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Gbridge Download. AngularJS. Clusterssh. Dapper. PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. ElasticSearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine. Doc On Dev: Sharpening the Saw. I like to practice my craft. I enjoy participating in Code Retreats. I enjoy facilitating Code Retreats. I like working on kata and koans. And a lot of what I talk about includes references to these practices. We at LeanDog are always on the lookout for people who are passionate about improving their own craft. I thought I'd start a blog entry where I catalog resources that might be of interest to others looking for ways to sharpen their saw.

Please feel free to reply to this post with other resources I don't have listed. Programming Exercises Pragmatic Programmers Code Kata A collection of Kata from the folks over at Pragmatic. You can also find information about kata, koans, kumite, and the Dreyfus model. Coders Dojo There are no kata listed on this site, but if you are interested in kata, you need to know about this one. CodingDojo There are approximately 25 different exercises on this site. Coding Kata Over 20 kata are listed here. Ruby Quiz Project Euler Programming Praxis TDD Problems. Input Director - Software KVM to Control Multiple Computers. Big Blue Button (Web Conf.)